Tags ДУИ

Tag: ДУИ

Anti-EU protests in capital of North Macedonia, today new calls for violence

The anti-EU protest in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia, that are openly supported by the opposition parties VMRO-DPMNE and Levica, will continue today, starting from the street in front of the Government and will continue across the Goce Delchev Bridge toward Mavrovka, then to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ministry and will end in front of the Parliament. The...

DUI has filed 5.000 out of 6.000 amendments to the changes made in the Election Code

DUI's MP group has filed almost 5.000 amendments for the draft changes in the Election Code, because it considers that the process of one way, changing of the rules of game before the election processes start would be a dangerous precedent that this Parliament will have to face with as well as the political scene in our country, said...

Zekir Ramchilovic elected as the new Vice President of the Parliament.

Independent MEP Zekir Ramchilovic was elected as Vice President of the Parliament. At the 116th session, 62 MPs voted in favor of while 12 were against. Ramchilovic will take over after Vesel Memedi's resignation upon proposal by MPs from DUI and SDSM. The President of the Parliament, Talat Xhafer announced that the session will continue tomorrow.

Over 40 amendments lodged to the draft-law on public prosecution

The political parties have lodged over 40 amendments about the draft law on public prosecution that was discussed today at the session of the Committee for European Affairs. The opposition party VMRO-DPMNE has lodged around 20 amendments, SDSM has lodged 16, DUI 10 while 3 were lodged by MP Surija Rashiti. The Committee's president, Artan Grubi called for a...

Премиерът на Северна Македония Заев направи козметична реконструкция

Реконструкцията на Правителството, т.е. "метлата" на министър-председателя Зоран Заев, се превърна в кърпа за полиране порцелан, вместо да бъде това, което наистина би трябвало да бъде, цялостна реконструкция на Правителство, която би имала смисъл и причина. Списъкът на министри за уволнение бе намален на трима, след като останалите четирима подадоха оставки в резултат на предишни споразумения, или с тях,...

Poll: One third of the citizens do not trust any politician

ulica Makedonija Stara Zheleznichka stanica lugje toplo minuvachi
Up to 30.1 % f the citizens do not trust any of the politicians, and those that still believe the politicians the most part (18.3%) have opted for the Prime Minister and a President of SDSM, Zoran Zaev. Second most popular is VMRo-DPMNE's President Hristijan Mickosk with 11.7% and third on the list is the runaway former Prime Minister...

The Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Kicevo will be investigating the “bombs” of El Cheka

The Basic Public Prosecutor’s Оffice Skopje informs that it handed over to the Basic Public Prosecutor's Office Kichevo the criminal charges filed by the Ministry of Interior against the so-called "El Cheka" from Chicago, who for more than a week has been sharing "bombs", i.e., wiretapped conversations of persons mainly from BDI. These talks include talks between officials of BDI...

New “bombs” released which Zaev hasn’t heard the content yet, while DUI seeks accountability from institutions

A Facebook profile under the name "El Cheka" has been sharing wiretapped materials for several days i.e. the so-called bombs that date from the period between 2008 and 2015 when the secret police were illegally wiretapping thousands of citizens. Later, these conversations were published by the former opposition leader Zoran Zaev. In these wiretapped conversations, several DUI officials can be...

„Метлата” на Заев не мете в двора на Ахмети

Операцията метла", обявена от премиера Зоран Заев още през април - веднага след първия тур на президентските избори, ще „играе" през юни. Засегнати ще бъдат арогантините и безотговорни кадри, както и тези, които са вплетени в непотизъм и са част от производствата на Комисията за борба с корупцията. Премиерът обяви това след завръщането си от кратката почивка с приятелите...

Srpski RTS izgubljen u kalendaru: stranka VMRO-DPMNE izabrala predsedničkog kandidata

Srpski radio difuzni servis RTS je sinoć na svojoj internet stranici objavio vest o jučerašnjem razgovoru predsednika stranke SDSM, Zorana Zaeva, i predsednika stranke DUI, Alija Ahmetija, u kome su se oba partnera vladajuće koalicije dogovorili da na predsedničke izbore 21. aprila nastupe sa zajedničkim kandidatom. Ovu informaciju RTS-a je preuzelo više portala bez provere. Prenoseći napise u makedonskim medijima o...

No deal of Sela and Kasami yet, just will for joint presidential candidate

Zijadin Sela's Alliance of the Albanians and Besa's wing led by Bilal Kasami haven't still agreed upon the possibility of having mutual candidate in the presidential elections, but both parties most certainly share the will for something like that, Portalb informs. -Nothing has been discussed about this with the Besa Movement. It's a well-known fact that both sides have a...

Със закриването на Специалната прокуратура, в Македония ще угасне и надеждата за правова държава

Върховния съд на Македония, като върховна съдебна инстанция в страната, с последното спорно правно становище изглежда, че закри всички искри надежда, че предводниците на режима на беглеца бивш министър-претдседател Никола Груевски ще бъдат изправени пред правосъдието. След това решение на всички тези хиляди граждани, които скандираха "Няма справедливост - няма мир!" маршируващи в "Цветната революция" в подкрепа на Специалната...

DUI’s assessment is that the elections were democratic and that the citizens have freely expressed their will

DUI's assessment is that the elections were democratic and that the citizens have freely expressed their will, said the chief of the party's election headquarters, Arber Ademi, as soon as the polling stations were closed at 19h. -The government of Macedonia showed a capacity for organizing democratic elections. The voting is over now and the process of counting the...

DUI mourns the murder of Idrizi and asks that the motives are brought to light in the case

The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) has asked all institutions to bring to light the motives behind the murder of the mayor of the municipality of Bogovinje, Hazbi Idrizi, which, the press says wasn’t provoked by anything. "DUI is deeply at shocked by the news of the murder of the member of our family and the Mayor of the municipality of Bogovinje,...

Osmani: Bilingual banknotes and uniforms are not unconstitutional

Even bilingual banknotes and uniforms will be constitutional, said DUI’s spokesperson, Bujar Osmani, in a statement for Radio Slobodna Evropa, after Zaev’s press conference. The SDSM party leader said that these weren’t in line with the Constitution, that was it suggested by experts that his party has consulted. "We think that these things are completely in accordance with the Constitution,...

DUI will investigate all its party officials for abuse of office

Today, the Democratic Union for Integration, announced that at the last meeting of the party's presidency, they discussed the need for transparent reforms at all levels and structures of DUI. "The trust of the citizens for the implementation of election promises has been achieved by almost uninterrupted participation in all jurisdictions, which has made party exponents become the subject of...

Osmani: DUI will participate in the Government led by SDSM

The Democratic Union of Albanians at the meeting of the Central Presidency decided to participate in the new Government led by SDSM, said spokesman Bujar Osmani after midnight. “DUI decided to respect the will of the citizens and participate in the Government. We ask that Ivanov give the mandate to the leader of SDSM, Zoran Zaev”, said Osmani during the...

Meeting of the Central Presidency has ended, party awards mandate to Zoran Zaev

The meeting of the Central Presidency of SDSM has ended, and after two sessions, the leadership have decided that Zoran Zaev, the party leader will be the mandatary to put together the new government. No-one from SDSM gave any statements after the meeting, they just briefly said that there will be a statement regarding the meeting. Last night, Bujar Osmani, the...

DUI gives its signatures to SDSM and will think about joining their coalition

DUI will give its signatures to SDSM to form a new government, but those signatures won’t mean that DUI will enter into a coalition with SDSM. This was announced yesterday by DUI’s spokesperson Bujar Osmani during DUI’s Central Presidency session, who are still debating. Osmani said that the Central Presidency will continue with the debate, but the signatures were...

Ahmeti: There aren’t any big differences with SDSM regarding the proposal for the use of the Albanian language

DUI’s party leader, Ali Ahmeti, after the meeting with SDSM’s president, Zoran Zaev, announced that they didn’t talk about the signatures for receiving a mandate for a new government. – In Macedonia, the Albanian language is guaranteed by the Constitution. These days we shall summon the presidency in order to make important decisions for the Albanians. At today’s meeting with...