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Peshevski, Samak and Mizo at Business Forum in New York

Economic delegation, led by Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Vladimir Peshevski, comprised of Minister for attracting foreign investments Vele Samak and Director of...

More than 700,000 denars aid for the flooded were collected until now over the phone

Red Cross of the Republic of Macedonia distributed humanitarian aid in flooded areas in Bitola, Prilep, Shtip, Kochani, Strumica, and yesterday afternoon in Kichevo...

Gruevski visited the victims in Novaci

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski visited the flooded areas in the Municipality of Novaci and meet with citizens. During the day, the Prime Minister will...

Three rivers merged and wrecked a bridge near Sveti Nikole

The waters of three rivers merged and wrecked the bridge of Svetinikolska reka that connects settlement Livadishte with Sveti Nikole. After the collapse of...

Quay of Vardar was being salvaged after last night’s rain

Heavy rainfall that swept the Republic of Macedonia yesterday caused an increase in the water level of the river Lepenec, thus increasing the level...

Earthquake in Western Macedonia

Tonight in 2:56 am, an earthquake with an intensity of four degrees on European macro seismic scale was felt in the northwestern parts of...

“Student plenum”: Prime Minister relented, but we are not naive

After long hours of debate and healthy discussion after today’s meeting in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, members of the plenum are...

SDSM Central Board allowed Zaev to publish the “bombs”

Through action "Truth about Macedonia", as of Monday, SDSM will start publishing materials for criminal conduct of the Government. Members of SDSM Central Board authorized...

Government to postpone application of the amendments to the Law on Higher Education

The application of recent amendments to the Law on Higher Education, including the implementation of the state exam, will be postponed for a year,...

U.S. Embassy: We urge authorities to provide a clear legal justification for the February 3 statement

U.S. Embassy today issue a statement about the Public Prosecutor's Office statement on that role of the media in "presenting information that is in the...

Shekerinska: The international community is becoming louder in its condemnation of the Government

"The international community is becoming louder in its condemnation of the Government, which by pressure, threats and manipulated cases, wants to save itself from...

Government to request the withdrawal of the Law on Higher Education at the Assembly

We got a promise from Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski that the adopted amendments to the Law on Higher Education will be stopped at the...

Gruevski and the crisis: Who is managing whom?

Between floods and "bomb" threats of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski today "suddenly" called representatives of the "Student plenum" to a...

Government relented, state exam is postponed, students are making decisions

State exam for students will be postponed for a year, while the other amendments to the Law on Higher Education to be postponed for...

Greece to introduce a special tax for the rich

The new Greek Government is preparing reforms of the tax system, which will introduce a special "tax on large estates" (TLE). As "Greek Reporter"...

Freelancers recommend: See you again on Friday the 13th!

Hundreds of freelance workers gathered today in front of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy to apply for access to public information and...

Zaev for BIRN: If the “bomb” fails, I will leave

The evidence and material from the "bomb" that opposition leader is announcing will begin to become public from the beginning of next week, says...

“We will change Europe”: Greeks support Tsipras on the squares

Thousands of Greek citizens gathered on the central square in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patras and other cities throughout Greece to support the government. This is...

European Socialists on a “crisis meeting” with Shekerinska in Brussels

Vice-President of SDSM Radmila Shekerinska today in Brussels met with representatives of its sister party in the European Parliament (EP), the group of social-democrats...

Freelancers to protest tomorrow at 11 am

Tomorrow, at 11 am, the protest of freelancers will be held in front of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. According to event...