Mon, 20 January, 2025
Tags Bomb

Tag: bomb

A newly leaked audio recording of Mickoski and Kicheec: Sasho provided 5.000 EUR twice for the buses for the rally on the 2nd of June

A new audio recording was posted today on YouTube from a user name "Racket", in whichs the voices of VMRO-DPMNE's party leader Hristijan Mickoski and Zoran Mileski - Kicheec, who is one of the convicts in the Racket case, can be heard. The conversation lasts 23 seconds, and it seems that Mileski and Mickoski are discussing ways of paying the...

Pardoning party debts, court cases and the Law for Public Prosecution in the new leaked conversation between Mickoski and Kicheec (audio)

A new audio recording was posted on YouTube under the user name Racket, in which one can hear the voice of VMRO-DMNE's party leader Hristijan Mickoski, then Zoran Milevski - Kicheec and woman's voice. In the conversation between these three parties, a certain person is discussed, for whom Mickoski says he is very grateful to, since he has helped him...

For Judge Vangelovski to be excluded, the Supreme Court will decide at a general session

Yesterday, the Special Public Prosecutor's Office requested that the president of the Supreme Court, Jovo Vangelovski be excluded because he is part of the wiretapped conversations that were released by SDSM which occurred when he was the president of the Court. As this concerns the president of the highest court in the country i.e. there is no higher judicial authority, the law...

“End of Program” say protesters in front of MRTV

The “Colourful Revolution” tonight coloured the MRTV building and told the public broadcasting service it was the “End of Program”. The focus of today's protest was MRTV, the public broadcasting service, and to send the message that it is a public service, and the responsibility of the public service is to the citizens, and not to the party. Before MRTV...

Harvard University evacuated due to bomb threat

Several buildings at Harvard University in the US have been evacuated due to a bomb scare, announced the Harvard website. "We received a bomb threat at the Science Centre, the Sever, the Emerson and Thayer halls on campus. The buildings have been evacuated and police are on the scene. They are searching all four buildings. We expect this process will...

Jankuloska and Stavreski tell how much Zvrlevski is a non-political prosecutor in one of the “Bombs”

Attorney General of the Republic Marko Zvrlevski, the man who just recently said that for him, the Special Prosecution was a political prosecution has found himself in a bind after a “Bomb” released some startling information about him. In one of the "Bombs" of the opposition, the Attorney General was mentioned by two politicians, Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski...

Kotevski: There are no indications the explosions in Skopje and Kumanovo are related

The police has not found any indications that suggest the bomb that exploded last night near the building of the Sector for Internal Affairs (SVR) in Skopje is related to the explosion in Kumanovo on July 11, is the statement that Meta received from the Ministry of Interior (MVR) to the question whether this is a retaliation to the...

DUI: Zaev’s accusations are taken out of context

Through a statement, DUI denied all accusations stated at today’s press conference of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, and stressed that "accusations that are just a part of his announcements" are concerned. "The fact that the conversation between the president of the party and president of the branch of Chair referring to the sale of party property in Skopje (for which...

SDSM with a new “bomb”

Today, in the "Camp of Liberty" in front of the government, SDSM will hold a press conference on which a new batch of audio recordings of tapped conversations of the project "Truth about Macedonia" will be announced. According to party sources, today's "bomb" would behave in the manner of cooperation of the ruling coalition between VMRO-DPMNE and DUI, especially the...

Shilegov: SDSM is all for elections, but for fair and democratic elections

Responding to journalists’ questions, SDSM spokesman Petre Shilegov said that the "bombs" will continue and long-awaited bombs for DUI, "Monster" and the like will soon be announced. Shilegov said that conversations of the project "Truth about Macedonia" will be published as it was promised to the citizens of Macedonia. Commenting the statement of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski that VMRO-DPMNE is...

SDSM to continue with the “bombs” tomorrow?

Although according to the official agreement that the parties signed on 2nd of June in the residence of the European Union SDSM agreed not to publish wiretapped conversations, according to unofficial information of META, the "bombs" will continue tomorrow and the party is still considering their topic. Party spokesman Petre Shilegov said that it is certain that there will not...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev confirmed that Soros runs SDSM

Zoran Zaev today again confirmed that he is not SDSM leader and that his party is led by the Soros Foundation, reads the reaction of VMRO-DPMNE for today’s press conference of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev. "The more he understands that his scenario is unsuccessful, he becomes so much more nervous.It is no coincidence that Zaev today listed NGOs working...

New “bomb” of SDSM: Stavreski and Jankulovska bought apartments in the same building

SDSM spokesman, Peter Schilegov, today announced new recorded conversations in which the Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, advises former Interior Minister Gordana Jankulovska, on how to get a new apartment. According to Schilegov, Stavreski applied his council himself, and acquired an apartment in the same building. – Jankulovska and her husband Vlatko bought two apartments, those upgraded and extended on the...

What did the new candidate for head of MOI Chavkov talked about with Jankuloska?

Mitko Chavkov Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski's proposal as new Interior Minister, who will assume the post of Gordana Jankuloska, was also mentioned in the 27th "bomb" of Zoran Zaev. When he announced the conversations, Zaev said they are evidence of who and how the wiretapping was carried out. Here's the conversation. Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Mitko Chavkov. Chavkov: Hello? Jankuloska: Hello, good evening...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev’s destructiveness has no boundaries

"SDSM is in a deep paranoia and shock due to the lack of effect of their performances and lack of interest and support from the people, but also that Zaev’s destructiveness has no boundaries," reads a statement of VMRO-DPMNE to today’s press conference of the president of the municipal organization of SDSM in Kavadarci. "In today's publication of the created,...

SDSM: When we come to power, we will restore control on UBK and MOI

"Our requirements as an opposition will be solutions as a Government," said SDSM spokesman Petre Shilegov to the question of META about how they plan to be different and what will the current opposition change in the field of controlling the work of the Security and Counterintelligence Agency (UBK) when it comes to power. Yesterday, opposition leader Zoran Zaev announced...

Jankuloska for “Monster”: The cameras are ready, but will we be done with the murder?

"Unfortunately, when the revolting murder happened, the cameras were not operational and we couldn’t count on such a powerful technological tool for uncovering the worst crime with which we are faced. However, with the selfless commitment of all members of the Ministry of Interior, who literally worked around the clock on the field from the time when the murder...

VMRO-DPMNE: “Bomb” of SDSM in Veles exploded 20 years ago

"The bomb of SDSM in Veles, unfortunately, exploded twenty years ago when lousy policies of SDSM closed almost all factories and enterprises, and over 10 thousand Veles citizens were left without work," reads the reaction of VMRO-DPMNE to today's press conference of SDSM, on which president of Veles branch of the party Panche Ivanov announced recordings for three scandals...

Little men, Indians, Shqiptars, Gypsies, yellow, donkeys…Politicians or coachmen?

Little men, Gypsies, water polo players, Shqiptars, Indians, yellow, pharaohs, Egyptians... Terms politicians use in audio recordings published by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev are a clear description of those who use them and give the impression of people filled with prejudice and intolerance towards the different, say experts. Nikola Gruevski: yellow, idiots; Ali Baba; Is he a Muslim or Catholic? Gordana...

SDSM tomorrow with a “bomb” in Shtip

Opposition SDSM will publish new recordings with tapped conversations at tomorrow’s press conference in Shtip. President of the municipal organization in Shtip Vladimir Miloshev didn’t provide details of the contents of the conversations that are to be announced and invited the citizens to the afternoon march, which will be led by leader Zoran Zaev. - The march will begin in...