
Did Siljanovska Davkova violate the Prespa Agreement? International Community reacts to her speech

International public and some of the domestic political actors issued public reactions after the new president Gordana Siljanovska Davkova failed to utter the constitutional name of the state during her inauguration on the  May 12. They consider this act as violation of the Prespa...

When medical students apologize – the impact of the anti-gender movement in the public sphere

In April 2024, the Macedonian Medical Student Association (MMSA) announced on Facebook that the Faculty of Medicine of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (UKIM) in Skopje will host a lecture titled “The Path of Transitioning.” According to the post, the lecture was supposed...

(INTERVIEW) Nikolovski: Russian Church Players in MOC-OA Imposed Fake Public Topics

Three months have passed since the public found out that Marjan Nikolovski, editor, journalist, and owner of the portal “Religija.mk” was summoned by the Ecclesiastical Court of Macedonian Orthodox Church – Archdiocese of Ohrid (MOC-OA) for his alleged dissemination of hatred among believers and the leadership...

Disinformation Is Not a Problem Only for the Media; It Is Also a Security Problem

Apart from internal, the Balkan region is exposed to external influences where disinformation is concerned but denying that disinformation is key for the protection of democracy. This was the conclusion of the first session of today’s conference “Defending Democracy in the Balkans: Safeguarding Information...

Disinformation Undermines the Foundation of Democracy – Fact-Checking is the Key

We need to become more aware of disinformation in our physical and digital worlds. Disinformation undermines trust in institutions, and therefore permanent fight against various actors who spread it is required, with fact-checkers playing the most important role. These were the conclusions from today's conference...

Disinformation surrounding the project of the first regional landfill: Neither medical nor hazardous waste will be incinerated in Sveti Nikole

No type of waste will be burnt in the regional landfill in village Meckuevci in the Municipality Sveti Nikole. The facility, that should represent the first landfill fulfilling European standards in the country, will have just two installations for secondary selection of paper, plastic,...

Without the support of fact-checkers we give up defending democracy

P“It’s our responsibility and the duty of state institutions and all stakeholders to speak out when fact-checkers are threatened and do all we can to provide a safe daily working environment for them”, said the EU Ambassador, David Geer at the opening of the...

International Fact-Checking Day marked with regional Conference – Defending Democracy in the Balkans: Safeguarding Information Integrity in the Digital Era

On April 2, International Fact-Checking Day, the Metamorphosis Foundation and the Anti-Disinformation for the Balkans organized a Regional Conference on the topic: “Defending Democracy in the Balkans: Safeguarding Information Integrity in the Digital Era”. The conference was attended by experts from the region and beyond...

Disinformation significantly enhanced during election campaigns

“Democracy at Risk: Elections in the Age of Disinformation” was the title of the second session of the regional conference of the Anti-disinformation Network for the Balkans on the occasion of marking International Fact-Checking Day. Activists and journalists from the region shared experiences related...

Russian Agents Cloaked in Mantles of the Macedonian Orthodox Church

Putin’s regime is using the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) for spreading influence in Orthodox countries. The ROC  is exerting enormous pressure on other churches and preventing the recognition of autocephaly status the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC). By means of intelligence actions, Russian priests are...

A youth-centered workshop on countering disinformation and fact-checking was held in Veles

More than a dozen young people from North Macedonia took part in the second workshop as part of the “Journalism for the New Generation” program on the subject of “Countering Disinformation and Fact Checking” which took place from March 13 to 15 near Veles....

(INTERVIEW) Maliukevičius: The Russian influence is trying to weaken us and make us look away from Ukraine

Initially, I thought that the goal of the Russian influence operations was to create a kind of sympathy for the Russian regime and Russian ideology. But their main target now is simply to create more chaos inside the neighboring countries in order to kind...

Macedonian translation of the historic novel ‘The Storyteller’ published

Раскажувачот Pripovedalec
Publishing house Polica from Skopje published Macedonian translation of the novel "The Storyteller" by Slovenian writer Mirana Likar. The book present a unique testimony depicting individual destinies caught in the maelstrom of historical developments during the twentieth century. "This translation means so much to me...

No other solution for the whooping cough but the vaccine

Children who haven’t been vaccinated should not go to kindergartens if we want to avoid epidemics that threaten the health and life of both children and seniors. This is the position of the epidemiologists who insist on vaccinating the population, in compliance with the...

It “stinks” when 800 million euro strategic investments are approved in a fast procedure

The public in North Macedonia is stunned by the recent debate regarding the legal framework of four strategic investments in the energy sector worth approximately 800 million euros, not by its merit, but by the merit of the Government. Investment intentions were expressed by...

Altered video of dancing Zelenskyy spreads on social networks in North Macedonia’s surroundings

Photo: Screenshot from the altered video Since the beginning of the year, a new deepfake video of Zelenskyy dancing in a red traditional costume has spread on social networks. The video of the President of Ukraine is shared on Facebook and TikTok. The video, however,...

Serbian tabloids “toppled” North Macedonia’s Kovachevski-led government

Photo: Government of North Macedonia Despite the inaccurate, inflammatory, and nationalistic articles online, North Macedonia’s government was not “toppled”, nor did “the Albanians, slowly but surely, seize the power”. The newly elected government is a so-called technical government, also known as a “Przhino government”, in...

Interviews, newspaper sections, shows and columns – The growing presence of China in the media in North Macedonia

Collage of photographs by Meta.mk   TV shows, newspaper sections dedicated to China, columns and interviews of the Chinese Ambassador to North Macedonia, as well as promoting and publishing media content from leading Chinese media that are under the direct control of the Chinese Communist Party....

The disinformation coupled with abuse of artificial intelligence can be harmful to the elections

The last session of today’s e-Society.mk International Conference, which has been organized by Metamorphosis Foundation for the 19th time this year, was dedicated to the issue of disinformation and abuse of artificial intelligence for malign influence on democracy or, more specifically, on the elections...

EU does not negate the Macedonian nation, history and statehood

The facts show that the EU does not deny the Macedonian language, identity, and statehood in any way whatsoever. The reason why Ukraine and Moldova started EU accession talks before North Macedonia is not related to the EU disputing the Macedonian nation, language, history,...