We ask our citizens all the time to approach us with documentation as proof of crimes this Government has committed. I have seen photographs of myself with citizens across the whole country, and an opportunity arises and I am photographed next to some suspicious character said Zoran Zaev, SDSM leader, at a press conference this afternoon.
In Macedonia, according to him, in the ember is the struggle for freedom and democracy and they all have a high price. The truth is, that the Mafia are in the Government and now there is panic in the government he said, shows that the Government have become aware of their despair.
“Everything Gruevski’s does through his propaganda is an attempt to find a way to save him and his party from the Special Prosecutor’s Office. Gruevski and his co-conspirators know how many crimes they have committed and they must be held accountable. They claimed that they were bugging foreign intelligence offices, then it was the yellow vans and now the opposition. Now again, through their propaganda they are saying that we are falsified ID cards. The media which Gruevski controls, are doing the same with the case “Putsch”, putting information out there about the investigation, while it is still ongoing”, said Zaev.
When asked by a journalist about the meeting with the suspect over the ID cards affair Zakir Bekiri and how they found photo shots in him Zaev said he expected that to be unveil the investigation.
As for the Przhino Agreement, the leader of the SDSM, Zoran Zaev believes it is the only opportunity to get out of this crisis in Macedonia.