Tags COVID-19

Tag: COVID-19

Ellinika Hoaxes: The “announcements” for mass vaccination against COVID-19 in August are false

As part of its fight against the disinformation and false news that easily cross the borders in the Balkans region and very soon appear in another country or in another language, Meta.mk is regularly transmitting the current topics from the kin services for fact-checking and fight against disinformation in the region i.e. starting from Bosnia in the north to...

In North Macedonia 198 new COVID-19 cases, 97 recoveries and 4 deaths

In the last 24 hours in North Macedonia, 1 382 testings for the coronavirus have been conducted and 198 people tested positive. Most of them are from Skopje – 83, followed by Shtip with 21 new cases, Kumanovo with 12 and Bitola with 11 newly diagnosed patients. In the same period, four people died from COVID-19 – 2 from Prilep...

From 6th to 12th of July 1.017 treated patients recovered, 40% more than the week before

A significant increase of the number of patients who recovered from COVID-19 and a drop of the number of deaths in comparison to the previous week. This insight comes from the weekly report of the Institute for Public Health of North Macedonia, published today, which covers the period from 6t fo 12th of July 2020. As the Ministry of Health...

New 88 cases of COVID-19 from 973 tests, 123 recoveries and three deaths in North Macedonia

The Ministry of Health of North Macedonia informs that in the last 24 hours 973 coronavirus tests were conducted and 88 new cases of COVID-19 were registered. The count by cities is as follows: Skopje 30, Kumanovo 8, Debar 1, Shtip 13, Prilep 5, Tetovo 3, Struga 11, Veles 1, Bitola 1, Ohrid 2, Kavadarci 1, Gostivar 1, Probishtip 1,...

In North Macedonia 16 municipalities will create COVID-centers in preparation for the autumn wave

In preparation for the potential new wave of COVID-19 infections in North Macedonia, the mayors of 16 municipalities have endorsed the proposal of the Health Ministry and the Commission for Infectious Diseases to form regional "COVID-centers" in the cities where there are already general hospitals and health centers, informs the Health Ministry. In pinpoints that  it's about additional temporary capacities,...

The coronavirus crisis hits Macedonian tourism hard, in May there was a loss of 100.000 tourists

Macedonian tourism is suffering losses in millions of euros as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit North Macedonia. In May 2020, the number of tourists has decreased by almost 100.000 guests compared to the same period last year, show the data provided by the State Statistics Bureau (SSB). Unlike last year, when during May there were 98.998...

The coronavirus “invades” new five textile companies in Shtip

Workers from five textile companies and their relatives or friends are part of the newly infected people with COVID-9 in Shtip in the last few days. Yesterday there were 14 new confirmed cases and today the number is close to ten, even though the results from the tests from two other laboratories aren't yet complete, confirmed the Center for...

COVID-19 patients go to hospital too late, “8-mi Septemvri” hospital wages war with death everyday

North Macedonia is still in a critical phase of the coronavirus spread as every day it registers numbers of newly infected always above one hundred. This situation has been ongoing for the past two months, and since the 3rd of June, almost every day, Macedonia has been registering above 100 new cases. The peak was registered on the 13th...

North Macedonia with 168 new COVID-19 cases, 3 deaths and 70 recoveries

The toll of the COVID-19 in North Macedonia in the last 24 hours diverted from the trends of the past few days, when the number of patients who recovered was greater than that of the new cases, but the former took a downturn and today there were only 70 recoveries, while yesterday 230 recovered patients were registered. The number...

Citizens of Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Bosnia cannot enter North Macedonia without PCR test

During yesterday's session, the Government of North Macedonia adopted the Commission for Infectious Diseases' recommendation to introduce PCR tests for citizens of Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Hercegovina as a prerequisite for entering the country. The decision will become effective today and will last until a new decision has been adopted by the Government. The mandatory RT PCR SARS-CoV-2...

Survey: Most of the young people will either skip the vacation this summer or will head for Lake Ohrid

The young people in North Macedonia have different plans for their summer vacation in the forthcoming period, showed the survey that was carried out by the @studentarijamk Instagram profile. The questions were posted online on 5 and 6th of July, and 3.129 respondents replied. When asked whether they plan a summer vacation during the next three months, 51.8 % of...

Three days in a row the number of recoveries bigger than that of the new cases of COVID-19

The Ministry of Health of North Macedonia informs that in the past 24 hour period 163 new COVID-19 cases were registered, with 8 deaths and 230 recoveries. The number of the conducted tests is 1 794. The biggest number of the newly diagnosed cases is for the capital Skopje - 87 cases, with Tetovo as second on the list, with...

North Macedonia could introduce mandatory PCR tests for citizens of Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Montenegro

The Health Minister Venko Filipche informed on his Facebook profile that the Commission for Infectious Diseases held a meeting this morning and it decided to submit a proposal to the Government that, starting from tomorrow, all citizens arriving in North Macedonia from Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro to be obliged to submit PCR tests not older than...

120 new cases of COVID-19, 5 deaths and 125 recoveries in the past 24 hours

In North Macedonia in the past 24 hours, 1 367 testings for COVID-19 were conducted, and as an outcome, 120 new cases were diagnosed. More than half of the newly diagnosed are from Skopje - 63, and Tetovo is in the second place, with 14 new cases, followed closely by the neighboring Gostivar with 12 cases. The Institute of Public...

Hundred days of swimming trainings in a 2x2m backyard pool: How Eva adapted to the new conditions (video + gallery)

The new situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was very tough on individual sports. This period is highly challenging for swimmers who were forced to pause their training due to the closure of swimming pools and to find other ways to stay in shape. https://youtu.be/o60FUsfPeGk (For automatic translation into English, click on the cogwheel under the video, and then enable "English/auto...

Дарко Омерагич, журналист от Сараево: Пандемията промени живота на всички, особено на журналистите

„Наистина не знам защо някои медии уволниха журналисти, особено не ми е ясно защо бяха уволнени добри журналисти. Една от причините, за които чух, са намалените приходи от маркетинг, но това не трябва да бъде причина, предвид факта, че медиите отдавна присъстват с дигитални платформи, които от своя страна им осигуряват маркетингови приходи“. Журналистът от Сараево Дарко Омерагич работил в...

Μίλοραντ Μιλόγιεβιτς, Ράδιο Ελεύθερη Ευρώπη: Οι δημοσιογραφοι στη Βοσνία και Ερζεγοβίνη μένουν πλέον χωρίς δουλειά λόγω της πανδημίας

Η επιδημία του Covid-19 από πολλές απόψεις επηρέασε τους δημοσιογράφους, οι οποίοι αποτελούσαν τον σύνδεσμο μεταξύ του συστήματος υγείας και των πολιτών κατά τη διάρκεια της κρίσης. Οι πολίτες άγρυπνα παρακολουθούσαν ότι έχει σχέση με την πανδημία, χωρίς όμως να δίνουν σημασία σ΄αυτούς που τους μετάφεραν καθημερινά τις σχετικές πληροφορίες. Παράλληλα, οι δημοσιογράφοι λόγω των εργασιακών τους αποστολών, πολύ...

Милорад Милойевич, Радио Свободна Европа: Журналистите в БиХ вече са без работа поради пандемията

Епидемията на Covid-19 повлия по много начини на журналистите които бяха връзка между здравеопазване и обществеността по време на кризата. Обществеността внимателно следеше всичко, свързано с пандемията, игнорирайки онези, които ежедневно им предават информацияте във връзка с епидемията. В същото време журналистите на работните си задачи често бяха изложени на епидемията и бяха без адекватна защита. Икономическите аспекти на...

The number of new cases isn’t dropping: All gatherings are like biological bombs which will explode if we aren’t careful

The number of newly infected cases with COVID-19 in North Macedonia is above 100 on a day to day basis. Is the health system i.e. the state doing enough when it comes to fighting the COVID-19? What else can be done in order to stop the rise of numbers of newly infected? What other options do we have? To answer these...

In the past 24 hours, 4 deaths and 118 new cases of COVID-19 in North Macedonia

In the past 24 hours, 118 new COVID-19 cases were registered and 1.363 tests were conducted, informs the Health Ministry of North Macedonia. New cases were reported in Skopje (55), Kumanovo (9), Tetovo (20) while in Gevgelija, Debar, Bitola, Shtip, Sveti Nikole and Kichevo, each has 1 patient registered, Gostivar (4) and Resen (5). The Institute for Public Health registered...