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“MIT Technology Review” reviews a study of Macedonian scientists

Student Verica Lazova and her professor Lasko Basnarkov from the Faculty of Information Science and Computer Engineering (FINKI) found a new way to harness...

DPA and DUI blocked the Law on Identity Cards

DUI and DPA today opposed the adoption of amendments to the Law on Identity Cards and residence. - We will not vote on these laws....

SEC was not responsible for SDSM’s complaint for election irregularities

State Election Commission declared itself as improper to discuss the complaint of election irregularities received by the opposition SDSM. According to Nikola Rilkovski, SEC chairman,...

Court of Appeal annulled the verdict for Dejan Stavrik and returned the case for retrial

Court of Appeal annulled the first instance verdict of the eye surgeon Dejan Stavrik, who was sentenced to a year of prison because he...

Prosecution gathered evidence for the scandal “Actor” a whole year

Public Prosecution for prosecution of organized crime and corruption gathers evidence for the case "Actor", which in March last year, at a press conference,...

Gruevski’s eight steps to the parcel on Vodno

SDSM leader Zoran Zaev, at yesterday's press conference, announced new tapped conversations, which, he said, reveal the true face of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. According...

Kocijanchik: Accession dialogue between the EU and Macedonia is not frozen!

Accession high-level dialogue (HLAD) between Macedonia and the EU continues on a technical level, says the European Commission after the reports of Macedonian media...

VMRO-DPMNE: Zaev continues to publish created, cut and assembled materials

Zoran Zaev continues to implement his destructive scenario and continues to publish created, cut and assembled materials without the support of the citizens. Allegations...

SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE in Brussels stand behind their positions

Today in the European Parliament (EP), where she participated on a seminar on political dialogue in the Balkan parliaments, Radmila Shekerinska stated that it...

Twitter reactions to Gruevski’s sarcasm

Many vitriolic reactions to the sarcastic laughing of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski who, on the recordings presented by Zoran Zaev today, openly rejoice for...

Zaev: Green belt on Vodno became a property of a company from Belize

Opposition leader Zoran Zaev published the thirteenth "bomb" at today’s press conference at the headquarters of SDSM. He presented recordings of the conversations between...

“Meta” at “Actor”: Nobody knows anything, nobody heard anything, they all work

Construction workers of "Actor", the company that builds the highway Demir Kapija - Smokvica, never heard of the corruption scandal that shook the company,...

Shekerinska and Miloshoski on a debate in Brussels

Radmila Shekerinska and Lidija Dimova from SDSM and Antonio Miloshoski from the ruling majority, today afternoon at the European Parliament in Brussels, will attend...

Kodzias informed Steinmeier on proposal for measures of confidence

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kodzias, a day before the Tsipras’ visit to Berlin, had a three-hour long meeting with his German counterpart Frank Walter...

“Civil” supported the idea of a referendum on the appearance of the facade of the GTC

NGO "Civil" today released a statement in which it fully supports the initiative for a referendum on the appearance of the facade of City...

Teachers and professors protested against educational reforms

Teachers and professors from several primary and secondary schools in Macedonia today protested in front of the Ministry of Education and Science against the...

Gruevski admitted that he negotiated the name and tried to defuse the “bomb”?

In his speech at the gathering in Bitola, VMRO-DPMNE leader and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski made an effort to exempt from a possible...

Zijadin Sela elected new President of DPA

Reform Movement of DPA chose Struga Mayor Zijadin Sela as party president, at, according to them, the sixth regular congress, held this afternoon in...

Shekerinska for “Channel 77”: There is not a single recorded conversation between Gruevski and Mijalkov!

Vice president of SDSM Radmila Shekerinska, during her appearance in "Channel 77" in the show "Stadion," said that one of the proofs who bugged...

Gruevski in Bitola: Zaev turned the country into a reality show for foreign onlookers and profiteers

Zoran Zaev and SDSM turned our country into a vulgar reality show, which entertained foreign onlookers and profiteers from abroad. This is how VMRO-DPMNE...