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Arifi: Calls for intolerance is not good for the country’s future

“These calls for division and intolerance should not be part an agenda for political parties. The future for all citizens, regardless of religion or...

Mogherini: The situation in the Western Balkans is tense and a more convincing support from the EU is needed

The situation in the Western Balkans is tense with challenges on an internal, regional and global plan, and what is necessary is a strong...

VMRO-DPMNE: The only solution for the crisis are new early parliamentary election

Today, VMRO-DPMNE, at its regular morning press release, were quoting points from the Albanian platform that, according to the party, “were accepted by Zoran Zaev.” “The...

Gruevski for HRT: With the Albanian platform a coup d’etat was attempted in Macedonia

VMRO-DPMNE’s party leader Nikola Gruevski in an interview for Croatian National television “HRT” said that “with the Albanian platform a coup d'etat was attempted...

DUI will investigate all its party officials for abuse of office

Today, the Democratic Union for Integration, announced that at the last meeting of the party's presidency, they discussed the need for transparent reforms at...

VMRO-DPMNE demands new parliamentary elections alongside local elections

VMRO-DPMNE feels an obligation to respect the will of the majority of citizens that have voted for the Coalition “For a Better Macedonia” and...

Zaev for Croatian National Television (HRT): I Don’t Expect Violence and Clashes

SDSM’s party leader, Zoran Zaev in an interview given for the Croation National Television (HRT) said that he doesn’t believe it will come to...

DUI: Ivanov must reconsider his decision, the declaration does not violate the Constitution

"The joint statement of the parliamentary Albanian parties in Macedonia is a joint document of the Albanian political parties in Macedonia, prepared and signed...

SDSM: Gruevski and Ivanov must allow a swift and peaceful transfer of power

Nikola Gruevski and the leadership of VMRO-DPMNE must accept the concept of a society for all, that strengthens the unity of the state and...

State Department: Macedonia is dominated by corruption and disrespect for the law

The most significant human rights problems stemmed from pervasive corruption and from the government’s failure to respect fully the rule of law, including continuing...

Osmani: DUI will participate in the Government led by SDSM

The Democratic Union of Albanians at the meeting of the Central Presidency decided to participate in the new Government led by SDSM, said spokesman...

Nishani: Some political figures in Macedonia encourage artificial divisions and inter ethnic hatred

The President of Albania, Bujar Nishani, in an interview with television channel ABC, spoke about the latest developments in Macedonia, where he said that...

Duncan: 67 out of 120 is a clear majority, Ivanov should reconsider his decision

Sir Alan Duncan, Minister for Europe and the Americas has sent a clear message to President Gjorge Ivanov to reconsider his decision not to...

Russian MFA: EU, NATO and US shamelessly continue to put pressure on Ivanov

Outside interference in the internal affairs of Republic of Macedonia is taking extreme forms, said today’s statement of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,...

After the beatings, journalists are now being spat on in public and on social networks

After the physical assault on a journalist and cameraman from the web portal “A1on”, virtual attacks on journalists on social networks have increased, but,...

Ahmeti: The crisis can be solved only through political means and not with protests

Before the start of DUI’s Central Presidency session, its party leader, Ali Ahmeti, announced that DUI’s leadership will have talks about forming a government...

Chief German diplomat, Gabriel: Ivanov should reconsider his decision

Chief German diplomat, Sigmar Gabriel, said that he is upset by this country’s condition and that Ivanov should reconsider his decision. – The escalation of...

DUI’s Central Presidency is having a meeting today

DUI’s Central Presidency has summoned a meeting at the party’s headquarters in Mala Rechica, as is reported by the media. AT the meeting, the...

AJM condemned the attacks over Jovanovski and Trichkovski as well as the intimidation of journalists

The Associations of Journalists of Macedonia condemned the “campaign for intimidation and humiliation of journalists that is carried out in Skopje by unknown persons...

Kukan, Fleckenstein, and Vajgl will recommend а postponement of the voting for 2016 Country report

“We call on the President and all the political parties to respect the democratic decision of the citizens of the country and accept any...