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“Amsterdam Three” to establish a civic movement called “There is a future”

"Amsterdam Three", i.e. Vladimir Lazarevik, Nikola Dimitrov and Pero Dimshoski, awaiting the 15th congress of VMRO-DPMNE, announced the formation of a civic movement called...

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“Bomb” from Kavadarci: VMRO-DPMNE forces employees to vote

At today’s press conference, president of the municipal organization of SDSM from Kavadarci Zoran Gjorgjiev announced conversation between Mile Janakieski and Aleksandar Panov, mayor...

Hoyt Yee repeated the appeal case “Puch” to be clarified

US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Hoyt Yee reiterated the appeal to the Macedonian authorities to deal with the wiretapping case, as well as...

Informal economy is 30 percent, young most affected

The informal economy in Macedonia is 30 percent. Tourism, catering industry, shoe industry, the media are branches where it is most prevalent. The most...

Macedonia punished in Strasbourg for the case of former judge Mitrinovski

This morning, the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled on the case "Mitrinovski against Macedonia," in which the state is guilty of a...

SDSM: When we come to power, we will restore control on UBK and MOI

"Our requirements as an opposition will be solutions as a Government," said SDSM spokesman Petre Shilegov to the question of META about how they...

Peter Verheijen: Government must protect informers

The conclusion of today's debate titled "Protecting informers through institutional system in Macedonia" organized by "Transparency International", supported by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in...

Macedonia last on the Balkans in media freedom

Macedonia has the worst result on the Balkans in terms of media freedom, reported "Freedom House" in the latest report on media freedom. "The new...

“Kathimerini”: The reactions of Germany and the United States announce Gruevski’s political end

Diplomatic reaction of the ambassadors of Germany and the United States in Skopje and request for the resignation of the Macedonian government has not...

Congress of VMRO-DPMNE was rescheduled due to strategic and security reasons?

Congress of VMRO-DPMNE, which was originally announced for 9th of May, was rescheduled one week earlier "due to strategic and security reasons," learns META. VMRO-DPMNE...

Jankuloska for “Monster”: The cameras are ready, but will we be done with the murder?

"Unfortunately, when the revolting murder happened, the cameras were not operational and we couldn’t count on such a powerful technological tool for uncovering the...

First published communication for “Monster”

We are publishing transcripts of conversations released by SDSM leader Zoran Zaev at today’s press conference which suggests that it is a communication related...

New “bomb” of Zaev: Here’s evidence that Mijalkov and Gruevski wiretapped for years

SDSM today released new recordings of tapped conversations. SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said that it is evidence for the wiretapping. Zaev said that all...

The requirements of high school students to be discussed on government session

Negotiations between "High school plenum" and the Ministry of Education and Science will continue, and the demands of high school students will be debated...

NNHT: Tendentious attacks are not disturbing the public order and peace

Acts of hatred cannot only be disturbing the public peace and order, reads a statement of the National Network Against Homophobia and Transphobia, issued...

Seven politically shocking days

It appears that events in Macedonia became more frequent and severe in the last week. Within a short time, we had a series of...

Congress of VMRO-DPMNE in Kumanovo on 2nd and 3rd of May

Fifteenth party congress of VMRO-DPMNE will be held in Kumanovo on 2nd and 3rd of May, and it will be attended by 560 delegates...

Jankuloska for the action in Brest: We have a pretty serious situation

The police seized two rifles, two sniper rifles, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, two radio stations and camouflage uniform with insignia of UCK in...

Activist request GTC to be declared as cultural heritage

Even after the failed referendum, activists of the initiative "I love GTC" are not giving up the fight. They plan a series of activities to...