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Journalists are appalled by the tapping

As SDSM leader Zoran Zaev announced at today’s press conference, most monitored journalist in Macedonia from the Security and Intelligence Service was the owner...

Stanishev: The crisis threatens EU integration of Macedonia

European Socialists believe that the beginning of negotiations for Macedonia's membership in the EU can have a positive impact on the country and give...

MOI: Zaev’s document are a lie, UBK never monitored journalists illegally

Ministry of Interior released a statement responding to today's press conference of the SDSM leader, saying that the documents presented today by Zaev concerning...

Gruevski felt threatened because a foreign service was tapping

Today, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, immediately after opposition leader Zoran Zaev, held a press conference to discuss the case "Puch" and answered journalists' questions. He...

One of the defendants in “Puch” sentenced to three years in prison

Basic Court Skopje 1 today passed a final judgment against Z.K., one of the defendants in the case "Puch", after the draft agreement submitted...

Zaev: Relationship UBK – media was direct

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev today announced the fourth "bomb", audio recordings of tapped conversations. According to him, these conversations demonstrate the direct relationship between UBK...

Zaev: Nikola Mladenov was the most monitored reporter

SDSM leader Zaev released an audio recording of a conversation between Latas and director of UBK Sasho Mijalkov, in which they talk about the...

Greeks in the US request Kerry to block Macedonia in NATO

Greek Pan-Macedonian Association in USA sent a letter to US Secretary of State John Kerry, with which it appeals to him not make effort...

Doctors defend Parnadzhieva, the Government to decide on the resignation

Association of Private Practitioners of Macedonia does not agree with the decision of Maja Parnadzhieva-Zmejkova, Director of the Health Insurance Fund, who today resigned....

Will Parnadzhieva and Mehazi initiate other resignations?

Directors of HIF Maja Parnadzhieva-Zmejkova and Xhemaili Mehazi today resigned from their functions - one before and the other after the protest for Tamara. Both...

SDSM: Employees of the administration are working on social networks on orders of VMRO-DPMNE

After the published recordings of wiretapping, fixing judges and abusing in mounted processes, Municipal Committee of VMRO-DPMNE went on unscrupulous battle to conquer the...

Tamara’s mother: God will judge you all

With tears in their eyes and red cards in their hands, parents of young Tamara Dimovska today led a column of several hundred citizens...

Economic director of HIF also submitted his resignation

The other director of HIF Xhemali Mehazi also submitted his resignation today, reported television "Alsat M". Mehazi explained that resignation gives as an act of...

Zaev testified before the prosecution for his criminal charges, he is not yet summoned for “Puch”

The statement of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev in front of the competent public prosecutor in connection with the criminal charges that SDSM filed against...

Maja Parnadzhieva-Zmejkova resigns: I’m not a heartless bureaucrat

Maja Parnadzhieva-Zmejkova, director of the Health Insurance Fund, today resign from office. She explained that the resignation is of human reasons. - I am a...

Mijalkov can make arrests and that’s the problem…

Sasho Mijalkov told Dragan Pavlovik-Latas on the audio recording of a phone conversation: "What did I tell you that I will start making arrests on...

“YouTube” contest: Bombs lead before the secret meetings!

Press conference of SDSM leader Zoran Zaev for the third part of the "bomb" has nearly 225,000 hits on "YouTube" for three days. The...

Gjorgjiev: Postponing the meeting between Gruevski and Juncker is a joint decision

We are in constant communication with European officials, stated government spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgjiev for META news agency after European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker canceled...

SDSM: Gruevski is isolated by international authorities

"Nikola Gruevski is politically isolated by international authorities. The last strong message came from President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, who today canceled...

Harsh reactions from Brussels: Juncker didn’t met Gruevski because of the crisis

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has canceled the meeting with Prime Minister Gruevski that was to be held in Brussels on Thursday. Juncker spokeswoman Mina...