With messages “What dissolution, no relaxation” and “Vlado Mori Dusame” written with color on the streets of the capital by the”Colourful Revolution” showed just what thought of the Trajko Veljanoski’s decision not re-convene Parliament and to postpone elections.
The protest began as it does every night, in front of the Special Prosecutor Offices (SPO), where protesters marched to parliament. There they sent strong messages to MPs that they should listen to the citizens, and not to the political parties.
Демонстрантите тргнаа кон Собранието #Протестирам #ШаренатаРеволуција pic.twitter.com/P409THgudO
— META.mk (@meta_agency) May 14, 2016
И Собранието доби боја #Протестирам #ШаренатаРеволуција pic.twitter.com/djpWNHYww3 — META.mk (@meta_agency) May 14, 2016
At the protest spoke student Borjan Gjuzelov, Professor Gordan Kalajdziev and Edmond Ademi from the SDSM.
Gjuzelov said it made him happy to see that after a month people are together protesting against a government who spends the peoples’ money and usurps all the institutions.
“Parliament made themselves an extended arm. Just last year, 540 laws were made, of which 350 by ‘shortened procedure’. In August last year, 120 laws were made in 2 days, did anyone even read all of those laws? I must say how angry it makes me, for them to even try and make fools out of us, through their own personal media megaphone. The protests won’t end until they meet our demands. No justice, no peace, we go forward. There will be justice, and there will be peace’, said Gjuzelov.
Professor Gordan Kaladziev said that he expected more of his colleagues who he hears in the hallways (At the Faculty of Law), speak more often at the protests.
“People ask me, so what happens next? I say to them “I don’t know, but we will win’. We don’t have tanks. we can’t fly, but as Martin Luther King says, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. Ivanov’s pardons were the last happy in the nail for democracy in this country. Without justice, the government are nothing more than robbers. There is no other way, we have to keep going and fight for our freedom. They can think of like us like a ‘hippy Colourful Revolution’, but let them understand this, this was just a warning, if necessary, there will be victims, but we will defend out country”, said Professor Kaladziev.
From Parliament, protesters went towards the Foreign Ministry and the Government. Today, the fence on the “Bridge of Revolution” and the lions on Goce Delchev Bridge got new splashes of colour.
Демонстрантите запалија бакли #Протестирам #ШаренатаРеволуција pic.twitter.com/peJ0RBNcM0
— META.mk (@meta_agency) May 14, 2016
Today protests were held in Kocani, Kriva Palanka, Bitola Strumica, Kicevo and Vinica.