Parliamentary debate on the announcement for a new Attorney General will continue on Wednesday


Parliament Speaker, Talat Xhaferi, at 18:00 pm, interupted the session after the debate concerning the item on the Government’s proposal to post an advertisment for appointing a new Attorney General, after the dismissal of Marko Zvrlevski.

The next continuation of the session, Xhaferi scheduled for Wednesday at 11:00 am, because tomorrow he will attend the International Scientific Conference “The Balkans between the West and the East: Old and/or New Security Challenges” in Ohrid.

The discussion on this topic passed with speeches by MPs from VMRO-DPMNE, who accused the ruling majority of illegally wanting to push through the appointment of the new Attorney General, as well as going against Article 8a of the Electoral Code.

Ilija Dimovski from VMRO-DPMNE said that going against the law and Article 8a which was voted in at the request of SDSM, is arrogant and is not the normal functioning of state.

The coordinator of the SDSM parliamentary group, Tomislav Tuntev, said that the arrival of the new Attorney General is inevitably part of the package of reforms in the judiciary.

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