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Suspects in the murder of Komandant Shkiponja detained

The two suspects in the murder of Dzemail Redzepi, also known as Komandant Shkiponja, will be detained in the next 30 days. The suspects...

Hahn warns: The Agreement from Przhino has be implemented in its entirety and without delay

“Allow me to be cristally clear: the European Union didn’t mediate for short-term stability. Our goal is to help the country on its Euro-Atlantic...

UN: Macedonian authorities to inform all who were wiretapped

In the latest report released yesterday on the human rights situation in Macedonia, the United Nations Human Rights Committee demands from the authorities in...

The intensified communication between Athens and Skopje will not stop despite the political situation in Greece

Despite the political turmoil in Greece, its Ministry of foreign affairs is planning to continue to intensify the policy of proactive cooperation with Macedonia,...

Two in custody after yesterday’s shooting in Kumanovo

Two persons have been taken into custody and several other called to give statements regarding the shooting yesterday in the coffee bar Shpija Jon...

The Prosecutor’s office continues the investigation in Kumanovo’s Diva Naselba

The Prosecutor who is responsible for organized crime and corruption reported today from the Primary Public Prosecutor’s office that they have brought in evidence...

One killed and one injured in a shooting in Kumanovo

At least two people were shot today around 3:30 PM, in the Beginje neighborhood in Kumanovo, was confirmed by the Kumanovo police department. The police...

MVR entered an agreement to recognize driver’s licenses of five more countries

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVR) reported it concluded contracts for reciprocal recognition of driver’s licenses between Macedonia and Italy, Spain, Albania, Serbia and...

Dimovski: The Public Prosecutor and the courts and independent

“Yesterday’s meeting of the Action group was number seven. At the previous meetings, SDSM representatives would show up and immediately leave or they didn’t...

SDSM: Zvrleski lacks the moral and professional integrity and credibility to make decisions

The tapped phone conversations and their contents are under the authority of the special public prosecutor. He or she will be the only person...

The National Assembly will discuss the budget rebalance

The new budget figures for 2015 that the Government adopted this Friday will be topic of discussion in the National Assembly. The discussion will be...

Shekerinska: The Prosecutor’s Report is missing one name- that of Nikola Gruevski

The Report that came from the Prosecutor makes it obvious that they never intended to investigate the criminal acts in an honest and independent...

Greek Parliament votes for a second package of austerity measures; New blow to Syriza and Tsipras

The new priority measures for Greece have the adopted, however Alexis Tsipras did not get the support for his demands for a broader support...

The Action group had its first meeting in Przhino, described as informal and informative

The first meeting of the Action group lasted about two hours. The group consisted of representatives of the four largest political parties and OSCE...

The Law that stops the Lustration process passed its first reading in the National Assembly

The proposed Bill for a Law that would end the lustration process, otherwise titled Law for providing conditions that limit the fulfilling of public...

The Public Prosecutor’s office announced details from their inquiry into the opposition’s “Bombs”

The Office of the Public Prosecutor released a reaction to the allegations that it is regarding in a biased manner the “bombs” that the...

SDSM: The propaganda continues with disgusting and inappropriate postings

To abuse a photo of a fourteen year old girl is a disgusting move that crosses the boundaries of what is normal, is the...

ZNM: Attacks over journalists are orchestrated and the institutions are complacent

The Association of Journalists in Macedonia (ZNM) has registered in the last four years, more than 20 threats and physical attacks over journalists and...

Blood, hypocrisy, insults and pessimism: Where is the spirit of Przhino?

The brutal and undiplomatic attitude in the talks and negotiations between the Government and the opposition, which began in the residence of the EU...

The Action group will try to assemble again, today

The large political parties will send two representatives each in an effort to meet and begin the implementation of the Przhino Agreement. On the first...