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Spasovski: For SDSM the Przhino Agreement is no longer active

The decision of the Council of Public Prosecutors today breached the Przino Agreement and the Special Prosecutor's Office, said SDSM Secretary General Oliver Spasovski...

Vanhoutte: Parties on the right track to reach an agreement on the electoral law

Belgian expert Peter Vanhoutte said that the parties were on the right track to reach an agreement on the electoral law, where he expressed...

Zvrlevski : Special Prosecutor’s Office is a political prosecution

The State Attorney General Marko Zvrlevski after the session of the Council of Public Prosecutors said that the Prosecutors are in very poor condition. He...

Janeva asked for 14 Prosecutors, and only got seven

The Council of Public Prosecutors, after three hours of debate, today decided approve only half of Katica Janeva's team, instead of the proposed 14....

The law for the Special Prosecutor at the constitutional court?

The Constitutional Court of Macedonia received an initiative to assess the constitutionality of the Law on Special Prosecution "Alsat M" learnt from unofficial sources. The...

Ivo Vajgl arrives in Macedonia tomorrow

European Member of Parliament, Ivo Vajgl, who is the rapporteur for Macedonia in the European Parliament and the mediator in the negotiations between VMRO-DPMNE...

Council of Public Prosecutors debate Janeva’s team behind closed doors

The session between he Council of Public Prosecutors to debate and decide on the proposals of the special prosecutor team Katica Janeva 14 prosecutors...

Prosecutors counter Katica Janeva: Special Prosecutor’s Office is unconstitutional

Prosecutors who yesterday attended a meeting with the Attorney General, Marko Zvrlevski, among other things, expressed dissatisfaction with the adoption of the Law on...

Peter Vanhoutte: This is not a war, parties have to make a compromise

In the afternoon Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte while negotiations were still ongoing, on the issue of electoral legislation, he told the parties that they...

Kocijancic: Progress on election regulations and the SEC must be achieved urgently

  "The Commissioner is closely monitoring the implementation of the political agreement in Skopje. He is up to date with the obstructions of the decision...

Deadlines which are not being met, affect negotiations, the media and the Provisional Government

Political parties negotiating over the Przhino Agreement have hit a dead end, but haven't met the deadline for the electoral legislation, which was to...

US and EU: It is essential that the Council of Public Prosecutors confirm the names of Janeva’s team

The Embassy of the United States and the European Union Delegation in Skopje welcome the progress made so far regarding the implementation of the...

Still no agreement over electoral law as negotiations continue

Negotiations between the working groups of the parties signatory to the Przhino Agreement and Peter Vanhoutte lasted late into the night, and at 2:30...

Zaev is meeting with the Deputy Head of Mossad and Interior Minister to Israel

The leader of SDSM Zoran Zaev, who is visiting Israel, today is to meet with the Deputy Director of the Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad,...

Zaev met with Israeli President in Jerusalem

The leader of SDSM Zoran Zaev, today met with the President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin where they discussed the progress of cooperation between the...

Awards announced at the World Summit on digital content and innovative applications

The World Summit Award (WSA) is a global initiative that aims to select and promote the world's best digital content and innovative applications within...

Meeting has finally begun over the electoral legislative agreement

The meeting between working groups, finally began between all signatories to the Przhino Agreement. Discussions over the Diaspora vote, and the responsibilities of the...

EU and US are demanding the name dispute to resolved as soon as possible, Kotzias has “new and brave”...

The Head of Greek Diplomacy, Nikos Kotzias is preparing bold new moves and initiatives in the negotiations to resolve the name dispute. Greek newspaper...

New meeting is scheduled for today for working groups over the electoral legislative

After a three day break, a meeting was again scheduled today at 13.30 pm for the working groups, signatories to the Przhino Agreement learns "Meta". Mediator,...

Gruevski: The opposition are trying to undermine the negotiations to postpone elections

In an interview with TV “Sitel”, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski tonight announced the construction of a new student dormitory in Skopje, he also announced...