
Metamorphosis joins the condemnation of physical attack against journalist of Croatian fact-checking service Faktograf

As a member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN) and the International Fact-Checking Network, Metamorphosis Foundation joins condemnation of the attack against the journalist of Croatian fact-checking service Faktograf. The newsrooms of  the fact-checking service  Truthmeter.mk, Meta.mk news agency and the news portal...

Romanian Fans Did Not Chant Putin’s Name During Football Match With Ukraine

The authenticity of the “Putin” chants by Romanian fans is called into question, especially given their show of respect for Ukraine at the beginning of the match, as was noted by Mythdetector. The German newspaper “Bild” specifies that at the beginning of the match,...

Lies about Nazi Ukraine are circulating yet again

The trident has been linked with Ukrainian history for quite a long time. That was the sign of the predecessors of Dynasty Rurik (10-12 century, time of Kyiv Russia). In 1918, immediately after the fall of the Russian Empire, the government of the Ukrainian People’s Republic...

Russian fighter jets did not fly over Florida

Footage of a flight of fighter jets, lacking a source or evidence, is falsely described as a Russian penetration of US airspace. If that were true, which is not, would present an unimaginable incident that would be all over the front pages of the...

Arrest footage misrepresented as mobilization

A Facebook video is falsely described as showing mobilization on the streets of Ukraine. In reality, the footage captures the arrest of a criminal group and their clients who paid for transportation to the Moldovan border, along with assistance in illegal border crossings to...

Coca-Cola is not returning to the Russian market

The Coca-Cola Company applied to the Russian Patent Service to reregister: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, and some other of its trademarks, which was incorrectly interpreted by some media as the company’s official return to the Russian market. Unofficially these beverages are already present in the market, though through the grey economy,...

Former healthcare Minister of Ukraine is not suspected of “selling human organs abroad”

According to unofficial information from Ukrainian media, the former Deputy Healthcare Minister of Ukraine, Mykhaylo Zagriychuk, is a suspect for meddling (intervening) with the Single State Transplantation Information System, or more precisely, for manipulating the list of the automatic pairing system – organ donor and recipient,...

“Not a Living Soul” – linguistic and political manipulation from the Russian playbook

A Facebook post is spreading false information that the English language has no equivalent for the Russian expression “ni dushi” (ни души) or the equivalent in our language “ni zhiva dusha” (ни жива душа). Consequently, the English and the Americans use the word “nobody”,...

Video of Russian frigate in Cuba recorded five years ago

The days before the arrival of the Russian warships, images and videos were circulating online, allegedly showing the arrival of the frigate “Admiral Gorshkov” in the port of Havana. That is the case with the post we are fact-checking, but the video is an...

It is not true that Georgia will open an embassy in Moscow

Truthmeter did not manage to find a single official information about Georgia renewing its diplomatic relations with Russia and opening an embassy in Moscow. Nothing like that is present on the official X accounts of the party Georgian Dream or Georgian Government. The news...

How did the paths of Macedonian Todorovski and Russian propaganda agent Kureyev cross?

Bloomberg published recent insights from documents revealing that Russian agent Artem Kureyev led a Russian influence campaign in Europe, managing to contact the Macedonian Darko Todorovski. They agreed on a payment of 300 Euros to write articles in two publications. Their correspondence included instructions...

Intentional construct about the negotiations of Ukraine and Moldova with the EU

A Facebook post, responding negatively to the fact that Ukraine and Moldova received recommendations for starting EU accession talks, expresses mixed: personal opinions, which the author is fully entitled to express; some undisputable facts, which, of course, are legitimate; but also tendentious silence thereby...

Manipulation with a footage of enforced mobilization in Ukraine

A Facebook video purportedly shows a fight between Ukrainian citizens and the Recruitment Service enforcing the mobilization. It is described as a scene of resistance “against Zelenskyy’s regime,” even though the claim is unsubstantiated by a source and it is unclear what is happening...

Old video of a protest in Istanbul shared as new one after Rafah attack on the 26th of May

Turkish media did not report a single protest in front of the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul following the Rafah airstrike on the 26th of May. The Demiroren News Agency reported on the 27th of May that an anti-Israeli group chanted slogans outside the US...

It is not true that Germany and NATO deploy 90 thousand troops to the front with Russia

The claim that NATO and Germany are deploying 90 thousand troops to the Ukranian front against Russia is false. The issue at hand is actually the largest NATO military drill, which began in January 2024 and concluded in May 2024. The video shared in the...

No announcements that NATO countries are preparing nuclear attacks on Russia

Recently, Moscow’s threats of using nuclear weapons have become more frequent, while the Kremlin disinformation machinery on social networks is trying to accuse NATO of “preparing for a nuclear attack on Russia,” although there are no such announcements but just threats aiming to prevent...

Pro-European Georgians, not foreign mercenaries, organized protests against the “Foreign Agent” Law

The protest’s organizers are not “foreign sectarian mercenary non-governmental organizations”, but Georgians, including professors, doctors, students, activists, opposition politicians, workers, etc. Their democratic will is to work for Georgia within Georgia thereby promoting European values and freedoms, developing civil society, the fight against corruption,...

France did not deploy troops to Ukraine

The Defense Ministry of France denied that it sent troops to Ukraine when such disinformation on this topic started spreading on the social networks stimulated by Russian sources and their propagandists, writes Truthmeter.mk. Under the content-sharing agreement between Truthmeter.mk and Meta.mk, we republish the text...

The propaganda that Russia is fighting “Nazis in Ukraine” reemerges

The pro-Russian post aims to justify the military invasion of Russia in Ukraine. Presenting Ukraine as the land of the Nazis is a false propaganda platitude that Russian President Vladimir Putin used to justify the military invasion he started on the 24th of February...

It is not true that the sanctions against Russia are ineffective

Footage of a rocket launch is abused as evidence that the sanctions against Russia are ineffective. The footage is real, but the accompanying description is misleading. It gives the impression that Russia, despite sanctions, is undertaking expensive and complex projects, without disclosing that this...