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Kostovski and Kekenovski are forming movement ‘Front for Macedonia’ with ambitions to turn into a political party

Jove Kekenovski and Trifun Kostovski are in active negotiations to form an association which will probably be called "Front for Macedonia". Both confirm the information...

Blinking traffic lights is a traffic signal, explains Major Trajanovski

At the press conference in Skopje today, nor Mayor Koce Trajanov nor the Minister of Internal Affairs Mitko Chavkov knew why the Ilindenska traffic...

Germany: A third of asylum seekers have false Syrian documents

German authorities have reported that as much as a third of those who have applied for asylum in this country, lied about being from...

340 million euros have been assigned for the construction of the roads and highways in next years budget

The following year 340 million euros have been assigned for the construction of roads and highways, and for a number of regional roads. According to...

Public Survey: Have we regressed or stagnated on our way to the EU?

Support from the citizens for membership in the European Union is unchanged since March 2014, shows new research in the field of public opinion...

Azeski sends “urgent letters” to the economic chambers of Serbia and Croatia

In connection with the problems faced by companies due to the blockade at the border crossings between Serbia and Croatia, the President of the...

Macedonian dies naked in an American prison

In appalling conditions in a prison in Detroit, 32-year-old David Stojcevski son of Macedonian immigrants died in custody. David was sentenced to 30 days in...

Skopje’s sinister traffic statistics: In 8 months 27 people have died on the roads, of which 17 were pedestrians

The number of pedestrians killed in Skopje has increased compared to last year, according to the latest analysis by the National Council for Safety...

Slight movement at the Serbian-Croatian border

At the border crossing Bajakovo there has been slight movement in the column trucks, as trucks carrying perishable and dangerous goods are being let...

Delev: We have reacted to Croatia and Brussels to the problem with our truck drivers

CEFTA members - the countries from the agreement on free trade in Central Europe - have called for an emergency meeting in the chairing...

Serbian Customs Officials : Travel through surrounding countries to enter Croatia

Customs and Border Protection of Serbia urged travellers from Serbia due to the closure of Croatia's border crossings to travel through the surrounding countries. According...

Tragedy in Mecca: 717 die in stampede

The death toll in a stampede during the celebration of Eid al-Adha near Mecca reached 717 people and 805 injured, said Saudi authorities. Around 4,000 members...

SDSM: The good news is that Gruevski will not be Prime Minister in 2016

"The good news for the citizens of Macedonia is that Nikola Gruevski that no longer be Prime Minister in 2016. Not only will he...

President Ivanov and Minister Chavkov discussed the refugee crisis

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mitko Chavkov discussed measures and actions taken to prevent and deal with the entry...

Serbia have blocked Macedonian transporters taking goods to Croatia

Macedonian transporters and carriers on the Croatian-Serbian and Hungarian-Serbian border are blocked after Belgrade officially decided to block all goods being carried to Croatia...

Van Houte has given the working groups a small vacation until monday

The working groups of the political parties currently working on the Przino Agreement will enjoy some rest until the Belgian expert and facilitator in...

Thaci: The new party has cost DUI five MP’s

"The new party has cost DUI five MP's. The party had 19 MPs, now there are 14", said Menduh Thaci, leader of the DPA. He...

Residents of Karpos: If Jakimovski really supports us, he should come and sign

The Civil initiative for the salvation of the green areas and parks in Karpos 4 say that if the Mayor of Karpos Stevco Jakimovski...

British expert to solve the problems with the media

"An interesting meeting," was the brief comment of the facilitator of the negotiations the parties signed in the Przhino Agreement, Peter van Houte, about...

Shilegov: Prime Minister, if you really are not the owner, why do you hide?

MP Petre Shilegov from the SDSM at today's session of Parliament dedicated parliamentary questions directly to the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and asked him...