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Police investigates whether suspects rigged any other festivals

Police called four suspects for questioning under reasonable suspicion of illegally entering the phone voting system for last night’s Skopje Festival, said officials of...
Истражувањето „Бива ли без книшка: вработувања во локалната администрација во Македонија“ го спорведе ЗИП Институт за локална самоуправа и неформално образование

ZIP Institute: Municipalities employ only active party members

Employment in the municipalities are party-related, job advertisements are published only after it is known who would be employed, job interviews are subjective and...

Zaev: Gruevski doesn’t react because he knows that his governing is dirty

The sureness in these evidence and arguments which confirm that there is no freedom and democracy in Macedonia, no free will of the citizens...

Contract for electronic toll collection system signed

The contract for the construction and installation of electronic system for toll collection on Corridor 10 – Highway Aleksandar Makedonski, was signed between the...

No Census In 2015

Census funds are not projected in the draft budget for next year. Neither in the item of the State Statistical Office (SSO), nor at...

Семејното насилство се храни од бавноста и нереагирањето на институциите

Четири убиства, од кои едно двократно и едно трикратно, на кои им претходело семејно насилство, се случиле од мај до ноември годинава, што е...


Nimitz offers name “Upper Republic of Macedonia”

The last official proposal for the name of the United Nations mediator Matthew Nimetz, which was offered to Macedonia and Greece last year, was...

Princess Group builds hotel near the border crossing Bogorodica

Company Princess Group, which four days ago bought building plot near the border crossing Bogorodica, yesterday paid MKD 23.2 million, i.e. EUR 375,000 for...

IMF: Macedonia with higher than average growth in the region

Macedonia will finish the year with growth of around 3.5 percent, which is above the regional average, said representative of IMF mission, Ivanna Vladkova...

Assembly doesn’t establish resignations, opportunity for dialog exists

Assembly began the procedure for revocation of mandates of 31 MPs of the opposition SDSM, who didn’t appear even once in the Assembly within...

Brussels: Demands for resignation of the new President of EC

The pressure on the newly appointed President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, is growing after the discovery of the secret tax deals which...


Editor-in-chief: Goran Rizaov Deputy editor-in-chief: Meri Jordanovska Journalists: Antonija Popovska Goshe Nikolov Sanja Naumovska Borjan Gagovski Antonija Janevska Ivan Stojanovski     About us | Contact Info

Electrical installation failure causes small fire in Government building

Small fire that broke out in the Government building on Ilindenska street in Skopje this morning is localized and caused only minor damage, states...

Procedure for revoking SDSM mandates starts today

Six-month deadline from the verification of the mandates of opposition coalition, led by SDSM, expires today, but 31 of overall 34 MPs didn’t appear...

Police prevents Albanian Top Channel reporters to film a show for Gorna Reka

Reporting crew of Albanian media group Top Channel, composed of several persons, was stopped in Mavrovo for police control, under the excuse that they...