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Diplomats requested from Ivanov to mediate or ask for help from the EU, not only spectate

Representatives of the European Union, OSCE, NATO and the United States appealed to the Macedonian President Gjorgje Ivanov to get seriously involved in resolving...

Judge from the recordings, Sofija Lalichik, is rated “very good”

Since becoming a judge in the Criminal Court at the end of 2012, judge Sofija Lalichik finished a total of 525 cases. In the audio...

VMRO-DPMNE faster than SDSM with a debate in Bitola

Before announced "bombs" of Zaev to explode for the alleged electoral fraud and crimes of local dignitaries in the city under mountain Pelister, VMRO-DPMNE...

SDSM requests respect for the laws by “Deutsche Telekom” and “Magyar Telekom”

Social Democratic Union of Macedonia informed companies "Deutsche Telekom" and "Magyar Telekom" in written for the developments in Macedonia, in terms of the potential...

Everybody sues – a slew of criminal charges in Macedonia

The situation in Macedonia, which some refer to as political crisis, sparked a slew of criminal charges, especially against and for politicians, public figures...

Caravan of VMRO-DPMNE starts tomorrow with national gathering in Bitola

VMRO-DPMNE tomorrow in Bitola, 1 pm, in the sports hall "Mladost", will hold a national gathering, which will be the beginning of the caravan...

Shekerinska: Ivanov’s silence is expected and shameful

"Ivanov’s silence is expected and shameful silence Ivanov," says vice president of SDSM Radmila Shekerinska to the question of how she interprets the behavior...

MANU: Overcoming the crisis is the duty and responsibility of politicians

Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts is extremely concerned by the deepening crisis in the country. The academy believes that the political crisis threatens...

Annual report of the Helsinki Committee: Wiretapping, freelancers, students…

The act of mass tapping is a violation of human rights of the highest degree and absolute abuse of the possibility of interception of...

“Bombs” of PCER will explode in front of the Government, there is no money for streaming

Party for total emancipation of Roma (PCER) tomorrow at 11.30 am will hold a peaceful protest march which will start from the parking lot...

Ahmeti and Ambassador Petkov discussed the current political situation in Macedonia

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti today in Tetovo discussed the current political situation in the country, the need for cooperation between our two countries, Euro-Atlantic...

EU to fight “Russian disinformation”

Twenty-eight EU member states jointly decided to oppose the "Russian disinformation," said the President of the European Council Donald Tusk at a press conference. It's...

Foreigners rush to visit and react on the crisis in Macedonia

High Commissioner for Human Rights Council expressed deep concern because of the political impasse in Macedonia and its impact on human rights. Such...

VMRO-DPMNE: Constructions and creations won’t save Zaev from himself

"Zoran Zaev is burdened with the investigation proceedings against him for criminal and illegal conduct, so he continues to work in favor of foreign...

The march of Shtip high school students sabotaged

Shtip high school students didn’t hold today’s announced protest against external testing and reforms in secondary education because, according to the claims of some...

Zaev: Gruevski, Mijalkov and Jankuloska wrecked the judicial system

What happened in Macedonia, impertinent and unacceptable arbitrariness of Nikola Gruevski, his cousin Sasho Mijalkov and several supporters, wrecked the judicial system, said SDSM...

High school students marched against external testing

High school students from several schools in Skopje, through march, asked external testing to be stopped and mathematics not to be a mandatory subject...

Parents of Tamara from Veles are jobless

Parents of young Tamara Dimovska from Veles, who died at the beginning of last month, for are jobless for several months now. Tamara's mother Zhaklina...

Ivanov met with the ambassadors of the US, EU, OSCE and a NATO official

President Ivanov today met Jess Bailey, Ambassador of the United States, Aivo Orav, Head of the Delegation of the European Union, Marian Bertzi, representative...

Gruevski – Daul: Opposition to return to the Assembly

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski met with the head of the largest European People's Party (EPP) Joseph Daul. - I informed Daul about the situation in...