Despite announcements of the Latvian presidency that interior ministers will meet in Brussels on Friday to discuss the implications of the Paris attacks and measures in the fight against terrorism, the 28 ministers, however, decided that it’s too early to do so, explaining that “decisions should not be brought in a hurry”.
Representatives of the Latvian Presidency stated for META that the discussion is postponed for the end of January, when the informal Council of Justice and Internal Affairs is to be held.
– After consultation with member states, we decided that the best way is to have a well prepared informal Council of Justice and Internal Affairs at the end of January, which discussions will serve the upcoming council of leaders in February – say its representatives.
European institutions, headed by the European Commission, reiterated several times that the new measures in the fight against terrorism should not be brought “on account of fear”.
The European Commission, for its part, is already preparing a new “European Strategy for Homeland Security 2015-2019”, which will be presented at the end of the first quarter of 2015.