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Day of Albanian Alphabet, 22nd of November, non-working for Albanians in Macedonia

Saturday, 22nd of November, Day of Albanian Alphabet, is a non-working day for the members of the Albanian community in the Republic of Macedonia,...

Deputeti Goran Mileski kërkojë dorëheqjen e drejtorit te spitalit të Manastirit.

Nënkryetari i PLD-së dhe deputeti, Goran Mileski, kërkuan dorëheqjen e drejtorit të spitalit të Manastirit, Vasil Najdovskit. Milevski konsideron se drejtor i...

More than 81 percent of Macedonians desire NATO membership

More than 81 percent of Macedonians desire NATO membership, while only 19 percent are against country’s integration into the North Atlantic Alliance, according to...

Greece to request an additional debts write-off

As a reward for the extensive savings measures, Greece will request additional write-off of the debt. According to Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, his country...

No agreement on EU Budget

After seven hours of negotiations, the governments of the EU member-states and the European Parliament didn’t reach an agreement on the EU Budget for...

Bitola Hospital punishes doctors

Penalties for some of nuclear medicine doctors in Bitola hospital was announced by the management of Bitola clinical hospital after LDP Vice President, Goran...

Last season for 15 euro fines, next year we’ll pay double for winter tires

Since last weekend, the citizens must wear winter gear in their car and have winter tires, otherwise they can be fined with 15 euros....

Students: We don’t need parties, we only have an index

About a thousand students gathered in front of the plateau of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, where the International Day of Students began with...

Exhibition “In the zone” in Chifte Amam

At the National Gallery of Macedonia at Chifte Amam, the exhibition “In the zone” will be opened, on which, the following seven Macedonian artists...

Japan enters recession

Japanese economy unexpectedly entered a recession in the third quarter. Therefore, Prime Minister Shinzō Abe is likely to abandon the infamous VAT increase and...

Maximum speed decreases: Only 50 kilometers per hour in cities!

The maximum speed of vehicles on the roads in urban areas, from the previous 60 kilometers per hour, will be decreased to 50 kilometers...

Community Center for assisting citizens opens

Community Center started working in the Municipality of Centar today. This center is meant to help citizens to actively engage in the work of...

UK must remain in the EU

UK must remain in the EU because it is “an important gateway to the world for European nations”, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel in...

Venizelos: The name dispute won’t be resolved quickly

The head of the Greek diplomacy, Evangelos Venizelos, doesn’t see an opportunity for a solution to the name issue anytime soon. In an interview...

Hundreds march for greater tolerance

Under tight police security, the traditional tolerance march organized by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and the NGO Civil was held today at...

Bitola National Theatre celebrates 70 year anniversary

70 years ago, the first theater performance in Macedonian language was held in the National Theatre in Bitola. The professional theater in Macedonia began...

NLB Bank offers 50,000 euros for denouncing

New Ljubljana Bank (NLB) is offering a reward of 50,000 euros for employees who would report irregularities in the working of their colleagues in...

Retired soldier threatens with a gun in front of the Government of Serbia

A retired lieutenant colonel of the army of Serbia was waving a gun between the main and side entrance of the government building and...

A man in Bitola dies impaled on horns of his bull

Middle-aged Bitola citizen died last night after being attacked by a bull from his own herd. The incident occurred in the Demir Hisar village...

What will be built at the crime scene at Smiljkovo Lake?

After the long delay of the verdict on the case Monster, the court has now delayed the translation of the text of the verdict,...