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Driving over 50 kilometres will result in fines from 10 to 400 euros

Today in Parliament the Law on Safety and Traffic on the roads, was finally passed, where it states that it is compulsory to have...

“Economist”: The rating of “Doing Business” is unrealistic and incomplete!

Respected international weekly "The Economist" based in London, with a weekly circulation of 1.5 million copies on the seven continents, gave serious remarks regarding...

Ohrid Framework Agreement: Xhaferi will announce what must be done

Deputy Prime Minister in charge of implementing the Ohrid Framework Agreement Musa Xhaferi, at tomorrow's press conference will announce several steps that must be...

The net salary in July amounted to 355 euros

The average monthly net wage per employee in July 2015, compared to July 2014 has increased by 2.4 percent and amounts to 21 861...

Speed Limit at 50 kilometres per hour has been held back for a year to come into force

The current speed limit in urban areas in the country will be reduced from 60 km to 50 km, which will come into focus...

Parties taken by suprise: Today working groups will discuss the Ohrid Framework Agreement

Before the start of today's negotiations in the Przhino Agreement, the agenda of the meeting was changed, namely, at the request of DUI. The...

“Bugs” on every collar: Who is Listening In On PM Gruevski’s and His Minister’s, and Why ?

Since the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski started his campaign around the country, greeting and meeting citizens, he is constantly making new promises, however it...

Message to the Mayor: Yes Koce, everything is political, life is political!

"Politics for traffic and safety. Politics for life. Politics for work. Politics for urbanization. Politics for the environment and parks. And everything else. Life...

Silence over the ‘Bona Dea’ statue scandal at the closing night of the ‘Brothers Manaki’ Film Festival

A half empty hall, numerous awards and long speeches marked last night's closing ceremony of the 36th edition of the International Film Festival (IFF),...

Taxi driver from Prilep won his case against Macedonia in Strasbourg

A taxi driver from Prilep, who did not know he was transporting Albanian nationals illegally across the border, received a verdict at the European...

Stavreski: From the 5th of October, every pensioner will receive an increase of 621 denars

On the 5th of October every pensioner will receive there pension from September with an increase of 621 denars. From next year, funds have...

Zaev: Gruevski’s proposal for just 20 MP’s from the Diaspora is unacceptable

Zoran Zaev, the leader of SDSM, finds the proposal by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski for the Diaspora to elect 20 MP's unacceptable. “The equal right...

City of Skopje: Today’s protest was an ugly political game

Today's protest in front of the City of Skopje's administrative building, entitled "Koce, give us back our streets," we believe to be a distasteful...

MISA: 128.253 employed in public administration

In the public sector there are 128,253 employees, officials confirmed today from the Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA) after European Commissioner Johannes...

(Gallery) Citizens demand “Koce, give us back our streets”

A banner, symbolically twisted into a crown and made from a bicycle, that read, "Koce give us back streets", was left outside the main...

“March of Silence” through the streets of Skopje

Hundreds of people gathered at the city park in Skopje today, at the crossroads where the last victim of a car accident was, where...

Lajic: Serbian companies will seek justice from the International Courts

The Serbian Minister for Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Lajic said the damage done because of the closure of the border with Croatia, companies...

Obama threatens China with new sanctions

At a press conference held yesterday with Chinese President Xi Jinping, President Barack Obama addressed new threats to impose sanctions on China for an...

Police have arrested Zlatko Arsovski-Birch to serve his 6 month prison sentence

Police have arrested Zlatko Arsovski (37) a protected witness known as Birch in the case of the murder of a old man from Orese,...

Croatia have opened their border, trucks are slowly being let through

Border crossings Bajakovo and Tovarnik are now open to traffic without any restrictions, states the Government of Croatia on their 'Twitter' profile on the...