Chausidis to Poposki: Ignorance and conscious stupidity are most dangerous

Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki today stated that it was unclear why reporters protested yesterday for the release of journalist Tomislav Kezharovski when he had already been released from prison "Skopje". - Most of us do not understand what the protest was about because we...

Samaras in Thessaloniki: Anthimos is a preacher for the Hellenism of our Macedonia

Only 72 hours before the end of the election campaign, Prime Minister of Greece Antonis Samaras is in Thessaloniki today in a last attempt to woo and charm voters from Northern Greece. During a visit to the second Greek capital, Samaras took the time...

City of Skopje: Do not ventilate in order not to breathe poison

Because the pollution is very high for several days now, the City of Skopje issued measures of first degree due to exceeding the limit values for particles smaller than 10 micrometers (PM10). Measures for citizens include limiting movement outdoors only when necessary, not to use...

Classes began, minority of protesters

Today began the second semester for about 280,000 elementary and high school students after three-week winter break. SONK announced strike due to the unsuccessful negotiations with the Ministry of Education and Science. The strike was supposed to be with the presence on the jobs,...

MPs to pass constitutional changes today

The draft amendment for defining marriage as a union only between a man and a woman establishing international financial zones which business and organization will be redefined by law and few more amendments for constitutional changes will be put on today’s agenda of the...

EC regarding Kezharovski: Government to stop ignoring problems

European Commission reacted after the imprisonment of the journalist Tomislav Kezharovski, stressing out that the European Union is closely following the court case with Kezharovski, but doesn’t comment on individual cases. - Media freedom is extensively covered in the report on the progress of the...

Council for Ethics in Media demands immediate release of Kezharovski

Council for Ethics in Media of Macedonia (SEMM) today condemned the verdict of the Court of Appeal for the journalist Tomislav Kezharovski and his express transfer from house arrest to prison “Skopje”. “We believe that this decision sends a message of self-censorship to all journalists...

“Guardian”: Kezharovski’s verdict is absurd, shameful and unbecoming

  The verdict of the Court of Appeal for two years in prison for journalist Tomislav Kezharovski, which was enforced yesterday evening, when Kezharovski was expressly transferred from house arrest to prison “Skopje”, also interested the media in Europe, while London’s “Guardian” reported a full...

Mijatovik: Kezharovski’s imprisonment is a message for the daunting censorship in Macedonia

On her Twitter account, High Representative of the OSCE on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovik wrote that the imprisonment of journalist Tomislav Kezharovski is a dangerous precedent for freedom of the media in Macedonia, reports portal “”. She says that “the decision of the...

Medarski: Kezharovski is taken to prison without proper procedure

Journalists’ associations are shocked and scandalized by the speed with which the journalist Tomislav Kezharovski was transferred to prison just a day after the ruling of the Court of Appeal in Skopje. According to the Chairwoman of the Union of Journalists Tamara Chausidis, all international...

Twenty terrorist cells preparing attacks in Europe

About 180 people from at least 20 terrorist cells that are yet to be activated, are ready to carry out terrorist attacks in France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, reports US television network CNN, citing Western intelligence sources. Intelligence agencies of the EU and the...

“I am Kezharovski”: Journalists solidarized with their colleague

With signs reading “I am Kezharovski”, written in French, as an analogy to manifest solidarity after the massacre in “Charlie Hebdo”, Macedonian journalists and news organizations expressed their discontent with the ruling of the court, with which the journalist Tomislav Kezharovski is sentenced to...

Reactions: The decision for the sentence of Kezharovski is scandalous and political

“Not judicial, but a scandalous and political decision” is the view of the organizations of journalists and journalists themselves after the verdict of the Court of Appeal with which journalist Tomislav Kezharovski was sentenced to two years in prison for the case “Liquidation”, in...

SONK gets “counter-SONK”

After the announcement of the Union of Education, Science and Culture (SONK) for strike of teachers, today appeared “counter-SONK”, group of teachers, union members who demand the scheduled strike to be canceled. They believe that the demands of SONK are unrealistic and say they have...

Contributions to be paid only on fees above the minimum wage

If your monthly fees as an employee do not exceed the average salary of 9,590 denars, you won’t have to pay for additional social security, explained Minister of Labor and Social Policy Dime Spasov. Answering to a question at a press conference, he said...

Assembly adopts Law on higher education

After hours of debate, with 67 votes “for” and nine “against”, MPs of the Assembly adopted amendments to the Law on higher education which provides for the introduction of a state exam and the selection criteria in the titles is being changed. Minister of Education...

Friday meeting of EU ministers against terrorism canceled

Despite announcements of the Latvian presidency that interior ministers will meet in Brussels on Friday to discuss the implications of the Paris attacks and measures in the fight against terrorism, the 28 ministers, however, decided that it’s too early to do so, explaining that...

Tsipras: Samaras made a historical error on the name issue

Alexis Tsipras accused Prime Minister Antonis Samaras that, because of his views as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Greece is stuck in the name dispute for 20 years now. The head of the most popular Greek left-oriented party, in an interview for the show “In first-person”...

EU to hold an emergency session on the fight against terrorism on Friday

Latvian Presidency of the EU proposed an extraordinary session of the foreign ministers of the Union to be held on Friday, on which they will discuss the terrorist attacks in France and how to “coordinate a better response” to the EU level, announced the...

Macedonian journalists join the march of solidarity with pencils in their hands

With pencils in their hands, Macedonian journalists today gathered in the Park of journalists to pay tribute to their killed colleagues in the massacre in Paris satirical weekly “Charlie Hebdo”. French Ambassador Laurence Auer also participated at the Macedonian solidarity march. - We are here...