
SDSM: Nikola Gruevski disconnected from the people


“Nikola Gruevski is disconnected from the people. The baroque wrought-iron fence is the biggest symbol of the fear of Nikola Gruevski” said SDSM spokesman Peter Silegov, at a press conference. “Nikola Gruevski is running scared of a revolt amongst the Macedonian public, who are not weak and dishonest politicians. Gruevski is also frightened of having to bear responsibility for all the crime, corruption and other abuses of the past 9 years, if, ‘evidence’ from ‘The Truth About Macedonia’ is verified as truth. Even in the age of the single-party system, this building was, not only, without fencing, but even the space in front was one of the most beautiful. But Gruevski reveals his own complexes and fears, and tries to hide them by fencing off public area’s in parks and the Square”. In his statement Silegov added that come victory for the SDSM in next year’s April elections, he would publicly remove the fence himself.

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