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Ivanov repeated statements from yesterday’s speech at the meeting with Mogherini

President Gjorge Ivanov at the meeting with the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, repeated his position...

Mogherini: Ivanov should reconsider the decision in the interest of all citizens

I had long and substantial meetings, and hopefully they were constructive, and in the coming days we will see how constructive, announced this evening in...

Moscow: EU and NATO want to impose the Platform in order to destroy Macedonia

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs today expressed its concern regarding the situation in Macedonia and noted that the political crisis in Macedonia has...

Bushati: Only scared people think Macedonia can be governed without Albanians

Ditmar Bushati, the Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, posted a comment on his Twitter account about the new developments in Macedonia, but he avoided...

OSCE Secretary General Zannier is concerned, he will be arriving in Skopje next week

The Secretary General of the OSCE, Lamberto Zannier, expressed concerned today over President Gjorge Ivanov’s decision not to give the mandate to the leader...

Dimitriev to Rama: You are igniting a nationalistic fire in a very incorrect manner

The constant interference in the Republic of Macedonia’s internal affairs damages the good neighbourly relations and is contrary to European values, said the acting...

Baily: The USA is disappointed, we hope President Ivanov reconsiders his decision

The US Ambassador to Macedonia, Jess Baily, called on President Gjorge Ivanov, to reconsider his decision and Macedonia's neighbours to refrain from interfering and...

Hashim Tachi: With his decision, Ivanov buried the democracy by ignoring the will of the people

The president of Kosovo, Hashim Tachi, on his Facebook page, as a reaction to President Gjorge Ivanov’s decision not to give the mandate for...

Baily: I’m worried Macedonia is distancing itself from the principles of democracy

US Ambassador. Jess Baily, expressed his concern after President Gjorge Ivanov decided not to give the mandate to the leader of SDSM party, Zoran...

Hahn: All leaders, including the President, must respect the outcome of elections

All leaders, including the President, must respect the outcome of the previous elections, wrote European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn...

Zaev: Ivanov led a coup when he made the decision not to hand over the mandate

"Gjorge Ivanov, with the decision not to hand over the mandate to form a government, which he is bound to by the Constitution, has...

Ivanov refuses to hand over the mandate to Zaev since he undermined the country’s sovereignty

I will not give the mandate to any person, or party, which has a platform meant to destroy the sovereignty, integrity and the independence...

US Embassy: There should be no pressure, intimidation and threats towards journalists

Freely, peacefully expressing opinions is a vital part of any democracy, as is a vibrant, independent media free of intimidation, replied the US Embassy...

A1on’s cameraman and reporter both have concussions and were released from hospital

A1on’s cameraman and reporter, Vlatko Zelceski and Aleksandar Todeski who were brutally beaten by five thugs at the end of the protest organized by...

Out of solidarity for our attacked colleagues, “Meta” will not be reporting the protests

As a protest against the attack on our colleagues from the “A1on” portal and the continuous verbal attacks on all journalists, Meta News Agency...

Students from the technical school in Bitola protested against bilinguality

Tens of students from the secondary technical school “Gjorgji Naumov” from Bitola, before noon around 10 o’clock stopped the classes and went into the...

CEMM: Attacks on journalists continues to be a serious problem

The Council for Ethics in the Media in Macedonia (CEMM) condemned yesterday’s attack on A1on’s news crew and with great concern, they noted that the...

Tomorrow Mogherini will arrive in Macedonia for a few hour visit

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, will arrive in Macedonia tomorrow afternoon and visit for...

MOI took into custody several individuals regarding the attack on A1on’s news crew

The Minister of Interior, Agim Nuhiu informed the Association of Journalists that several individuals were taken into custody regarding the attack on A1on’s news...

A1on’s crew was attacked at the protest organized by “For United Macedonia” in Skopje

The portal A1on’s crew was attacked and beaten this evening near the Triumphal Gate during the protest organized by the civil initiative “For United...