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They have agreed: Early elections on April 24 with 100 days with transitional government

The leaders of the four political parties, mediated by the EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn after long talks, late this morning, reached an agreement...

New delay of Hahn’s press conference, whether there will be an agreement is uncertain

The press conference of EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn has been postponed for the second time. Instead of the original term...

Hahn’s press conference postponed for 8 pm

Previously scheduled press conference of EU Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Commissioner Johannes Hahn was rescheduled from 6.30 pm for 8 pm. As predicted, Hahn and...

Gruevski arrived at a meeting with Hahn and MEP three

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, accompanied by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Health, Nikola Popovski and Nikola Todorov, arrived at the residence of the...

CMD: Proceedings for defamation against journalists delayed

In the second quarter of 2015 (April to June), the Center for Media Development (CMD) followed 28 court cases through 52 hearings. Since the adoption...

Ahmeti: There is a willingness to resolve the crisis

After meeting with EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn, DUI leader Ali Ahmeti said that there is a willingness to resolve...

Part of SYRIZA requests Tsipras to cancel the agreement with the EU

Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis requests Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to withdraw the agreement with creditors before making final decisions in the Parliament. Lafazanis, who from...

Draft agreement with Iran on nuclear program reached

Draft agreement between Iran and six major powers on Iran's nuclear program was reached in Vienna, report world's media, citing diplomatic sources. The draft provides...

Hahn and MEP three on a mission to resolve the crisis

EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn, along with MEPs Eduard Kukan, Ivo Vajgl and Richard Howitt, will today try to move...

Hahn: Leaders to work in the national interest, not for personal interests

After arriving in Skopje, in a statement for Telma, EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn said that he’s coming to Macedonia to help the process...

Government requests lustration to be stopped from September

The parliamentary groups of the VMRO-DPMNE and DUI in the Assembly submitted a draft law on termination of the Law on lustration, which should...

Hahn: Key moment to resolve the crisis in Macedonia

EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Johannes Hahn said that this is a key moment for solving the political crisis in Macedonia. On...

Nuland: There is hope for resolving the political crisis

Assistant US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland today, after the meeting with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, voiced hope that the political crisis in the...

Hahn comes with the MEP three to resolve the crisis

EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn will arrive tomorrow in Skopje, accompanied by three MEPs, Edward Kukan, Richard Howitt and Ivo...

New analysis: Macedonia is a highly indebted country

The new analysis of British organization Jubilee Debt Campaign (Jubilee Debt Campaign) shows that Macedonia ranks among the countries with high indebtedness. According to the...

Tsipras: The agreement is hard, but the worst case scenario for Greece was avoided

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras returns to Greece with a commitment the Greek Parliament to vote on the whole list conditions and priority actions...

End of the Greek drama: Athens and the creditors reached an agreement

Eurozone leaders reached an agreement on financial assistance to Greece, which for five months was trying to find a compromise with creditors. President of the...

Nuland will try to revive negotiations

Assistant US Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland today in Skopje will have separate meetings with the political leaders and...

Progress in negotiations between Greece and creditors

The finance ministers of the Eurozone today afternoon completed the session of the new reform proposal for Greece, which should enable financial assistance to...

Greece hopes that it won’t be excluded from the Eurozone

The eyes in Greece remain turned to Brussels. The hopes are that the scenario for exiting the Eurozone slowly fades primarily due to the...