“These calls for division and intolerance should not be part an agenda for political parties. The future for all citizens, regardless of religion or nation, is the EU, therefore it is important to find a solution for all issues. Calls for intolerance are not good for the country’s future”, replied the Vice President of DUI Teuta Arifi, when asked about the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski’s calls for ethnic intolerance.
Today, in Tetovo, Arifi met with EU Ambassador Samuel Žbogar for the project “EU for You”.
When asked about the current political situation, Ambassador Žbogar added that the message from the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini is far more important than what he has to say.
Regarding the issue of the postponement of local elections, Žbogar said that only “Macedonian politicians could answer such a question”.