“Not judicial, but a scandalous and political decision” is the view of the organizations of journalists and journalists themselves after the verdict of the Court of Appeal with which journalist Tomislav Kezharovski was sentenced to two years in prison for the case “Liquidation”, in which he was accused of revealing the identity of a protected witness.
Gathering of reporters in order to express their anger on the ruling of the court is scheduled for tomorrow at 11 am before the Court of Appeal.
– The intention is clear. It is not only a violation of the right of a man who, in this case happens to be a journalist, but a violation of the rights and freedoms of all citizens and of journalism as a profession. I suspect that this is a matter of a political decision brought by the Gruevski’s Government which the court only imposes. If anyone thinks that there is a rule of law in the country, that there is a division of authorities (legislative, judicial and executive) is fooling himself, because, in this country, there is only Gruevski’s ruling that covers the institutions – stated President of AJM Naser Selmani for META.
He adds that this is not only Kezharovski’s battle, but a battle of all journalists, so, tomorrow at 11 am, there will be a gathering in front of the Court of Appeal on which the revolt of the court’s decision will be manifested.
Zoran Dimitrovski, journalist and member of the “Board for initiative for Kezharovski’s acquittal”, as his personal view says that it is a political decision and that it is an alibi for his detention which was determined for Kezharovski.
– This is scandalous and politically ordered verdict. The general public and journalists expected acquittal because there is no proof of the charges for which Kezharovski is accused. It is obvious that the verdict is an alibi to cover the detention which was determined. I can only recommend the parties involved in the verdict that they will be judged according to their standards – said Dimitrovski.
The president of the independent union of journalists and media workers Tamara Chausidis says that nothing except an acquittal can be accepted by the journalistic community.
– A journalist is arrested, detained and convicted for a written text that indicates manipulation with the institute “protected witness”, who himself confirmed it. Regardless of the reduced sentence, the fact remains that journalist in Macedonia was sentenced because he wrote the truth – emphasized Chausidis.
Opposition SDSM reacted to the verdict of the Court of Appeal, which representatives say that another violation of human rights was made and the constitutionally guaranteed right to free expression suffered a new blow.
“Passing such verdicts against a journalist, particularly in condition of controversial evidence and witnesses, has serious consequences on the freedom of expression and further exacerbate the image of the Republic of Macedonia because of which it was included in several world reports during the governing of Nikola Gruevski”, reads the statement of SDSM.