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Tag: announcement
Zaev retracted the decree, the public administration will continue with the flexible working schedule
The public administration workers tomorrow will continue working according to the flexible working schedule. The Prime Minister Zoran Zaev didn't sign yesterday's decree for introducing fixed working schedule for the employees in the public sector, i.e. from 8:00 to 16:00. This means that public administration from tomorrow (1st of October) will continue working according to the flextime, from 7:30...
Inkluziva Association: Numerous irregularities during voting process for persons with disabilities
Association Inkluziva's observers reported irregularities concerning the access to polling stations and the voting process for persons with disabilities. Non-observance of the protocols for protection against COVID-19 was also noticed at today's snap parliamentary elections in North Macedonia.
"At 15 polling stations, members of election boards were noticed either not wearing face masks and gloves or improperly wearing them, at...
For the first time, the number of recovered patients higher than that of the new cases
The Health Ministry of North Macedonia registered 205 today newly infected cases with COVID-19 in Macedonia, 336 recovered patients and 6 deaths. What is noticeable is that the number of recovered patients is the highest in a single day (336) since the start of the epidemic, and at the same time these numbers are significantly higher than the numbers...
Announcement for a new General Attorney has been published, the deadline for the applicants is running
Today Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia has published the announcement for appointing of a new General Attorney, after the dismissal of Marko Zvrlevski from this position.
With this, starts officially the deadline of 15 days for applying to the interested candidates for this position.
According to the Law, after registering the candidates, the Government must submit a request for an...
Parliamentary debate on the announcement for a new Attorney General will continue on Wednesday
Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi, at 18:00 pm, interupted the session after the debate concerning the item on the Government’s proposal to post an advertisment for appointing a new Attorney General, after the dismissal of Marko Zvrlevski.
The next continuation of the session, Xhaferi scheduled for Wednesday at 11:00 am, because tomorrow he will attend the International Scientific Conference “The Balkans...
Xhaferi announces an opening for a new member of the Council of Public Prosecutors
Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi, announced an advertisment for the election of a member of the Council of Public Prosecutors. Xhaferi announced the advertisment yesterday, and today it was published in some of the daily newspapers, and it should be published in the "Official Gazette".
In the announcement, it says that the election of a member of the Council is needed...
VMRO-DPMNE: Vajgl to renounce or to apologize for political manipulations
MEP Ivo Vajgl either didn’t understand something or he is intentionally siding with the pardoned criminal Zoran Zaev and his scriptwriters for issuing lies and made up stories, if he has ever given a statement like the one that was published, said VMRO-DPMNE’s reaction to Vajgl’s statement that the party leader, Nikola Gruevski will go all the way, because...
Russian Embassy: It is dangerous to impose solutions despite the will of the people
The Russian Federation is continuously supporting the security and the stability of the Republic of Macedonia as an independent, sovereign and territorially integral state, said the announcement of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Macedonia.
In the announcement, it was stressed that the embassy is convinced that the exit from the difficult internal-political crisis that is happening in Macedonia...
SDSM: The messages that come from the USA and the EU indicate the politicians’ responsibility
SDSM, through a written announcement, expressed its gratitude towards the USA and the EU because, as was stated in the party’s announcement, they continue to support the Republic of Macedonia’s strategic interests.
“The clearly expressed support given by the USA for the democratic processes in Macedonia and the Euro-Atlantic integrations of the country are of tremendous significance for the...
Division between Ahmeti and the party members regarding the coalition partner
Unofficially, the session of DUI’s central presidency in Mala Rechica has started with a huge gap between the party members where Ahmeti and his closest associates had wanted to continue the collaboration with VMRO-DPMNE whole the vice presidents didn’t agree with this decision and wanted to enter into a coalition with SDSM.
A division regarding the coalition with VMRO-DPMNE...
VMRO-DPMNE: We are the winners and we are going to form the new government
For VMRO-DPMNE the elections ended on the 11th of December, we are the winners and we are going to form the new government, informed the party this evening with a brief press release after the end of the re-vote at the municipality of Tearce, polling station 2011.
“Today we, including the public, have found out that regardless of all...
Ivanov expects the will of the citizens’ to be greeted and accepted unanimously
President Gjorge Ivanov has expressed his contentment regarding the early parliamentary elections and believes that these elections will contribute to the end of the political crisis and will present a start of the national conciliation in Macedonia.
"I want to congratulate the parties that have won the biggest number of votes in these elections, to the winners, and to congratulate...
Ombudsman Reminds Citizens How to Accomplish Their Voting Rights
Prior to the early parliamentary elections on the 11th of December, the ombudsman reminded the citizens of the importance of the voting right and the ways of accomplishing this right and its protection.
The ombudsman Idzet Memeti appealed to the institutions and all others about the obligation and the responsibility of creating real conditions for allowing, repeating and accomplishing the...
Statement by EU Ambassadors: Elections are an opportunity for a new start in Macedonia
The elections on December 11, 2016, represent an opportunity for the country to make a new beginning, to unite around its strategic goals and to return to its European integration path, said the joint announcement by the ambassadors of the EU member countries in Skopje.
“We encourage political leaders, their parties and relevant stakeholders to use the electoral process to...
SDSM: Gruevski admitted that he fears the special public prosecutor
Nikola Gruevski admitted publically today that the case “Putsch” has been mounted politically and he also admitted that he is afraid of the new special public prosecutor, is the statement that came from SDSM.
“Gruevski’s party news outlet Kurir wrote: ‘Zaev needs a special public prosecutor to free him from Putsch.’ This means that Gruevski knows that there is not...
VMRO-DPMNE: We won’t accept change of ministers and Prime Minister
In the recent course of negotiations, VMRO-DPMNE made many concessions for compromise and there is no room for new ones, especially in the organization of the Government, the party said after the session of the Executive Committee held yesterday.
They say that the change of ministers and Prime Minister is something that VMRO-DPMNE will not accept.
- In the recent course...
SDSM: Date for leadership meeting to be determined by tonight
Nikola Gruevski is not in a position to dictate the dynamics of holding leadership meetings. He is just one of the parties in the negotiation process, reacts SDSM after Prime Minister’s statement that conditions for a leadership meeting are not created.
"Gruevski’s intention to delay the process is obvious, which harms the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. If a...
VMRO-NP: Hahn’s proposals are acceptable
VMRO-People's Party seriously considered and analyzed the proposals put forward by EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Johannes Hahn for getting out of the deep political crisis in Macedonia with leaders of the four main political parties, reads the statement from the party.
"VMRO-People's Party feels that these proposals are absolutely acceptable and match with our repeatedly expressed clear views...
Hahn requested implementation of the agreed and immediate continuation of talks
In a statement sent to the media late yesterday after the meeting with political leaders in Skopje, EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn emphasized that the commitments given by the parties today and in the future should be implemented in a spirit of trust.
"A number of concrete measures have been discussed and agreed to face the challenges which are upon the...
AJM: We condemn violence against journalists by police and protestors
Association of Journalists of Macedonia strongly condemns violence against journalists by police and violent protestors in Skopje.
"Violence against journalists is unacceptable and is a direct attack on freedom of the media and the public's right to be informed about events of public interest. It is striking for Macedonian democracy when police is beating journalists at protests, rather than to...