Prosecutors who yesterday attended a meeting with the Attorney General, Marko Zvrlevski, among other things, expressed dissatisfaction with the adoption of the Law on Special Prosecution, who saw it as unconstitutional and called for an evaluation of its constitutionality and legality, announced the Public Prosecutor’s Office today.
“The participants also asked to submit a request to the Council of Public Prosecutors, which will insist on an answer on the way the proposed list was put together for the election of public prosecutors in Special Prosecution, questions such as, whether and where was there a published advertisement and where could interested candidates apply and whether the list was made according to an objective criteria no matter who applicants were. This is especially because of the proposed draft of public prosecutors, it leaves expressing personal affinities and subjective perceptions of the quality of the proposed candidates”, said a statement from the Public Prosecution.
As informed from the statement, the meeting was held at the request of a number of Public Prosecutors, and was attended by the heads of higher public prosecutors from the state, and basic prosecutors.
Otherwise, the reaction and the prosecutors meeting comes a day before the session of the Council of Public Prosecutors are meant to meet, where they will discuss and decide on general business, personal and financial plans which was submitted by the Special Prosecutor, as well as the proposed members of her team, which ought to help in cleaning up the allegations arising from the content of the illegal wire-tapping.