Mon, 20 January, 2025
Tags Accused

Tag: accused

Executive Committee of VMRO gets smaller: Members under investigation, confiscated passports, and resignations

Out of the 32 members of the Executive Committee of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, there are five members who are under investigation by the Special Prosecutor’s Office- the outgoing president of the party, Nikola Gruevski, former Minister of Health, Nikola Todorov, MP Ilija Dimovski, MP Daniela Rangelova and former Interim Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev. Under investigation by the Public Prosecutor's...

The “Bombs” will be used as evidence in the “Titanic” case led by the SPO, rules the Appellate Court

More than 1,000 wiretapped conversations will be used as evidence in the trial for the “Titanic” case led by the Special Prosecutor's Office, ruled the Appellate Court in Skopje. The decision of the Appellate Court followed yesterday's public session in court, where the appeal was discussed, after the the Criminal Court on October 20th, dismissed the wiretapped conversations, i.e the...

DUI has welcomed the Supreme Court’s decision about the “Monster” case

The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) greeted the Supreme Court's decision for a retrial of the Monster case and ordering the defendants to be released pending trial. "The Prosecution's request including the decision of the judges are all just and in accordance with our expectations and those of the citizens. Even from the start of the investigation and afterward, at...

The Supreme Court freed the defendants in the Monster case and set other measures of precausion

The Supreme court has made a decision where the defendants in the Monster case, which received life in prison sentences, were released from imprisonment. The accused Agim Ismailovikj, Fejzi Aziri, Haki Aziri and Sami Ljuta were ordered other measures of precaution i.e. ban of leaving their residence and to report at least twice a week at the Basic Court...

DUI requests international experts and an all-encompassing investigation about the “Divo Naselje” case

DUI has issued a statement with which it informed that it remains to its stance that "the inclusion of international experts in an all-encompassing investigation for revealing all issues in the case of Kumanovo" after the verdicts were announced today at Basic Court Skopje 1 for the 30 accused persons in the "Divo Naselje" case. "The trial and the...

Kežarovski: I was rotting in a prison cell because of a false witness planted by the secret police

After a decade of trials and several repeated court procedures regarding the case of "Oreshe", the court in Veles gave a freeing verdict for the accused in this case. Journalist Tomislav Kežarovski, who spent a year and nine months in detention because of the "Oreshe" case, has issued a statement on his Facebook profile. "The explanation of the verdict...

The prosecution asks for the annulment of the verdicts and a new trial for the “Monster” case

Today, the Public Prosecutor, Liljana Spasoska, at today’s public session of the “Monster” case in the Supreme Court asked for the annulment of the verdicts of the Criminal and Appellate Courts and the case be returned for a retrial. The Supreme Court in a public session today reviewed the appeals of the six convicts who were given life sentences imposed...

Peshevski and Latas remain without passports, the Appeal court has overruled all of SPO’s appeals

The former VP for Economic Issues, Vladimir Peshevski, who is accused in SPO's the "Trajectory" case will remain without a passport and will be obliged to report to the court once a week. This was the decision of the Appeal court in Skopje after it evaluated SPO's appeals and Peshevski's defense last week. SPO has appealed to the Appeal...

SDSM: Gruevski’s lies are a result of his fear of facing justice

For ten years Nikola Gruevski behaved criminally towards Macedonia and its national and strategic interests, said SDSM’s reaction to VMRO-DPMNE’s leader, Nikola Gruevski “Facebook” status. SDSM said that "Gruevski and his closest associates will be held responsible by the institutions for looting, crime, corruption, personal, professional and family tragedies they inflicted on the citizens of Macedonia." “The lies told by the...

The accused entered Kumanovo “to hold a press conference about the unimplemented Framework Agreement”

The political problems of the Albanians and the unimplemented Ohrid Framework Agreement was the reason Kumanovo armed group arrived in Macedonia and in Divo Naselje, said Sami Ukshini, the prime suspect for the events of the 9th and 10th of May, 2015 at today’s hearing. When the prosecution asked how the group planned to assist in the implementation of the...

Ljudmil Kljusev pleads guilty for the illegal distribution of narcotics

Ljudmil Kljusev, the son of the first Prime Minister to an independent Macedonia, Nikola Kjlusev, stood before District Judge Alvin Thompson in Hartford, USA and pleaded guilty to distributing narcotics outside of the scope of professional practice, and health care fraud, said a statement to "Meta" by the United States Department of Justice. According to court documents and statements made...

Today Zaev’s trial of the “Bribery” case should continue

Today the Criminal Court in Skopje should continue the hearing of the trial on the case "Bribery", in which the leader of the opposition, the SDSM and the Mayor of Strumica, Zoran Zaev stand accused. Zaev, according to the prosecution, is being charged for bribery. Allegedly, the Mayor of Strumica demanded a bribe of 163,924 euros from Strumica businessman Ivan Nikolov...

Tomorrow Hahn will meet the accused, the prosecutors and blacklisted politicians

Johannes Hahn, the European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, is arriving in Skopje tomorrow, and according to the announced agenda, he will be having meetings with the leaders of the four major political parties, signatories to the Pržino Agreement, the Special Prosecutor and representatives from the civil sector. Unlike his previous meetings, what is interesting this time, is...

SPO Submits Evidence Again, And Requests Recusal of Judge

The Special Public Prosecution today again submitted evidence for the case regarding the falsification of documents in connection with the destruction of the equipment used for wiretapping by UBK to the Basic Court Skopje 1, as yesterday the evidence was returned to them as incomplete. The SPO requested a recusal of the judge because there are circumstances that would cause...

SDSM Have Changed Their Rhetoric: “Gruevski, the Suspect” is now “Gruevski, the Accused”

After the announcement that the Special Public Prosecution filed two indictments to the Basic Court Skopje 1, the first indictment for the illegal destruction of documents related to the illegal equipment for wiretapping and the second indictment for violence outside the Municipality of the Centre, the opposition SDSM have changed their rhetoric when referring to the former Prime Minister,...

Today the SPO begin work from their new premises

The Special Prosecutor’s Office from today will officially continue their investigations into the illegal wiretapping from their new premises on Franklin Roosevelt Street. This morning outside the new SPO building an enhanced police present was noticed, which is not typical for the offices of Metropolitan Theodosius Gologanov Boulevard. In the lobby of the building the rate of people employed by the...

Defendants from “Divo Naselje”: There is an Architect behind the tragedy in Kumanovo

The tragedy which happened on May the 9th last year has an architect, and it was all done for money, stated at the lawyer for defendant Deme Shehu in his opening argument at today's hearing in the "Divo Naselje" trial. He added that the group had been in the neighbourhood for six days, and said that nor Albanians nor Macedonians complained...

SJO: Krpač voluntarily came forward as a witness, we know what pressure he was under

The Public Prosecution for offenses related and which arise from the content of the illegal interception of communications (SPO) denies allegations by certain media outlets that they had been putting pressure on the late Kosta Krpač. "We would like to state that the individual, Kosta Krpač came to this public prosecutor's office voluntarily, and during the preliminary hearing he had...

Raufi: Events at Divo Naselje were meant to defocus the public from the “Bombs”

We are convinced that the attack on the checkpoint watchtower in Gosince and the events which took place Divo Naselje, happened because someone wanted to defocus the public from the intercepted audio communications, said lawyer of the accused Naser Raufi, after today's debate on the main events in Kumanovo and May 9-10th last year. In any case, all of the...

Zaev is not going to appear in the courtroom next Monday

The leader of the Social Democrats (SDSM) Zoran Zaev is not going to appear in front of the Criminal court in Skopje on September 7 when the start of the proceedings of the “Putsch” case was scheduled, said for Meta the spokesperson of SDSM Petre Shilegov. There is no backing down from the position which was made clear earlier- commented...