Verushevski tells Ivanov: My Influence Over the Intelligence Services has Never Been Bigger Than it is Today


My influence over the Intelligence services has never been bigger than it is today,  said the former Head of Security and Counter Intelligence Agency (UBK) Zoran Verushevski, in reaction to an interview given by President Gjorgi Ivanov to “Dnevnik”.

“Georgie” mentioned me in “Dnevnik”- I would like to answer him with one sentence: Ivanov is lying to the domestic and international public – I admit that today my influence in the intelligence services has never been greater than my first day back in the September of 1981 when I first started working in the Intelligence services”, Verushevski said in a statement through his lawyer Filip Medarski.

Ivanov in the interview said that the entire system of the intelligence services was breached by the tectonic activities of Verushevski and his group.

“However, we survived that attack and we are reforming that whole sector. The migration crisis was an opportunity to observe the capacity of our intelligence facilities, especially following Verushevski’s influence there” Ivanov told “Dnevnik”.

Zoran Verushevski has been charged and is a defendant in the ” Putsch” case, along with opposition leader Zoran Zaev, and two others.

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