

Zaev: The SDSM does not want a fixed date for elections, but a conditional date

The leader of the opposition party SDSM, Zoran Zaev at today's debate organized by "Civil" said the the parties are having bilateral meetings with representatives from the international community, but there are no negotiations between the four largest parties. He said that the elections on June 5 won't be held, the SDSM does not want a new fixed date...

SDSM Party Headquarters broken into in Stip

Today the SDSM party headquarters in Stip was broken into, where documentation was taken, confirmed Vladimir Miloshev from the municipal organization of SDSM in Stip. “The offices of the SDSM Headquarters were broken into, where serious damage was caused to the premises. All the paperwork and documentations from the office were ransacked. We will know soon, what is missing from...

MOI are investigating how a bullet ended up in the leg of a SDSM official from Bitola

Bitola Police confirmed that today, at some point in the afternoon, Borce Petrovski, a SDSM senior official and former MP from Bitola was injured with a bullet in his leg. From Bitola, journlaists from "Meta" were told said that the investigation is ongoing and is still being inspected by experts, and more information concerning the incident will be announced later. The incident...

SDSM: Nikola Gruevski’s anti-state politics have suffocated the freedom of the media

The latest report from "Freedom House" officially confirms that the media in Macedonia is not free, and this is the result of Nikola Gruevski’s criminal reign, paid with the taxpayers' money, said the SDSM after the report was published. "Anti-state politics by Nikola Gruevski have suffocated the freedom of speech and the freedom of the media. Gruevski resolved to abuse and pressured...

Leaders’ meeting in Vienna cancelled

Tomorrow's scheduled meeting of Macedonian leaders in Vienna, where Commissioner Hahn and MEPs, Ivo Vajgl, Eduard Kukan and Richard Howitt are meant to be in attendance, along with leaders of the four main Macedonian political parties, has been postponed "Meta" has learnt from diplomatic sources. Up to the present moment there has been no official confirmation from Brussels regarding the...

Brussels on Zaev’s statement: We don’t comment on individual “conditions” by parties

The European Commission today would not comment on the SDSM's decision not to participate in the leaders' meeting in Vienna if President Gjorge Ivanov did not withdraw the pardons he granted and if Parliament is not assembled to postpone elections on June the 5th. “We don’t comment on individual "conditions" by parties. Commissioner Hahn was very clear when he said...

SDSM still have not decided whether they will go to Vienna

The SDSM have still not made a decision whether they will send a delegation from their party to the leaders’ meeting on Friday in Vienna. Initiation for the meeting came from the three MEPs Ivo Vajgl, Richard Howit and Eduard Kukan, who organised and scheduled it as well. When correspondents from “Meta” asked the SDSM whether they had come to...

SDSM: Gruevski won’t call on Ivanov to annul the decisions on the pardons

Since Macedonia rose to their feet in defense of the constitutional order, statehood and the laws, the VMRO-DPMNE has been desperately trying to escape responsibility for Ivanov’s anti-state decision, reacts the SDSM after the VMRO-DPMNE's  statement, in which the ruling party proposes all parties send a letter to Ivanov with a request to reconsider the decision on pardons. The opposition say that citizens...

VMRO-DPMNE: We will suggest to Ivanov to reconsider his decision on the pardons

Today the ruling party VMRO-DPMNE will propose that the four major political parties send a letter to President Gjorge Ivanov asking him to reconsider his decision on the pardons. The VMRO-DPMNE say that Ivanov’s decision is not in line with the commitments or interests of their party. "Our position is clear, anyone who has committed a crime has to face the consequences. For...

SDSM: VMRO-DPMNE and DUI have violated the Przhino Agreement

Our resignations as ministers and deputy ministers which were submitted to the interim Prime Minister from the VMRO-DPMNE, were not taken into consideration, contradicting our will, said the ministers said deputy ministers from the opposition at a press conference. “Today, the Government led by the interim Prime Minister from the VMRO-DPMNE, made another violation of the Przhino Agreement. They made...

Howitt for “Meta”: The quality of elections is connected to the date on which they’ll be held

The timing of elections cannot be considered separately from the democratic quality of the electoral process, said MEP Richard Howitt for "Meta" today. MEP Richard Howitt, was one of the intermediaries in the Przino Agreement. Mr Howitt's statement comes after the dissolution of Parliament, and the opposition’s decision not to participate in elections, after stated that they do not believe there are...

Zaev: The SDSM will not participate in another criminal election

The SDSM will not participate in early parliamentary elections which will be held on June the 5th. The party leader Zoran Zaev announced this decision minutes after Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski dissolved Parliament. “Macedonia! Without free elections, there is no freedom. For months, together we have fought for free elections and the principle of ‘one man, one vote’. The Przino...

Ministers and Deputy Ministers from the SDSM resign from Government

Ministers and Deputy Ministers from the SDSM today resigned from their functions in government. "Should Parliament dissolve, or if is a decision to change the date of the Dissolution of Parliament on February 23, which would amend the decision to dissolve Parliament on January 26 2016, we will request that that the previous resignations to be clarified. Under the Przino...

Dimitiriev: Current consultations are ongoing over new ministers in the DUI party

At the moment, consultations for the selection of new ministers in the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) are ongoing, and so far there have been no announcements from the VMRO-DPMNE to change the ministerial composition of the party, stated the Cabinet of Interim Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev for "Telma." "Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev accepted the resignations of ministers from DUI and...

Manchevski: “Fortress” Case is proof that there was no editing or cutting in the recorded conversations

Yesterday's events are the best proof that there were no foreign agencies involved, there were no yellow vans, there was no cut or edited conversations, said Vice President of the SDSM, Damjan Manchevski when he was asked to comment on yesterday's press conference by the Special Public Prosecution on the case "Fortress". "Yesterday's events are the best proof that Nikola...

Mancevski: The SEC has to tell us whether it is possible to have a credible electoral register for elections in June

In consensus, the SEC concluded that there are over 330,000 'questionable' voters. This is the most serious confirmation until today that recent elections in Macedonia have been illegitimate all along, said Damjan Mancevski, Vice-President of the SDSM at Monday's press conference. He urged the SEC to say whether the process of checking the voter lists is credible? Do they know how to...

Today SDSM will submit a draft-law for the media to Parliament

SDSM supports the draft law on media reform,which was submitted by journalists' associations, said Goran Sugareski, coordinator of the parliamentary group the SDSM, today at a press conference. He said that today their parliamentary group and coalition partners submitted a draft law amending the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, and have requested Parliament hold an emergency session. “Not...

VMRO-DPMNE: Janeva’s performance confirms that the SDSM have no programs or projects

Katica Janeva again performed with political motivation and construction, containing anything but respect for the law and this is direct evidence of the despair of Zoran Zaev and the SDSM, was today’s reaction by the VMRO-DPMNE to the Special Public Prosecutors press conference. "Today's political performance by Katica Janeva is the best confirmation that Zoran Zaev and the SDSM have...

Janeva’s absence in Parliament gives SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE a reason for a new argument

This is the first time in 25 years of an independent Macedonia, an elected or appointed person has failed to appear, and without giving a explanation to Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, said the President of the Commission for Political System and Inter-Ethnic Relations, Vlatko Gjorchev after today's session was postponed, as they were meant to examine the...

SDSM: Nikola Gruevski will have to submit a report on the 5 billion euros he withdrew

Today's so-called 'report' by Nikola Gruevski and the criminal gang that for 10 years stole and manipulated citizens is the peak of hypocrisy and they have clearly underestimated the citizens of Macedonia, was the SDSM's reaction to yesterday's public report by the VMRO-DPMNE. "The parade of their criminal characters is a new compilation of lies, false and unrealistic investments and fake jobs. The...