Tags Gjorgi Ivanov

Tag: Gjorgi Ivanov

Continue on your journey for the country to be a beacon of peace, says Pope Francis

I encourage you to continue on your journey in order for your country to represent a beacon of peace, acceptance and the fruitful integration of cultures, religions and nations. By reflecting on their special identities and the vitality of their cultural and civic life, they will be able to build a common destiny through the special wealth they offer....

Ivanov: Pandora’s Box is open and now everyone has the right to deny what’s ours

The Macedonian knot can not be cut, it needs to be carefully undone. I worked on undoing that knot. I was aware that there were red lines which couldn’t be crossed. Someone who thought that he could cut the knot and solve the Macedonian question at any cost came to power. Pandora's box is open and now everyone has...

Zaev has not lost hope that Gruevski will be extradited

"I do not know what world certain people still live in, so I will ask President Ivanov. Where in the world does the executive power make arrests, or the government executive investigates, or the government executive prosecutes... ?! It is a matter for the prosecution and the judiciary," said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev when asked to comment on a...

“Appalled and abused” Ivanov denies everything and demands answers from UBK over illegal wiretapping

President Gjorge Ivanov today denied more allegations and assertions from the official document released by the UBK (Administration for Security and Counter Intelligence) regarding the detention ruling for Kiril Bozinovski, and in the case of Mile Janakieski. The president's office says they are "appalled" and that there was no meeting, nor was there a request for one with Bozinovski and deny that a...

Ivanov: It is a lie that there was a meeting with a mediator for Janakieski

There was no meeting, nor was there a request for one with a mediator for Mile Janakieski, as stated in an official document from the UBK (Administration for Security and Counterintelligence), classified as "strictly confidential", which was the basis for determining the measure for detainment, said the Office of President Gjorge Ivanov after the announcement of the ruling from the Basic...

Prosecution launch pre-trial procedure against Ivanov for violating the Constitution

The Skopje Public Prosecutor's Office has opened a case against President Gjorge Ivanov, regarding two criminal charges related to the non-signing of the Law on Languages ​​and the Prespa Agreement. The case is in the pre-trial procedure and actions are being taken to check the allegations in the application. Data and information from the Parliament of Macedonia and the President's...

Ivanov: The agreement aims to make us a footnote in someone else’s version of history

With the Prespa Agreement, politicians, diplomats and bureaucrats will censor the textbooks you are writing or from which you teach, President Gjorge Ivanov said addressing professors and historians at the opening ceremony of the First National Conference on Byzantium and Mediation "Samuel's State - 1,000 years after (1018-2018) ". "In Article 8, point 5 provides for the establishment of a...

Russian MFA: In the referendum, solutions imposed from the outside were boycotted

The result of the referendum in Macedonia shows that voters have decided to boycott solutions imposed from outside, said the Russian Foreign Ministry. "Leading politicians from NATO and the European Union were directly involved in the propaganda campaign, not refraining from interfering in the country's internal affairs. Despite the fact that two thirds of the citizens of Macedonia did not...

Ivanov: I will not vote in the referendum on September 30

President Gjorge Ivanov will not vote in the referendum on the name change. In Detroit, he told the United Macedonian Diaspora that 27 years ago, he voted for an independent country with dignity and that he will not go back on the promise he made the people. "As for myself, I have already voted. I voted 27 years ago, on...

Ivanov to address 73rd session of UN General Assembly on visit to USA

The President of the Republic of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, will pay a working visit to the United States today, on the occasion of the 73rd session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, the President's Office has announced. Ivanov will address the general debate of the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly on September 27,...

Ivanov to Mattis: EU and NATO membership remain strategic goals and priorities

Today, President Gjorge Ivanov met with the US Defense Secretary James Mattis, where they exchanged views on current political developments in the Republic of Macedonia, the country's Euro-Atlantic perspectives and bilateral co-operation between the two countries in the field of defense and security, informs Ivanov office. The Macedonian President stressed that NATO and EU accession remain strategic goals and highest...

Mogherini: On September 30, you’re not voting in an election but on your future

With political leadership, headship, courage and responsibility, you can move forward, said Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission while visiting Skopje's Old Bazaar, adding that resolving open issues and implementing European values ​​will bring Macedonia into the EU. Mogherini pointed out that Macedonia has achieved huge...

Trump congratulates Ivanov: Prespa Agreement paves the way to the EU and NATO

The Prespa Agreement paves the way for Macedonia's membership to NATO and European Union, US President Donald Trump told Macedonian counterpart Gjorge Ivanov in his congratulations on Independence Day - September 8th. Trump also sent greetings to the citizens of Macedonia. "Macedonia has much to be proud of this year. The historic Prespa Agreement resolves the long-standing name issue with Greece...

Ivanov to Stoltenberg: We deserve NATO membership without additional conditions

President Gjorge Ivanov and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg discussed the current political situation in Macedonia, the country's Euro-Atlantic integration, and the progress of defense and security reforms in accordance with NATO standards, said the president's office . Ivanov stressed that Macedonia is strongly committed to promoting peace and stability and contributing to security in and outside of the region. "President Ivanov...

Stoltenberg arrives for two-day visit in Macedonia today

Today, on a two-day official visit to Macedonia, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is coming to meet with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, Defense Minister Radmila Šekerinska, President Gjorge Ivanov, Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi and other senior officials. Stoltenberg will land tonight, and will meet Minister Šekerinska. The meeting with Zaev will be held tomorrow at the MPs Clubhouse, which will...

Ivanov: The agreement with Greece legally dissolves the Macedonian people

President Gjorge Ivanov devoted much of his speech to the Agreement with Greece in his address for the occasion of August 2 – Ilinden Uprising at Mečkin Kamen in Krushevo. "It is a lie to say that with the Greek agreement, the 74-year-old right for self-determination and statehood of the Macedonian people is not being respected. On the contrary, this...

Ivanov: Macedonia deserves NATO membership without additional conditions

President Gjorge Ivanov, at a meeting with US Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Palmer, again stressed that he does not accept the agreement reached between Macedonia and Greece as it violates the Constitution and the laws and harms Macedonia's national interests, reports the presidential office. At the meeting they discussed the current political situation and further strengthening, enrichment and...

Xhaferi: Milososki received confidential documents in an unacceptable and unofficial way

Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi’s office have reacted to the case regarding the President of the Foreign Policy Committee, Antonio Milososki, ie the violation of the Law on Classified Information by the MP, who is Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee. "The President of the Foreign Policy Committee has not received a security certificate for over a year, even though Parliament...

Ivanov: Zaev is lying to the public, I will not support the Agreement with Greece

President Gjorge Ivanov, via a statement from his office, says he strongly denies the lies by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev in an interview with Greek television "ERT" that he will support the Agreement with Greece. "Prime Minister Zaev continues to lie and manipulate not only the Macedonian public but also the Greek public and the international community with his shifting, contradictory...

Xhaferi: Parliament must put an end to Ivanov’s bad practices concerning signing off on laws

If he does not sign the law on the ratification of the treaty with Greece after a second time it will be voted in Parliament, the President of the State Gjorge Ivanov will introduce a bad practice of interference with the responsibility of the authorities, ie taking over the responsibilities which belong to Parliament. This was stated by the...