Tags министри
Tag: министри
Zaev presents the MPs with the proposal for new ministers and deputies
I am convinced that the new candidates for ministers in the domain of finance and the improvement of investment climate will present a serious reinforcement of government's capacity especially in this precious period for this country that will never be repeated when an accession into EU and NATO is expected, said today Prime Minister Zoran Zaev as he was...
FA Minister Dimitrov takes part in at OSCE’s informal ministerial meeting in Slovakia
On invitation from the Slovakian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and OSCE's President Miroslav Lajchak, the Head of Diplomacy Dimitrov will be taking part in at the OSCE's informal ministerial meeting that will be happening today and tomorrow in Slovakia, informs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Ministry further informs that at the informal meeting of ministers of...
“Metla“ Zaeva ne čisti u Ahmetijevom dvorištu
“Operacija Metla“ koju je premijer Zoran Zaev najavio još u aprilu – odmah nakon prvog kruga predsedničkih izbora, “zaigraće“ u junu. Na udaru će biti arogantni i neodgovorni kadrovi, kao i oni koji su se upleli u nepotizam i deo su predmeta Antikorupcione komisije. Premijer je ovo obelodanio posle vraćanja sa kratkog odmora sa drugovima u inostranstvu, koji se nekako nesrećno...
At the start of June, Zaev will announce the change of government officials
At the start of June, I will announce with complete changes in the leadership positions in the ministries, the state institutions, and by the end of June, there will be changes in the municipalities where the state is represented with certain state institutions, replied the prime minister when asked about the announced changes.
She stressed that several ministries, deputy-ministers,...
Macedonia has to apologize to El-Masri until March
The Republic of Macedonia is threatened with the first Resolution with an indictment by the Council of Europe if until March this year it doesn't issue an apology to the German citizen of Lebanese origin, Kalid el-Masri.
This was said at today's press conference about the second monitoring report regarding the reforms in the judiciary, organized by representatives of...
Ahmeti: DUI didn’t make a decision this evening and there might be a new leadership meeting
At the party’s headquarters in Mala Rechica, DUI’s president announced that the party still hasn’t made a clear decision for a way out of the crisis, but said that early elections that VMRO-DPMNE is asking would not solve the crisis. Ali Ahmeti also said that a leadership meeting is a possibility.
After an emergent call, this afternoon and...
SDSM are demanding an emergency session for their minister’s resignations to be taken into consideration
The Coordinator of the Parliamentary Group, the SDSM asked interim Prime Minister Dimitriev to pass the resignations of officials from the opposition to Parliament.
“Ministers and Deputy Ministers from the opposition resigned from Government today and I want to ask Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev to urgently submit the resignations to Parliament. We also request an emergency session in accordance with...
Veljanoski took DUI ministerial resignations to Parliament into consideration
The President of Parliament Trajko Veljanovski at today's plenary session, took into consideration the resignations from the ministers and deputy ministers from the Democratic Union of Integration (DUI).
In the course of the day, Veljanovski will schedule a new session and on the daily agenda will start looking into the choices of the new ministers which were proposed last night...
Today the Government will have Ministers from SDSM
Today at noon begins the session in which MPs must vote in the new Ministers and Deputy Ministers from SDSM as dictated by the Przhino Agreement.
Yesterday, three Ministers from the Prime Ministers Nikola Gruevski's Government resigned from their positions. Interior Minister Mitko Chakov, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Dime Spasov, Deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration Marta Arsovska...
So far negotiations, tomorrow begins the implementation of the Przhino Agreement
After weeks of negotiations, the political parties, all signatories to the Przhino Agreement, in the early hours on Friday morning they reached an agreement on all matters from the agreement of June the 2nd and July the 15th, which should be applied tomorrow.
Nikola Gruevski, Zoran Zaev, Ali Ahmeti and Menduh Thaci with their teams have agreed on the Electoral...
The oppositions “Bombs” have taken five of Gruevski’s officials
With today's dismissal of Goran Trajkovski, the Director of PRO(Public Revenue Office), it is the fifth politician who has suffered after SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, on February 9, released the first of his wire tapped conversations, his so-called “Bombs.”
From The Government of Nikola Gruevski so far, these are the people have already left their functions.
Gordana Jankulovska, Minister of Interior
Saso Mijalkov,...
The crisis in Macedonia at the Foreign Affairs Council of the EU on Monday
The political situation in Macedonia will be one of the topics that will be discussed at the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union in Luxembourg on Monday.
"In April 2015, the Council expressed serious concern about the deteriorating situation in the country, especially in the area of rule of law, fundamental rights and media freedom. The Council urged all...
Gruevski: SDSM should learn that you only get ministers and prime minister in elections
SDSM should learn that the choice of ministers and government is only possible on the elections with the support of the majority of the people, for it is the essence of democracy, said the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski today, answering a reporter's question about the writings of the media close to the opposition that technical government will be agreed...
EU ministers: A political solution out of the crisis in Macedonia is needed
Foreign ministers completed the discussion on Macedonia, on which it was told that the European Union will continue to monitor the situation, and support for the efforts of the three MEPs facilitating the process was expressed.
They agreed that political solution to the crisis is necessary, confirmed sources present at the meeting for META.
Macedonia was not formally put on the...
MPs voted: Chavkov and Misajlovski – new ministers in Gruevski’s government
With majority votes, the Assembly today appointed new Ministers of Interior and of Transport and Communications, after previous Gordana Jankuloska and Mile Janakieski, submitted their irrevocable resignation yesterday.
81 present MPs, voted "for", 71 voted "against" and two were neutral for the appointment of Mitko Chavkov as new Interior Minister.
Vlado Misajlovski was elected Janakieski’s successor also with 71 votes "for",...
EU foreign ministers are preparing conclusions about Macedonia
On Tuesday, the foreign ministers of EU countries will adopt a conclusion which will express the serious concern about the political situation in Macedonia, reads the draft conclusions of the Council, learns META.
Ministers will also request responsibility from all political factors in the country and is also expected that they will express a view that an investigation for the...
Friday meeting of EU ministers against terrorism canceled
Despite announcements of the Latvian presidency that interior ministers will meet in Brussels on Friday to discuss the implications of the Paris attacks and measures in the fight against terrorism, the 28 ministers, however, decided that it’s too early to do so, explaining that “decisions should not be brought in a hurry”.
Representatives of the Latvian Presidency stated for META...