Tags МВР

Tag: МВР

MVR: 826 migrants entered Macedonia in the past 24 hours

In the past 24 hours, starting from 8 o’clock in the morning, the authorities have given temporary stay permits to 826 foreign nationals, of which 649 men, 152 women, 163 children who are accompanied by the permit holder, and 25 children traveling without a parent, who are receiving a permit which allows them to request exile, reports the Ministry...

MVR: The police force at the border is going to receive help from the army

Members of the Republic of Macedonia Army (ARM) are going to join their colleagues from the special police who are guarding the south border after the Government proclaimed an emergency situation due to the uncontrolled flow of migrants. The Ministry of Interior (MVR) announced that a limited number of illegal migrants are allowed to enter the country, if they belong...

Makpetrol: MVR has launched the criminal charges with an intent

“The entire process was done in accordance with the Law in all legality and there is no violation of rights here,” says in the announcement by Makpetrol which was reported by Telma related to the criminal charges the Ministry of Interior brought against the President of the company’s Executive Board  and 20 other persons who are members of the...

Makpetrol’s executive and 20 other affiliates accused in a financial scheme worth 6.1 million euro

Twenty one people- employees of the joint-stock company and largest Macedonian oil and gas vendor Makpetrol, are facing criminal charges by the Ministry of Interior (MVR). The individuals are suspected of illegally transferring funds from Makpetrol to Oilko, which holds shares in the company. Ten members of the Executive Board, eight members of the Supervisory Board and three from...

Nine people arrested in the raid codenamed “Cell” ; The police is searching for additional 27

The aftermath of the raid in which thirty locations were searched throughout Macedonia is nine arrested and 36 placed on suspect list. The raid codenamed Cell that was launched by the special forces of the Ministry of Interior took place this morning. Its purpose was to detain people responsible of enticing Macedonian citizens to join paramilitary formations in the...

Antiterrorist raid by MVR: Islamic State fighters arrested

Teams from the Ministry of Interior (MVR) are conducting an action to arrest individuals who are suspected of fighting in Syria on the side of the Islamist organization, Islamic State (IS). The Deputy Minister of public relations of the MVR, Ivo Kotevski, confirmed the information with Meta. Details of the action will be released later today. According to information, special police...

Four dead and eleven injured in the storm in the Tetovo region, says MVR

Hashim F. (83) of Shipkovica, A.M. (14) of Shipkovica and two minors aged seven and one, also from Shipkovica, lost their lives in the terrible storms that caught the region around Tetovo yesterday, inform from the Ministry of Interior (MVR). According to the Ministry, the bodies of Hashim F., A. M. and the year old infant, were found in Shipkovica,...

The number of transiting migrants in Macedonia has increased

The number of migrants that are transiting through Macedonia has been increasing. The Macedonian Ministry of Interior (MVR) announced that in the last three days they have given 1853 documents that recognize the right of exile for persons who have entered the country legally. In the period between June 19 and July 25 the authorities have given 2065 documents for...

MVR entered an agreement to recognize driver’s licenses of five more countries

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVR) reported it concluded contracts for reciprocal recognition of driver’s licenses between Macedonia and Italy, Spain, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro. MVR inform that based on the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of 1968, Macedonia mutually recognizes driver’s licenses with Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary, Belgium and Austria. There are ongoing talks about recognizing the...

Chavkov will push the Law on Asylum to be adopted in shorted procedure

On Tuesday next week, at a session of the Government, the draft amendments to the Law on asylum and temporary protection, which should facilitate the transit of immigrants across the country, will be reviewed. Amendments to the Law, which was proposed by the Ministry of Interior (MOI), were prepared and placed into procedure at the beginning of May, but after...

MOI found 128 immigrants and a murdered convicted in 2001 in Vaksince

In today's action, teams of the department to combat organized and serious crime at the Ministry of Interior (MOI) raided a dozen buildings in Kumanovo village Vaksince and found a total of 128 immigrants, who were illegally staying in some of them, said Deputy Minister for public relations of MOI Ivo Kotevski at a press conference. Most of the immigrants...

One month after “Kumanovo”: Facts, contradictions, speculations and silent institutions…

Exactly one month since the bloody conflict between the police and the terrorist group in Kumanovo Divo naselje, in which eight members of the special forces of the Ministry of Interior (MOI) were killed and 37 were wounded, is marked today. Four weeks ago, Macedonia suffered a collective shock of which is still recovering, due to the seriousness of...

Kotevski: We have information and warned of retaliatory actions for Kumanovo

We have operative information that some supporters of the terrorist group that was liquidated in Kumanovo have plans to kidnap officials of the Ministry of Interior and attacks on vital state institutions, for which we sent an instructive telegram to senior officials in the police to increase security measures, stated for Deputy Minister of Interior Ivo Kotevski for META. -...

New controversy for action in Kumanovo: There was a police officer among the terrorists?

Among the arrested members of the terrorist group, which was cracked in Kumanovo ten days ago, there actually was a police officer, confirmed Deputy Minister of Public Relations of the Ministry of Interior (MOI) Ivo Kotevski for META. When we asked whether it is true that there was a police officer among the detainees in action in Kumanovo, Kotevski answered:...

Котевски: Ангажиравме „соодветен број“ полицајци за протестот

„Соодветен број полициски службеници“ ќе бидат ангажирани  од Министреството за внатрешни работи (МВР) за обезбедување и за одржување на редот и на мирот на денешниот голем митинг во Скопје, изјави за „Мета“ помошникот-министер за односи со јавноста на МВР, Иво Котевски. На булеварот Партизански одреди може да се забележи конвој од полициски оклопни возила како се движат кон центарот на градот. Котевски...

MOI: Bodies of commander Nato and commander Begu identified, commander Sokoli arrested

Upon completion of the autopsy of the deceased members of the terrorist group, through the Bureau of Interpol Skopje, Ministry of Interior (MOI) initiated a procedure for verifying the identity of individuals. As MOI, the identity of Mirsad Ndrecaj (36), known as commander Nato, who, according to the police, is suspected to have been one of the leaders of the...

New gunfire and detonations in Kumanovo, the number of injured is increasing

The police action which started this morning in Kumanovo for, according to MOI, the liquidation of an armed group, is still ongoing. According to news crews who are on site, as the police operation takes place, shots and detonations can be heard from the settlement "Divo naselje". According to recent information, which is not yet confirmed, at least 15 policemen...

DUI: citizens to remain calm and not to succumb to disinformation

Democratic Union for Integration said that they follow today's developments in Kumanovo with great concern and urge citizens to be calm and not succumb to any provocations. "Democratic Union for Integration believes that today's events in Kumanovo, but also the previous ones in Goshince and the explosion in front of DUI headquarters and others, are actions that are in complete...

MOI checks information regarding armed groups in Kumanovo and in Zajas

Citing information from the media, portal "Almakos" and newspaper "Lajm" last night reported the news that armed groups were seen in Kumanovo and near Kichevo village Zajas. According to the media, the residents of Zajas, reportedly, noticed a group of about 50 armed men, but it was not known whether they wear uniforms with military symbols and what weapons they...

Jankuloska: Days in which the police will be again tested are upon us

"Macedonia and its institutions are faced with one of the major tests in recent history and because you are expected to be extremely focused on the task. Be persistent and professional and respect the Constitution and laws", said today Minister of Interior Gordana Jankuloska in her address on the occasion of the Day of the Police, referring to the...