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OSCE/ODIHR: The post election period was tense and full of harsh rhetoric

This afternoon, the OSCE / ODIHR mission released their final report on the parliamentary elections held on December the 11th in Macedonia, which states...

The United States calls on leaders to form a new government without further delay

The U.S. Department announced today that USA together with NATO and EU have been closely monitoring the process of forming the government in Macedonia...

VMRO-DPMNE: When Zaev panics SPO is being activated with fabricated cases

Every time Zaev panics, SPO is activated, said VMRO-DPMNE after today’s press conference of the Special Prosecutor’s Office during which a new investigation named...

Bushati to Gruevski: Albanians are not season workers in their own homes

Albanians are not seasonal workers in their own homes. There should be a timely response to their demands. We will not stop emphasizing the need...

SPO launches “Trust” case, for ELEM’s tender worth millions

Today, the Special Prosecutor’s Office has launched a new investigation, code-named “Trust”. At the press conference, prosecutor Fatime Fetai said you could really see...

European Parliament demands a transparent transition of power and population census

With 54 votes “for” and 8 “against,” the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (AFET) adopted the draft – resolution for the...

SPO announces press conference at noon, its first after three and half months

Today, the Special Prosecutor's Office (SPO) announced that at noon they be will holding a new press conference to the media. They didn’t announce...

Zaev meets Žbogar: We are fully committed to forming a pro-reform Government in Macedonia

This afternoon, the leader of SDSM, Zoran Zaev met with the EU Ambassador to Macedonia Samuel Žbogar, where they discussed the process of forming...

“For a United Macedonia” announced that it won’t allow the separation of the red and yellow

With a peaceful march starting from the Government building and ending at Parliament, citizens protested in order to express their dissatisfaction of, as they...

The U.S. Embassy: We agree with Stoltenberg and Hahn’s opinions about the government

The U.S. Embassy in Skopje recommended that the political parties should respect the democratic processes and institutions. “We agree with the statements from NATO...

Zaev: I have 67 signatures, I expect Ivanov to award me the mandate as soon as possible

In my hand, I have 67 signatures from MPs of the Macedonian Parliament, which guarantee the possibility for a new government for the citizens...

EC answers Dimovski: Hahn clearly expressed Brussels’ position

EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Johannes Hahn, on Saturday clearly expressed the position of Brussels, said the European Commission for "Meta"...

Dimovski to Hahn: This is the second time you have broken your promise that you will not interfere

MP and member of the Executive Committee of VMRO-DPMNE, Ilija Dimovski, today responded to the statement by Johannes Hahn, from Saturday, with a note...

VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM is bending over backwards for the second time in its fight for power

“It’s time to stop the desperate behavior of Zoran Zaev and SDSM as it goes against the will of the citizens. The whole general...

SDSM: Gruevski’s lies are a result of his fear of facing justice

For ten years Nikola Gruevski behaved criminally towards Macedonia and its national and strategic interests, said SDSM’s reaction to VMRO-DPMNE’s leader, Nikola Gruevski “Facebook”...

Gruevski on Facebook: If this government is voted, it will be a government of a one ambassador

The principle of entering into coalition between winners has been destroyed forever by DUI’s decision. No one, not even VMRO-DPMNE in the future will...

Stolenberg: Signatures have been collected, I expect the authorities to fulfil the next step

Following one attempt to form a government, in line with the requirements specified by the President, enough MPs’ signatures have now been collected ....

SDSM: The texts about changing the flag and condemning people of genocide are lies

The texts published by portals “Republika”, “Kurir” and other media outlets which have shared these stories are lies, such as alleged changes to the...

Thimonier: Parties who lose elections easily find the blame in NGOs

When a party loses an election or they don’t win as they wanted to, then they try and find an excuse, and the media...

Hahn: After enough signatures of MPs were collected we expect the president to give the mandate

As enough signatures of MPs have been collected, we look forward to the next steps. We now expect the President to give the mandate...