Tags Prosecution

Tag: prosecution

“Financial Times”: Katica Janeva is Macedonia’s Beyonce

Prestigious London newspaper for business and economics “The Financial Times” under the title “Small-town graft warrior rattles Macedonia’s elite”, describes the Special Public Prosecutor, Katica Janeva as a “whip to Macedonia’s corruption-riddled elite and an unlikely icon of protest in the country’s political crisis”. According to FT  “Ms Janeva’s job is to pursue senior political figures accused of stealing elections...

Prosecutors order new analyzes regarding the death of Kosta Krpač

The Public Prosecutors Office (PPO), despite the completion of the autopsy on Kosta Krpač, late last night, new orders were issued for further analysis, reported 24News. “The PPO performed a coordinated consultation with the Institute of Forensic and Criminal Forensics, and then issued new orders to perform new analyzes in order to solve the case efficiently”, said the Prosecution to...

SPO: Gruevski and Janakieski ordered the demolition of the “Kosmos” building

The Special Prosecution’s Office (SPO) today opened another new case called "TNT", which refers to the demolition of the "Cosmos" building, owned by Fijat Canoski. Special Prosecutor Fatime Fetai said the demolition of the building, without a doubt was ordered by the former Prime Minister and the former Minister of Transport and Communications, together with the current Mayor of...

Ali Ahmeti appears at the Special Prosecutors in the capacity as a witness

The President of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), Ali Ahmeti, accompanied by his chief of staff, Artan Grubi today, exactly at 14 o'clock, went to the Special Prosecutors Office in the capacity as a witness. Before entering the DUI leader spoke to the media. Since the SPP reported that Ahmeti will be interviewed as a witness, but did not reveal...

Tamara’s murderers are not “unknown perpetrators” shout citizens

"Murderers", "Justice for Tamara", "Resign" chanted citizens today in front of the Public Prosecutor's Office. They came out to express their anger because after a whole year, prosecutors have not yet found anyone guilty for the death of the little Tamara Dimovska from Veles. Participants in the protest also asked that Health Minister Nikola Todorov take responsibility for the girl's death. “It's been...

Gruevski was shocked over the discovery of the forged ID cards

Criminals are directly connected and in communication with the top brass of the main opposition party, said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on the news on TV "Sitel", adding that he was shocked by what the prosecution had discovered about the affair over the forged identity cards. “This is an audacious crime. We are not fighting with someone who is struggling...

Zaev: The truth is that the Mafia are in the Government

We ask our citizens all the time to approach us with documentation as proof of crimes this Government has committed. I have seen photographs of myself with citizens across the whole country, and an opportunity arises and I am photographed next to some suspicious character said Zoran Zaev, SDSM leader, at a press conference this afternoon. In Macedonia, according to him, in...

Zaev: The MOI, the Prosecution and the Court should push the investigation into the ID cards to the end

The government through its own media are trying to distort the facts in the case of the forged identity cards, said SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, when asked about the case. “At one point they mentioned and emphasized that these ID cards are not meant for the use for election, but today they blame the opposition for this case. You need...

The cases with electoral irregularities, will be the first on the list on Janeva’s team

The first cases that the Special Prosecutor's Office determined that are under its jurisdiction and which ones will have an immediate preliminary investigation, are those with electoral irregularities, Prosecutor Lence Ristovska told a news conference, a spokeswoman for Katica Janeva, the Special Prosecutor. As announced by Ms Ristovska, recently, despite the reviews which were made from analysis of statistical data...

Przhino Agreement Imprecise: Minister should resign “on time” and the government “in due course”

The working groups of the political parties signatory to the Przhino Agreement, recently have closed down all problems in the sphere of the media. After the Przhino Agreement in December, two important milestones remain to be achieved: the resignation of the Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, and the election of a new Prime Minister, to be submitted after the first indictment...

Prosecution states for “Meta”: It was obvious that Mr Sofeski died from a heart attack

The Prosecutor who led the inspection and investigation of the scene where the former military intelligence officer Goran Sofeski died, did not order an autopsy of the body because the medical team after reviewing the scene determined that Mr Sofeski "apparently" died of a heart attack and there were no doubts about the cause of death, the Public Prosecutor...

Five of those arrested in police operation “Molnja” detained on remand for 30 days

The Judge from the prior procedure ordered that five out of the seven suspects that were arrested yesterday in the police operation "Molnja" were to be detained on remand for 30 days and the other two - house arrest, said the Basic Court Skopje 1 yesterday afternoon. The suspects are accused of aiding terrorist organizations and terrorism, and one of...

Prosecution is asking for the 7 suspects from todays police operation to be detained

Prosecutors want to indict and institute an investigation against the new seven people suspected of involvement in the events of the 9th and 10th of May this year in Kumanovo Divo Naselje for organized crime and corruption said the public prosecutor. In a written statement from the prosecutor's office it does not indicate whether they were today arrested in the...

Zvrlevski : Special Prosecutor’s Office is a political prosecution

The State Attorney General Marko Zvrlevski after the session of the Council of Public Prosecutors said that the Prosecutors are in very poor condition. He said that, for him, the Special Prosecutor's Office is a political prosecution because it is founded on a political agreement and confirmed that the preparation of an initiative to establish the constitutionality of the law...

Janeva asked for 14 Prosecutors, and only got seven

The Council of Public Prosecutors, after three hours of debate, today decided approve only half of Katica Janeva's team, instead of the proposed 14. So far only seven assistant prosecutors have been approved. Of the proposed candidates not one from the Skopje Prosecutor's Office has been accepted. After the decision was made by the Council of Public Prosecutors, Ms Janeva learnt...

Prosecutors counter Katica Janeva: Special Prosecutor’s Office is unconstitutional

Prosecutors who yesterday attended a meeting with the Attorney General, Marko Zvrlevski, among other things, expressed dissatisfaction with the adoption of the Law on Special Prosecution, who saw it as unconstitutional and called for an evaluation of its constitutionality and legality, announced the Public Prosecutor's Office today. "The participants also asked to submit a request to the Council of Public...

“Putsch” postponed again: Zaev only recognizes Katica Janeva

The trial 'Putsch' which was officially meant to start today was postponed again, because the fourth accused defendant, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, was not present. Defence attorney Filip Medarski told the court today that the reason for Zoran Zaev's absence was despite the summons received, the Special Prosecutor's Office should have the present case under their jurisdiction, and the responsibility...

Zaev gets to keep his Passport, and no longer has to report to the court every week

The Criminal Chambers of the Skopje District Court declined the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office to strip the SDSM's leader Zoran Zaev of his passport. who is fourth in the accused in the "Putsch" affair. It was decided to abolish the measure under which Zaev was obliged to appear in court in Strumica each week. New the hearing of...

Lawyers and Judges divided over Katica Janeva’s team of prosecutors

The team Special Public Prosecutor Katica Janeva has selected to work with on the materials which came from the wiretapped conversations, has sparked different reactions among lawyers and former prosecutors. Some of them are reserved and content with the choice, and expect results from the team. “The team is excellent, these are people who have worked on smaller cases and because...

Slobodan Bogoevski will be called to testify at the trial over the ‘Magyar Telekom’ affair over corruption

Today, Slobodan Bogoevski will be called to testify at the trial over the 'Magyar Telekom' affair, for organised crime and corruption. Mr Bogoevski, who is serving a prison sentence in the Kumanovo prison on other charges, will give his testimony to the Prosecution at a New York Court today, through his statement today, where he states that the current and...