Tags COVID19

Tag: COVID19

Will poetry be enough to get Czechs to embrace anti COVID-19 vaccination?

As anti-COVID-19 vaccination becomes accessible in the European Union, the Czech government has launched a new communication campaign aimed at overcoming the fear of or suspicion about vaccination. And this time, the inspiration for the campaign has found its source in an unlikely place for public health public announcements: poetry, "Global Voices" writes. On December 27, the Twitter account of...

International Human Rights Day and their importance in building the post-Covid-19 world

Today is 10 December, the International Human Rights Day. On this day in 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the first global document to articulate human rights and bring them to the forefront globally, as well as one of the greatest achievements of the United Nations. Moreover, the celebration of...

Businessman and Skopje’s Deputy Mayor Enver Maliqi died of COVID-19 complications

The Deputy Mayor of the capital of North Macedonia, Skopje, and businessman Enver Maliqi died from the complications with COVID-19. Maliqi was the owner of the Gemak Trade companz and Park Hotel and Spa and had businesses in Kosovo and Albania through his company Gekos group. In 2017, Maliqi was appointed Deputy Mayor of Skopje and in 2018 he was appointed...

977 new COVID-19 cases registered in North Macedonia, 31 persons died

In the past 24 hours, 2.930 tests were conducted and 977 new cases of COVID-19 infections were registered in North Macedonia, informs the Health Ministry. The ministry also informs that in the same period, 31 patients have died. The Public Health Institute registered 843 recoveries. The total number of COVID diagnosed in Macedonia since the outbreak of the epidemic is 48.613,...

Getting no response from their professors, students reach out to the social networks

In a situation when the university students during the coronavirus crisis in North Macedonia can only use electronic devices to attend lectures and take exams, there is the very important segment of the communication with their teachers - that is very often almost left out. While in most of the cases the students manage to achieve normal two-way communication with...

Health Minister Filipche: Restrictions on gatherings in order to avoid parks full of people

The new government decision to ban groups of more than four people in public spaces was made when we saw that the parks during the weekend are full of people, said the Minister of Health Venko Filipche. "The restriction on groups was made in order not to have gatherings in the parks. After 9 p.m. we saw that the parks...

Ban on public space gatherings in North Macedonia of more than four people throughout the day

During yesterday's session, the government adopted a decision to ban public space gatherings of more than four persons in parks or anywhere else in open spaces throughout the day, with defined exceptions for this ban. Previously, the ban on groupings started after 9 p.m., informed the government's press service. This is a step further towards strengthening the measures in order to...

Bishop’s funeral in Montenegro leads to wider spread of COVID19

The sight of thousands of people waiting to kiss the mortal remains of the Serbian Orthodox Christian bishop Amfilohije Radović in Montenegro caused outrage in the Balkans. Several days later, reported infections of top Serbian religious figures, including Partiarch Irinej, indicate that the lavish funeral could serve as a coronavirus superspreader event. Metropolitan Amfilohije was one the most powerful men...

COVID-19 crisis confirmed the need for promoting safe access to digital technologies

The COVID-19 pandemic is the best indicator for the need of digital technologies, that one way or another we are all using for work, learning, studying, fun, communication, playing games i.e. for normal functioning. They will have to be developed and promoted so that all citizens will be able to have access and possibilities for safe use. This was stated...

The Commission for Infectious Diseases proposed border opening with Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo

The Health Ministry informed the public that this morning the Commission for Infectious Diseases issued a proposal for opening the borders with Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Albania, without the obligation of PCR tests. "According to the analyses, at the moments there isn't any indication i.e. there is no higher number of imported cases with COVID-19 in the country. In accordance...

Classroom teaching is vital, the rules for the schools are being prepared in North Macedonia

Certain schools in North Macedonia have better spatial conditions, others are less competent in this regard. At some schools, there may be a large number of pupils, so working in shifts will have to be introduced and at some there are smaller classrooms and working in shifts will not be required. Therefore, the teaching process with physical presence will...

Final unofficial results by North Macedonia’s SEC – SDSM with 2 MP seats more than VMRO-DPMNE

The president of the State Election Commission (SEC) of North Macedonia, Oliver Derkoski, at the public meeting of the SEC, held about 22 hours after the end of the voting process in the early parliamentary elections in North Macedonia, tonight announced the final unofficial results. The numbers of MP seats won by the political parties who participated in the...

The number of people caught without face masks drops, although the number of active COVID-19 cases is high

The Ministry of Interior (MOI) informed that in the past 24 hours, the police have registered 237 people who were not wearing face masks. This is the smallest number of reported violations by MOI in the past period since the government has issued the order for mandatory wearing personal protection in order to prevent the COVID-19 spread. Against the drop...

Analysis: Balkan countries do not have a consistent strategy for COVID-19 testing

No country in the world knows the exact total number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 disease. All that is known is what can be learned from the official records kept by health authorities based on the results of the tests performed. All infections that are laboratory confirmed are considered confirmed cases. This means that the...

Join the CtrlZ Challenge and win a Go Pro Hero 7

The Metamorphosis Foundation announces a CtrlZ Challenge for a short video on the topic: The life of young people after the emergence of COVID-19. The challenge is open for all interested young people who are aged 13 to 24. All you have to do is create a short video about what the daily activities of young people will look like after...

Health Minister Filipche: Ignoring the virus and denying its existence won’t help anyone

Ignoring the virus and denying its existence won't help anyone. Those that behave responsibly and are abiding by the measures, should serve as an example to others. The restrictions are undesirable and we will be able to avoid them only if we behave in a disciplined manner, said the Health Minister Venko Filipche during today's press conference when he...

Each third person infected with COVID-19 shows no symptoms – what is the real number of the virus’ invisible spreaders? (infographic)

So far, out of 2 000 registered people infected with COVID-19 in North Macedonia, 32.3% have no symptoms at all, but can transmit the sickness. According to the Institute of Public Health's daily report, two-thirds of the asymptomatic cases (75%) "had contact with already confirmed case in the country". The question is if each third person of the registered infected...

Nije istina da je u svim zemljama osim u Švedskoj uvedeno vanredno stanje

Predsednica Narodne skupštine Srbije Maja Gojković u gostovanju na televiziji Happy pre oko nedelju dana pričajući o predstojećim izborima u Srbiji i organizovanju kampanje rekla je da sve države u Evropi polako popuštaju mere. „Još uvek se ne prave nikakvi skupovi, zato što epidemija polako jenjava, kao i svuda u Evropi. Vidite da svi rade slično i da je to...

Twenty thousand Covid-19 cases have been registered in the Balkans, more than one third of them are in Serbia

Two months since the first case of COVID-19 was registered in Croatia, as the first Balkan nation to have officially confirmed the presence of the virus, there almost 20,000 inhabitants of 10 Balkan nations that have been infected with the virus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB8HhRy16kM What's most striking about the official statistics published by the World Health Organization, the Johns Hopkins University and Worldometer,...

26 new cases, 36 recovered and one patient dies from Covid-19 in Macedonia

In the past 24 hours, the number of new case of people infected with the coronavirus increased by 26 cases and the total number of diagnosed persons is now 1.326 An 80 year old patient has also passed away from the virus.. The number of passed away patients is now 57. During the same period, 36 patients were...