The finance ministers of the Eurozone countries will today meet at a new extraordinary meeting in Brussels after yesterday failing to agree whether to support the plan for a new Greek assistance program or to cut off Greece from the common European currency.
– We could not agree, we will continue tomorrow – said late last night Dutch minister and head of the Eurozone Jeroen Dijsselbloem and added that there is “a problem of confidence” in the Greek authorities.
Considering the strong division that reflects the last evening’s meeting, in Brussels today afternoon will be held an extraordinary meeting of the European Union, which will be attended by heads of states and governments of all 28 states.
The crisis has deepened after Greek voters in a referendum last week refused to accept austerity plan imposed by the creditors as a condition for a new program of financial assistance from the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund.
The outcome of today’s meeting will indicate whether Greece will be cut off by the ECB, or will be allowed, with strict austerity measures, to remain in the Eurozone.