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LDP demands irrevocable resignation Todorov

Liberal Democratic Party is demanding irrevocable resignation of Health Minister Nikola Todorov because of the death of young Tamara from Veles. Party expressed condolences...

Kotevski: MOI hasn’t received any criminal charges

MOI didn’t even hear and doesn’t know anything about the press conference of opposition leader Zoran Zaev, on which recordings of politicians from the...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev wants to defocus the public from the real issues

Within their legal and constitutional responsibilities, institutions should determine all the facts and circumstances, as well as motives and goals of the inspirers, supporters...

“Bomb” slows down Internet, brings 25 cameras and live “tweets”

Social network Twitter was the fastest medium through which the details from the press conference of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev were presented. Several users...

Kocijančič after Zaev’s press conference: EU is concerned about the developments in Macedonia

Through Maja Kocijančič, spokeswoman of Federica Mogherini, head of European diplomacy, the EU gave a brief comment on the press conference of the opposition...

Zaev: Officials and opposition members were tapped

Zaev published recorded conversations between journalists with opposition leader Zoran Zaev, his conversations with friends and with his daughter, conversation between Interior Minister Gordana...

Prime Minister Gruevski met with Croatian Defense Minister Kotromanovik

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski met with the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, Ante Kotromanovik. At the meeting, the excellent relations between the...

Zaev published tapped conversations of politicians, journalists, businessmen

At today’s press conference, SDSM leader Zoran Zaev announced that he has materials for tapping of more than 20,000 citizens. He presented the recordings to...

“Puch” showed that our services were faulty: Who didn’t do his job?

Opposition leader Zoran Zaev published part of the long-heralded "bomb", presenting tapped conversations of politicians, ministers, journalists and businessmen. He pointed Prime Minister Nikola...

Little Tamara from Veles died, who will bear the responsibility ?

This morning, about 6 am, with no signs of life, Tamara from Veles was taken to the Veles general hospital, reports "Telegraf". The reason...

Businessmen welcomed, while freelancers rejected amendments

Signers of Solidarity Charter for protection of workers' rights reject the announced amendments to the laws for contributions for part-time work. UPOZ union, the...

New peace plan for Ukraine is being prepared

French and German diplomats are actively preparing summit in Minsk with the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, hoping to end the bloody conflict in...

Tsipras: We should negotiate the name in the UN

The new Greek Government will continue to maintain the existing national Greek red line regarding the name dispute. As he presented the government's program,...

Two more arrested in action “Puch”

Two people were arrested this afternoon in the continuation of the action "Puch". According to information from the Ministry of Interior, one of the...

VMRO-DPMNE: SDSM falls harder after every destructiveness

SDSM can continue dealing with their quisling policies contrary to the interests of citizens and manipulation with manipulated affairs, reads the statement of VMRO-DPMNE...

Ivanov: International law should be respected for Macedonia as well

The general assessment is that there is a huge concern, above all, for the situation in Ukraine. It brings a lot of emotions, as...

Shilegov: Gruevski is in panic

The capitulation of the Government for the wrong policies of Nikola Gruevski and few around him, with which they ruined state system, started. Every...

Law on freelancers to be amended

Parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE will submit a proposal for amending the Law on contributions for compulsory social insurance to the Assembly. The latest amendments to...

Vranishkovski visits Russian Patriarch g.g. Cyril

At the invitation of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia g.g. Cyril, as of today, Jovan Vranishkovski stays in St. Petersburg. He will be...

Floods are withdrawing, but caused falling rocks on the roads

Last night, floodwater in Kumanovo region caused the overflow of the river basins of rivrs Kumanovka, Kojnarka and Pchinja and the water flooded few...