What did the new candidate for head of MOI Chavkov talked about with Jankuloska?


Mitko Chavkov Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski’s proposal as new Interior Minister, who will assume the post of Gordana Jankuloska, was also mentioned in the 27th “bomb” of Zoran Zaev.

When he announced the conversations, Zaev said they are evidence of who and how the wiretapping was carried out.

Here’s the conversation.

Conversation between Gordana Jankuloska and Mitko Chavkov.

Chavkov: Hello?
Jankuloska: Hello, good evening Mite, how are you?
Chavkov: Good evening Minister. I’m fine, better.
Jankuloska: Well, it is not too late.
Chavkov: OK, OK not a problem.
Jankuloska: I presume you are not sleeping this early.
Chavkov: Not a problem.
Jankuloska: Listen, I wanted to call you one more time. I’ve just spoken with director Sasho, but it is different when I call more, he is more comfortable.
Chavkov: Right.
Jankuloska: Regarding the law on interception of communications. Right now we are negotiating with the communists, discuss, trying to pass it somehow, not stall the whole thing…
Chavkov: OK.
Jankuloska: Regarding the monitoring, the committee…
Chavkov: Right.
Jankuloska: Now they accepted the entire paragraph stating without notice and in full composition to be deleted, for us to delete it.
Chavkov: OK.
Jankuloska: And it practically means that the committee will decide by majority votes…
Chavkov: It is the same…
Jankuloska: And will tell us when it will come.
Chavkov: Right.
Jankuloska: As it is now, de facto.
Chavkov: So, they want that paragraph to be deleted.
Jankuloska: Well, no, that’s the compromise.
Chavkov: Yeah. All right.
Jankuloska: They want the “full composition” part to be deleted…
Chavkov: Full composition…
Jankuloska: We want he “without notice” part to be deleted…
Chavkov: Yeah.
Jankuloska: So in order to get going, I say delete the whole paragraph of the article…
Chavkov: Yes. Well, I think it’s good.
Jankuloska: Well, I think it’s good too. I called the director.
Chavkov: Yes.
Jankuloska: He says, if you think it’s good, okay. Because he was out and doesn’t have the law in front of him…
Chavkov: Right. I know it.
Jankuloska: And says: If you think it’s okay, okay. And I think is okay. But I said to myself, let me call someone else, you know.
Chavkov: I also think it’s okay.
Jankuloska: So do I. Because article 36-a is the one we added…
Chavkov: Right…
Jankuloska: That it is in full composition and without notice, and is adopted… and they add that the decision is adopted by majority votes.
Chavkov: Yes.
Jankuloska: They are now entitled the preceding article to state that they have a right to control, have access…
Chavkov: Right…
Jankuloska: …equipment and means of interception of communication.
Chavkov: So, they run the committee.
Jankuloska: Yeah, but that’s it. But this means that they’ll make a decision and will inform either the Minister or the director, now, regardless of whom they inform, we’ll tell them “come on that day.”
Chavkov: Right.
Jankuloska: And of course, they are majority, they will come and say “The whole country is being wiretapped.” We will say “no it’s not.” That’s it.
Chavkov: Right. I think it can be so.
Jankuloska: And that’s it.
Chavkov: I think, yes, yes, it can be so.
Jankuloska: Because it would be a compromise.
Chavkov: Yes, yes, yes.
Jankuloska: And that with 28 …48 you said that can accept, I will accept it and something else…
Chavkov: We disrupt that comfort, however we can to do it.
Jankuloska: Well now, exactly, but we have to do it somehow, because if we don’t, the system will collapse.

Proposed candidate for new Minister of Interior Mitko Chavkov graduated from the Faculty of Security in Skopje in 1986. In December 2011, he mastered on the thesis “criminal intelligence in the fight against organized crime.”

Upon completion of his academic education, he was employed in the Ministry of Interior. From 1992 to mid-1999, he is head of the Department of Criminal Police at SOI Strumica and from 1999 to 2001 was deputy head of SOI Strumica. From 2005 to September 2006, he is Chief Inspector of Financial Crime Organized Crime Department, and from 2006 to April 2012, he was head of the Organized Crime Department (now Center for suppressing organized and serious crime). From April 2012 to May 2013, he was head of the Central Police Services. From May 2013 he was Director of the Public Security Bureau.

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