The cases with electoral irregularities, will be the first on the list on Janeva’s team


The first cases that the Special Prosecutor’s Office determined that are under its jurisdiction and which ones will have an immediate preliminary investigation, are those with electoral irregularities, Prosecutor Lence Ristovska told a news conference, a spokeswoman for Katica Janeva, the Special Prosecutor.

As announced by Ms Ristovska, recently, despite the reviews which were made from analysis of statistical data on the cases from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, as well as analysis of public materials published by the illegal interception of communications so far, this case is the the first to be recognised under their jurisdiction.

From the Public Prosecution offices in Bitola and Skopje, they submitted the cases that are required, including the case “Putsch”.

The subject of the Public Prosecution Kumanovo has not yet been submitted to the Special Prosecutor, but Ms Ristovska said that there is no insight when prosecutors in Kumanovo have accepted their request because it was sent by postal package and that the deadline has not yet expired for acting on it.

Asked which persons are covered in cases for election irregularities, Ms Ristovska said that at this moment it’s not essential, but the fact in these cases are.

For cases which the Public Prosecution today submitted to Katica Janeva, Prosecutor Ristovska said recently they will be analysed and that Special Prosecutor within eight days will announce if they are under their jurisdiction and what will happen next with those cases.

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