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Mogherini: EU will lose its reputation because of refugee crisis

The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security policy of the EU, Federica Mogherini, said that the attitude of the EU towards the refugee...

Refugee Crisis has stranded 1,000 Macedonian transporters at the border in Serbia!

Macedonian transporters shipping fruit and vegetables to Europe, are stuck at the border crossing between Serbia and Croatia after Zagreb closed the border due to...

Karpos 4 are gathering signatures to save their parks, the Major ‘gives’ his support

Residents from the Municipality of Karpos have started to collect signatures to stop the process of the adopting of the detailed urban plan (DUP)...

Slobodan Bogoevski will be called to testify at the trial over the ‘Magyar Telekom’ affair over corruption

Today, Slobodan Bogoevski will be called to testify at the trial over the 'Magyar Telekom' affair, for organised crime and corruption. Mr Bogoevski, who is...

EU member states have decided to divide 120,000 refugees

Today, the European Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs decided on the allocation of 120,000 refugees from Greece, Italy and other Member States that...

Skopje City councilors have decided the speed limit to be 50 km/hour

In Skopje today city councilors decided to adopt the proposals by SDSM advisers, the proposal will increase traffic safety. Today at a press conference Damian...

Prisoners have gone back to prison food

Inmates from the prison in Stip suspended their hunger strike, which gave President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Trajko Veljanoski, time...

Project ‘Good Governance Action Network” holds its closing conference

The Foundation for Internet and Society "Metamorphosis," in partnership with the Macedonian Centre for European Training (MCET) and Reactor - Research in action tomorrow...

Tomorrow, working groups will ‘sort out’ the media

The working groups of the political parties who are part of the Przhino Agreement start talks tomorrow about the media and the manner in...

SDSM in search of a new Katica Janeva for the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The SDSM are in search of people to fill in positions such as deputies and ministers as predetermined in the Przhino Agreement. By the...

Badinter in SEC?

Today SEC (State Election Committee) is expected to reach a full and final agreement on the composition and selection of its institution. According to...

Today, pupils from ‘October the 11th’ Primary School return to classes

Pupils from primary school "October the 11th" have returned to school today. The State Sanitary Inspectorate yesterday concluded that there were no mo reasons...

Alexis Tsiparis sworn in as new Prime Minister of Greece

Alexis Tsipras officially began his second term as Prime Minister. Tonight he is at the presidential palace in Athens, and is being sworn in...

Janeva put herself forward as Special Public Prosecutor with the ‘adequate people’

Katica Janeva in an interview with TV "News 24" said that she herself put herself forward to be the Special Public Prosecutor and applied...

Janeva: I expect huge support from the International Community

Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva, in an interview with TV "News 24" says she feels no pressure on any subject, and will make decisions...

Gruevski: We need 20 MP’s from the Diaspora

Starting talks on elections and electoral legislation, the Prime Minster today in Mogila in front of journalists, announced that he would like to have...

Memeti: All initiative from citizens is legitimate

The Ombudsman considers it legitimate to collect signatures for determining the status of a law proposing amnesty for prisoners and sees an obstacle to...

Tsipras and Kamenos to put a new government together

Alexis Tsipras will announce today or tomorrow the new composition of his coalition government SYRIZA and the Independent Greek Party, after not gaining enough...

SYRIZA claims victory in Greek elections while the New Democracy Party admits defeat

The Greek people have decided to give a second chance to political party SYRIZA and its government. According to the first official results of...

Hunger strikes have spread across prisons around the country

Prisoners from 'Idrizovo' have entered their second day on a hunger strike. Their goal is to grasp the public's attention and to show the...