With signs reading “I am Kezharovski”, written in French, as an analogy to manifest solidarity after the massacre in “Charlie Hebdo”, Macedonian journalists and news organizations expressed their discontent with the ruling of the court, with which the journalist Tomislav Kezharovski is sentenced to two years in prison in the case “Liquidation”, in front of the Court of Appeal today.
Journalists solidarized with their colleague and announced further steps to defend Kezharovski, who, as noted, is innocent and wrongfully convicted.
Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM), Independent Union of Journalists and media workers (SSNMR) and Board for initiative to release Kezharovski announced a protest in front of the court on Tuesday at 12 pm.
President of AJM Naser Selmani today emphasized that with its unjust decision, instead of protecting justice, the Court of Appeal decided to make political calculations.
– Instead of taking an account of the rights of an innocent journalist who did nothing wrong, but unraveled an abuse in the work of public institutions when deciding on the case, the court decided to save the reputation of those who have made a wrong assessment two years ago. The decision aims to show that the court has mercy on Kezharovski by reducing his sentence. We won’t accept such calculations – said Selmani.
He emphasized that if the intention of the Government was to intimidate journalists with the case, then it didn’t accomplish its goal.
– We are not afraid and we are united as never before in solidarity for our colleague Kezharovski. For us, Kezharovski’s freedom is unconditional, because it is our freedom as well – said the president of AJM.