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Tag: reaction

Russian MFA: Claims that Lavrov was conspiring for the partition of Macedonia are a provocation

Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, never gave a statement allegedly conspiring the partition of Macedonia, reads a statement by the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs regarding the article for the Macedonian edition of "Deutsche Welle" entitled "Rohrabacher’s proposal – a version of an old Russian proposal?" “We have taken note of the outrageous article in the Macedonian edition of Deutsche...

SDSM: The interview with Gruevski is a confirmation that his time is over

The political processes in Macedonia don’t depend on Nikola Gruevski and the criminal structures that have been dragging Macedonia towards the rock bottom, and yesterday’s interview with Gruevski is a confirmation that his time is over, said SDSM’s reaction. “In the domain of politics in Macedonia, there is no more place for politicians that steal and lie to their...

US position on Rohrabacher’s statements: We support the territorial integrity of Macedonia

"The United States recognizes and supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Macedonia and this position hasn’t changed.” This was said for “Voice of America” in Albanian by an unnamed official of the U.S. Department of State regarding the statement given by Republican Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher. The statement is almost identical to the statement that last week...

“Metamorphosis” Foundation: SOS claims are nothing but lies and slander

Upon the claims and defamation of a large number of non-government organizations that were stated on Saturday by Nikola Srbov, Cvetin Čilimanov, and Nenad Mirčevski, who present themselves as “Stop Operation Soros” initiative, there was a reaction issued by the “Metamorphosis” foundation. In the disclaimer, it was stated that contrary to the principles of acting in the non-government sector...

Ivanov: The claims made by SDSM are nebulous and crude attempts for manipulation

SDSM’s claims that President Ivanov is lying that he acted in the manner of President Gligorov and that he is violating the Constitution are crude lies and is manipulating the public, said Ivanov’s cabinet in reaction to SDSM’s statement. Ivanov’s cabinet states that the claims by SDSM that President Ivanov, apparently, is imposing additional conditions for granting a mandate for the...

VMRO-DPMNE: Macedonia will not receive a pro-Soros government

The Republic of Macedonia will not be led by an abolished criminal nor will receive a pro-Soros government, as was stated in VMRO-DPMNE’s reaction to today’s press conference by SDSM’s leader, Zoran Zaev. “On the 11th of December, the citizens put an end to the destruction and the treason that was promoted by SSM as their policy. Zoran Zaev...

SDSM: SPO’s mandate will be extended, and Gruevski will have to face justice

Nikola Gruevski will have to come to terms that he will face justice for "all the crimes he has committed against the citizens, he will have to take responsibility", reads the statement by SDSM at today’s press conference by Vladimir Gjorchev from VMRO-DPMNE. "Justice is part of the ongoing democratic process in Macedonia. Nikola Gruevski will have to accept that he...

Miloshoski: With Janeva’s decision to pardon Zaev there is no reason for the SPO to exist anymore

VMRO-DPMNE reacted again to the decision made by the Special Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) which was announced yesterday regarding the dismissal of the “Putsch” case. The member of the party’s Executive Committee, Antonio Miloshoski, at a press conference, stressed that the SPO have no “professional nor institutional legitimacy” and they are “only a political instrument and an extended hand” of the...

Veljanoski: SPO’s decision over “Putsch” case confirms they are party affiliated with SDSM

After today's decision to withdraw the indictment in the "Putsch" case, the SPO confirmed that they are a partisan branch of SDSM/Soros, said today at a press conference former Parliament Speaker and MP Trajko Veljanoski from VMRO-DPMNE. He pointed out that Janeva "is not a prosecutor who is independent, but takes orders from SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, and stakeholders from...

AJM condemns the verbal abuse by the Government against journalists

The Association of Journalists of Macedonia condemns the coordinated surge of verbal abuse by the Government against journalists, who, the AJM says, is directed against the freedom of the media and the public's right to be informed. "Such attacks are intended to intimidate and silence journalists and suppress criticism from the media. The Government wants to prevent the public from being...

Kocijančič: We will closely monitor the elections, they are an opportunity for a fresh start

The European Union will closely monitor the elections on Sunday, and the EU is expected to give their initial reaction regarding the outcome on Monday afternoon, December 12, said Maja Kocijančič, a spokesperson from the European Commission. “In terms of what the next step will be, we, of course, will closely monitor the elections, as we have done with the...

Zbogar: I Expect Fair Campaigns and Credible Elections

EU ambassador, Samuel Zbogar, expects a fair pre-election campaign, that will start on Monday, 21st of November. At the meeting in Tetovo,  where he met with the Mayor Teuta Arifi, he appealed to the institutions to react immediately in case of the smallest problem during the pre-election period. "I expect a fair campaign, I expect political parties to present their...

VMRO-DPMNE: It Would Have Been Better If Janeva Was a List Carrier on SDSM’s Lists

Today’s press conference by the Special Public Prosecutor, where the new case named “Target” was presented, for the ruling party VMRO-DPMNE is yet another evidence that Katica Janeva is conspiring with the leader of SDSM, Zoran Zaev, and that it is carrying out his intention “to redefine and federalize Republic of Macedonia as a bi-national state and to accuse...

Janeva: I Have Never Been a Member of SDSM and the Membership Remittance is a Forgery

I have never been a member of SDSM political party, not I have made a payment for the alleged verification of the membership in this political party, said the special public prosecutor Katica Janeva in her reaction regarding the media reporting about her alleged membership in the main opposition party. Janeva said that the documents which were published by daily...

The Ministry of Finance condemns the destruction of public property

The Ministry of Finance reacted to yesterday’s protest by the “Colourful Revolution” after demonstrators threw balloons with paint at the building’s facade. “The Ministry of Finance respects the citizens right to protest peacefully, however, the ministry condemns the act of vandalism inflicted by individuals who have damaged public property, which was built with the money of the citizens of Macedonia”,...

Verushevski tells Ivanov: My Influence Over the Intelligence Services has Never Been Bigger Than it is Today

My influence over the Intelligence services has never been bigger than it is today,  said the former Head of Security and Counter Intelligence Agency (UBK) Zoran Verushevski, in reaction to an interview given by President Gjorgi Ivanov to "Dnevnik". "Georgie" mentioned me in “Dnevnik”- I would like to answer him with one sentence: Ivanov is lying to the domestic and...

SDSM: The Proposal of the Re-Balance on the Budget will be Deadly for Macedonia

The sole purpose of the new re-balance of the budget is to create conditions and the atmosphere for new borrowing through the Eurobond, and the new Minister of Finance, Kiril Minoski, should know that he bears the responsibility directly by placing his signature on new large debt of the citizens, reads the reaction from the SDSM’s statement on the...

Poposki on Brexit: Macedonia has lost a supporter of the enlargement process of the EU

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Poposki commented on Great Britain's exit from the European Union, saying that with Brexit, the EU has lost a valuable member state, reports “Press24”. “For the Balkans and Macedonia, we have lost a supporter of the enlargement of the Union. It is obvious that we need to listen to the remarks from those who...

SDSM: Ivanov confirmed that not only is he incompetent but he is also unpredictable

Today’s address by the person Ivanov confirmed that not only is he incompetent but is unpredictable and dangerous as he serves the country as President, says the reaction by the SDSM after the President's speech. "In a state of a deep political crisis, where the streets are flooded with people who seek justice and freedom through dignified protests, Ivanov threatened...

AJM: Association of Prosecutors condemns Nedelkovski but will not prosecute him

The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) today at a press conference reacted to the decision of the prosecutor of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office, who assessed that the TV host Milenko Nedelkovski did not incite hate speech and violence through his Facebook status with threats against several journalists, and "it is a matter of a person expressing their...