Tags SEC

Tag: SEC

Today the SEC will determine the order of the lists of candidates for Members

Today, the State Election Commission will hold a session to review and to decide on the list of MP candidates submitted by political parties. Also at today's session, they will determine the order of the lists of candidates for Members on the voter’s ballots, and there will be lots of sites for political advertising panels and billboards. The SEC on Friday...

“What dissolution, no relaxation”, say Protesters in front of Parliament

With messages "What dissolution, no relaxation" and "Vlado Mori Dusame" written with color on the streets of the capital by the"Colourful Revolution" showed just what thought of the Trajko Veljanoski's decision not re-convene Parliament and to postpone elections. The protest began as it does every night, in front of the Special Prosecutor Offices (SPO), where protesters marched to parliament. There...

Veljanoski sticks to his position, it is not constitutionally possible for Parliament to re-convene

Following a letter yesterday sent from the SEC to Veljanoski, where they informed him that in certain constituencies there were discrepancies of more than 5 percent of the number of voters. According to the Speaker's Cabinet, the letter from the SEC was only an informative letter, and that Parliament has no obligation to take any steps or measures. "Veljanoski 's position...

VMRO-DPMNE: The people are against federalism that Zaev is agreeing to

People are opposing the destructive policy of the SDSM and of trying to destroy the Republic of Macedonia, was the reaction from the VMRO-DPMNE by Damjan Manchevski's press conference. "The people are against the ideas of the SDSM leadership such as an Albanian Prime Minister. The People are against federalism which was discussed by the criminal Zoran Zaev and the Albanian diaspora. People are against...

SEC will request a delay in elections because of discrepancies in the number of voters in the constituencies

Members of the State Election Commission (SEC) will request to changes the electoral code from Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski. The changes are required because there were discrepancies in the number of voters in three constituencies - the third, fourth and sixth. The SEC concluded that there are inconsistencies from at least five percent in the number of voters in these...

VMRO-DPMNE submitted its lists of candidates to the SEC

The Chairman of the VMRO-DPMNE Youth Union, Vladimir Neloski tonight submitted the lists of candidates for deputies of the party to the SEC. According to Neloski, on the lists there is a total of 123 candidates, of whom 74 are male and 49 are femalе. In the first constituency , the list is lead by no other than the party leader...

VMRO-DPMNE will submit a list of candidates

People's Movement for Macedonia (NDM) and the VMRO-DPMNE party will be submitting lists of candidates for deputies who will certainly participate in the elections if held on June 5. The NDM have already submitted their lists to the State Election Commission (SEC), while the ruling party is expected to do so this afternoon, reported some of the media. The party's...

SEC: Macedonia has a total of 2,464,266 citizens

The State Election Commission (SEC) yesterday unanimously have acknowledged a report on the data from the register of citizens (persons with a Macedonian passport) from the Ministry of Interior (MOI), which says Macedonia has 1,958,844 adults and 505,422 young citizens, in total, 2,464,266 nationals. Otherwise, if today until midnight, which is the last date to submit lists of candidates for...

DUI, DPA and SDSM did not submit their list of members for the Electoral Board

The DUI, DPA and SDSM have not submitted lists of candidates for members of the Electoral Boards, the State Election Commission (SEC) unofficially have said. The deadline was until midnight yesterday to submit candidate lists, and it seems that only the VMRO met the final deadline However, the VMRO-DPMNE and DUI submitted proposals for members for Electoral Boards for diplomatic...

While leaders play politics and the parties do the math, the SEC are waiting for the lists

Not one party has submitted a list of its members for the electoral roll, sources from the State Election Commission (SEC) have told “Meta”. The deadline for submitting these lists expires tonight at midnight. We discovered that the VMRO-DPMNE has prepared a list of names of members, who will sit on various Election Boards. Today, the party is expected to...

SEC accepts report’s contents on Voters’ List, however, some doubts still linger.

The State Election Commission (SEC) yesterday accepted the conclusions of a report on data bases that have undergone extensive checks and cross-checking, as well as administrative and field checks, after a vote that resulted with 6 votes 'for' and just a single vote 'against'. Two SDSM members of the SEC failed to attend yesterdays meeting, the single vote 'against' came...

The SEC are not expecting many people to check the voters list

The State Election Commission (SEC) is not expecting a large number of citizens to report any changes to the voters’ list. They said from experience from the last election year, that number is small and it is not likely to change radically in the voters’ list. However, whether or not they will publish the number of people who applied...

OSCE-ODIHR: Political crisis worsened after Ivanov’s decision to grant mass pardons

In the periodic report from the OSCE-ODIHR, for the period from March the 31st to April the 19th, the organization wrote that the political climate in the country has deteriorated after the decision made by President Gjorge Ivanov to grant mass pardons, and the SEC which operates in a tense political atmosphere. "The political climate has worsened since April the...

SEC: Elections will cost 7.5 million euros

The SEC will need seven and a half million euros (456.664 million denars) budget to implement electoral activities. This was voted last night by the members of the Commission, which adopted the financial plan for the allocation of funds for early parliamentary elections. Most of the funding, or 40 million denars, will be used for printing papers, forms, records and...

SEC approves timetable, election campaign officially starts on May 16

The State Election Commission today adopted a timetable for the conducting of election activities, for the implementation of early parliamentary elections, scheduled for June 5. According to the SEC, the electoral roll will be announced publicly on April 25. Checking the list will last 15 days and will close on May 19. According to the timetable, the list of the candidate...

SEC discusses requirements regarding data to be sent to institutions

Members of the State Election Commission met in session today to discuss proposed requests to be sent to the institutions, which according to the Electoral Code, the Commission should submit all the data to them that involves all voters. The session reviewed requirements for the Ministry of Information Society and the Administration Ministry of Interior, also the Ministry of Foreign...

The SEC gives elections their blessing, while Chicakovski and two other SDSM members walk out of the session

The State Election Commission with six votes "for" issued a statement in which they confirmed that the electoral register is ready for fair and democratic elections, the SEC told “Meta”. Earlier, the Chairman of the SEC, Aleksandar Chicakovski, and two members of the SEC, who are also members of the SDSM, Violeta Duma and Goran Milev, left the meeting and did not...

Veljanovski signs the decision for elections

President of Parliament Trajko Veljanoski has confirmed elections, his office has announced. A statement from the office of Veljanoski said that the decision has been submitted to the State Election Commission as a body for conducting elections, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Dear citizens, I believe that all parties involved in the electoral process will contribute to...

Today the SDSM and its partners will sign a platform for a democratic Macedonia

The SDSM and its coalition partners will sign a platform for a democratic Macedonia. The parties say, that by the signing of this ‘platform’, coalition partners are undertaking joint action and uncompromising action to defend the legal and constitutional functioning of the state. The signing of the platform comes after yesterday's meeting of the leaders of the parties opposition coalition,...

The SDSM will not withdraw their members from the SEC

At a meeting between the SDSM leader Zoran Zaev and their coalition partners, they unanimously decided that the opposition will not withdraw their members from the State Election Commission. “The SDSM and its partners are determined that elections on June 5 are not possible, nor will we participate in such irregular elections. However, the SDSM and its coalition partners will...