Tags Hristijan Mickoski
Tag: Hristijan Mickoski
An incident between Macedonians and Albanians in Skopje, shots fired from firearms
A number of gunfire shots, a scuffle with stones and bottles hurled, as well as verbal and physical violence took place yesterday evening during the protest in the capital Skopje against the European proposal for the start of the negotiations for North Macedonia's EU membership.
The opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski accused that there was a police set-up and an attempt...
VMRO-DPMNE with two congresses, Mickoski in November and the Initiative for Changes in March
The several month-long disagreements between the current leadership by Hristijan Mickoski and the Initiative Board for Convening an Extraordinary Congress of VMRO-DPMNE, has resulted in two different dates and two different congresses. Afterthe Initiative board scheduled the party's congress on the 28th of March, yesterday evening VMRO-DPMNE's Central Committee rejected this initiative and decided for the party's regular congress...
Hristijan Mickoski will try to collect signatures to postpone the census, SDSM defiant
Opposition party VMRO-DPMNE announced it will not recognize the results from the census in North Macedonia if it is implemented according to the draft law for the census that entered the parliament today.
Party's president Hristijan Mickoski announced during a press conference that the party will start with collecting signatures for the adoption of a new draft law that will...
A newly leaked audio recording of Mickoski and Kicheec: Sasho provided 5.000 EUR twice for the buses for the rally on the 2nd of June
A new audio recording was posted today on YouTube from a user name "Racket", in whichs the voices of VMRO-DPMNE's party leader Hristijan Mickoski and Zoran Mileski - Kicheec, who is one of the convicts in the Racket case, can be heard.
The conversation lasts 23 seconds, and it seems that Mileski and Mickoski are discussing ways of paying the...
Pardoning party debts, court cases and the Law for Public Prosecution in the new leaked conversation between Mickoski and Kicheec (audio)
A new audio recording was posted on YouTube under the user name Racket, in which one can hear the voice of VMRO-DMNE's party leader Hristijan Mickoski, then Zoran Milevski - Kicheec and woman's voice.
In the conversation between these three parties, a certain person is discussed, for whom Mickoski says he is very grateful to, since he has helped him...
Finally an agreement between party leaders Zaev and Mickoski: The elections will be held on July15
The leaders of the two biggest political parties in North Macedonia, SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE, Zoran Zaev and Hristijan Mickoski, have finally managed to reach an agreement regarding the date of the parliamentary elections. The voting will take place on the 15th of July. In a press conference Zaev said that the state and the people have to be saved...
Nedelja neizvesnosti, predizbornih blefova i providnih pretnji
Neizvesnost oko raspisivanja izbora prošle nedelje ponovo je podigla atmosferu u makedonskoj političkoj javnosti. Eks-premijer i lider SDSM-a, Zoran Zaev, ovih dana (03.02.2020.) najavio je da je moguće odlaganje raspisivanja vanrednih parlamentarnih izbora dogovorenih za 12. april, a najveća opoziciona stranka je uzvratila inicijativom za raspuštanje Skupštine.
Мogućnost odlaganja datuma raspuštanja parlamenta (zvanično raspisivanje izbora) Zaev je “bacio“ na sto...
Tsipras: Mitsotakis will be begging Mickoski not to reject the Prespa Agreement
The former Prime Minister of Greece and now the leader of the opposition party SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, during the debate about the new immigrant asylum law at the Greek Parliament, as he spoke about national issues also spoke about the Prespa AGreement, stating that they are proud of the solution that was achieved between both countries. Parallel to that...
Mickoski will meet Orban in Budapest, no information of a meeting with the Honorary President Gruevski
The opposition party VMRO-DPMNE informs that the president of the party Hristijan Mickoski tomorrow will have a meeting with the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban. However, the party did not say whether Mickoski will meet with the Honorary president of the party, Nikola Gruevski, who as a fugitive from justice has asylum in Hungary.
In the short announcement from...
Mickoski doesn’t see any need to attend the leaders’ meeting on Friday
VMRO-DPMNE's party leader Hristijan Mickoski announced today that he doesn't see any need to attend the leaders' meeting that was summoned by Prime Minister and SDSM's party leader Zoran Zaev for Friday starting from 14h.
-Mr. Zaev is calling for leaders' meeting, and I will reply that I don't see any need to attend the meeting where there will...
Truthmeter: Mickoski declares electoral victory with less votes than his opponent
After the State Election Commission announced the preliminary results from the first round of voting in the presidential election, the leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, declared an electoral victory, which is basically an untruthful claim for the simple reason that the numbers speak for themselves, reports Truthmeter.mk.
"However, this is contrary to the official data from the conducted...
Siljanovska-Davkova called for early parliamentary elections
VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate, Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova said that tonight's results of over 300,000 votes showed that citizens are deeply disappointed with the government.
"If you compare the number of votes for the opposition and those who voted for Reka, the difference is more than 70,000 votes. The opposition managed to point out and to convince citizens of the absence of law...
Detentions, fights, terrorism and politics
Within a period of less than three days, a series of events have occurred related to the last months of VMRO-DPMNE’s rule and their refusal to leave government. In order to remain in power, the party decided two years ago to put themselves above the Constitution and to continue to rule with violence disguised as incursion of the "people"...
Mickoski demands extraordinary parliamentary elections together with presidential elections
In his first statement after the adoption of the amendments to the Constitution in Parliament by 81 votes, the leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski demanded the dissolution of Parliament and for extraordinary parliamentary elections along with presidential elections.
Mickoski said he would not support any changes to the Constitution for the change of the constitutional name and that...
VMRO-DPMNE will protest and will not participate in debate on constitutional changes
The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski called for peaceful protests against, as he says, violently changing the constitutional name of the country, before he was expected to address Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia at 16 o'clock
"Today is the final act of a shameful process which the Republic of Macedonia was pushed into by Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and...
Top 5 cases of disinformation on the Referendum of September 30
Since the announcement of the referendum until it was held there was a lot of information in the public on its type, who will support it, who will boycott it, whether the census will be reduced and so on. Many fake news and disinformation were present in the social networks and the media, writes “CriThink”.
On September 30, a Referendum...
Transparency International still measuring corruption under VMRO-DPMNE rule
In the speech delivered during the third protest of VMRO-DPMNE (12 December 2018) in front of the building of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for the party members and fans, the party’s president Hristijan Mickoski made the following manipulative and untruthful statement, "Vistinomer" analyses.
They’d say they have been reforming the judiciary. 112th country according to Transparency International....
Mickoski: My heart broke when I watched you vote, we could’ve beaten Zaev
The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, at Tuesday's celebration of the Day of the Macedonian Revolutionary Struggle, demanded that an amnesty law be passed for the people responsible for the events on April 27 in Parliament.
According to him, this way, there will be indiscriminate justice and freedom for all.
Regarding the newly-emerging situation in the party he leads, he said...
Mickoski replies to Mitchel’s letter: It is always darkest before dawn, the Agreement is unacceptable
"This Agreement is damaging for the interests of my nation and fatherland, and as such it is UNACCEPTABLE for VMRO-DPMNE and the majority of citizens of Republic of Macedonia, which was evident at the last referendum, where despite the brutal and violent filling in of the boxes with ballots , on part of people close to the government, still...
Mitchell: Give the MPs freedom to decide for themselves how they will vote on the constitutional changes
The Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Wes Mitchell, in a letter addressed to the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, has asked the leader of the largest opposition party in Macedonia to engage, both publicly and privately, in opening more space for VMRO-DPMNE's MPs to express their free will regarding the constitutional changes in the Parliament.