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One dead and four injured in an accident near Demir Kapija

One person was killed and four were injured in a car accident that occurred near Demir Kapija. The accident occurred this morning around 6:30 am...

EU Summit cancelled – chances of Greece’s salvation are slim

President of the European Council Donald Tusk today announced that the EU Summit, which was to be held tonight because of the Greek crisis,...

New meeting of Eurozone finance ministers for Greece

The finance ministers of the Eurozone countries will today meet at a new extraordinary meeting in Brussels after yesterday failing to agree whether to...

Customs denies: We do not procure equipment for wiretapping

Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia today denied that it procures equipment for wiretapping. "Regarding the information about the alleged procurement of equipment for...

Chavkov: Police thoroughly investigates the explosion in Kumanovo

Interior Minister Mitko Chavkov today said that the police is thoroughly investigating the case of the explosion in Kumanovo today. - The initial information is...

Nuland to recommend that the agreement from 2nd of June is the basis for resolving the crisis

Assistant of the US Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Victoria Nuland will arrive in Skopje on Sunday, confirmed the US Embassy in...

Misplaced jokes of former minister and MP Miloshoski ridiculed on social networks

Former Foreign Minister and current MP Antonio Miloshoski on his Twitter profile in a tweet called Germans "Swabians", to which another Twitter user asked...

Hahn to hold a new leadership meeting in Skopje

One day after the visit of the assistant of Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Victoria Nuland, who will come to Macedonia on...

MOI increases the number of police officers by 6 percent

Ministry of Interior announced a public competition for admission of 600 police officers. As stated in the announcement, the Skopje area of the Department of...

The prosecution without comment to the request of ICG for international investigation on Kumanovo

"The Public Prosecution for organized crime and corruption takes daily measures and activities related to events that occurred in Kumanovo in the implementation of...

Kodzias next week in Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kodzias plans a second tour of the Balkans. Kodzias next week will visit Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia, i.e. states circumvent in...

NGOs and SDSM will today decide whether to remove the camp

Whether the camp in front of the government will be removed will be decided at today's meeting that SDSM leadership will have with NGOs. After...

Tsipras’ package awaiting approval from the Parliament

Greek Parliament will vote today on a new package of measures and reforms which the government of Alexis Tsipras will submit to European lenders. It...

Peshevski: Hahn had no precise information on the economic growth

EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn may not the most precise data at this point at his disposal, said Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Vladimir...

SDSM began its own investigation into the events in Kumanovo on 9th of May

The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) called all who have information about the background of events in Kumanovo two months ago, to share...

VMRO-DPMNE: We won’t accept change of ministers and Prime Minister

In the recent course of negotiations, VMRO-DPMNE made many concessions for compromise and there is no room for new ones, especially in the organization...

DUI: We call on the parties to rise above narrow political interests

Regarding yesterday's statement of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev that negotiations are unsuccessful, DUI say that there cannot be a unilateral solution to the crisis....

Hahn comes to Skopje next week

Recent developments in Macedonia led Commissioner Johannes Hahn to again schedule a trip to Skopje in the first half of next week, stated his...

Greek crisis emptied casinos in Gevgelija

Number of clients from Greece in casinos in Gevgelija is falling from 2011 onwards, but it is more emphasized in the recent period. - Greeks...

Kumanovo, two months after the shock: The trauma passed, the unrest remained

Even after two months, the public is still suffering from the mystery and awaits the relevant institutions to respond to the question of what...