In the latest report released yesterday on the human rights situation in Macedonia, the United Nations Human Rights Committee demands from the authorities in the country to inform all citizens who have been targets of illegal wiretapping, so they are encouraged to use the legal mechanisms in order to counter the violations against the freedom of expression and privacy.
“The state should take all necessary measures to ensure that its monitoring activities are in accordance with the obligations stated in international (documents) agreements, in particular, it should take measures to ensure that any interference in the right to privacy is in accordance with the principles of legality, proportionality and necessity. Аlso needs to ensure that persons/people who have been illegally monitored, are systematically informed about the incidence of phone tapping and that they have access to appropriate remedies “, says in the conclusion of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.
The conclusions of the report also are highlighted concerns about police brutality and excessive use of force by the services in charge of law enforcement.
In the report are noted allegations of selective allocation of public money to the media and the lack of “independent operation of the Agency Council for audio and audiovisual media services, according to the reports that is due to the appointment of members of the council by the Government.
“In the Committee there is a further concern over reports that journalists are a constant target of surveillance, threats, attacks and arrests,”stays in the conclusions of the Committee.
The United Nations Human Rights Committee is comprised of 18 independent experts who monitor the exercise of the rights and freedom guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in all member states of the UN.