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Besimi: Macedonia may loose its recommendation if it fails to implement the Przhino Agreement

Macedonia can not get a date to start accession negotiations with the EU if it does not implement the Przhino Agreement, said Vice Prime...

Zaev: Today the electoral law will be finalised

Negotiations on the electoral law will come to a finish today, and from tomorrow the matter of  the state of media and changes in MRTV...

ISIS and extreme leftist militants are latest suspects for Ankara bombing

Turkish intelligence officials have failed so far to identify the perpetrators of the terrorist attack on the pro-Kurdish Peace march in Ankara, which killed nearly...

Turkey declares three days of mourning – 86 dead and over 190 injured in attack on Ankara

  The death toll now stands at Eighty-six dead and over 190 injured from the terrorist attack in Ankara. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu declared three...

Zaev: SDSM are fighting for the constitutional right and equality to vote for the Diaspora

SDSM is not against the Diaspora vote, but are fighting for their constitutional right and equality to vote, said the leader of the opposition,...

Todorov: SDSM wants the Diaspora to vote, but without their own MP

The main problem of the working groups of the political parties who are signatories to the Przhino Agreement is SDSM insisting that the Diaspora...

Veljanoski: Political differences must vanish before important state issues

The President of Parliament Trajko Veljanoski, in his speech at an official ceremony on the occasion of October the 11th - a public holiday,...

An aggregator with video content will help teachers and students across the country

Today the Ministry of Education and Science has launched an aggregator of video content at where one can find presentations of the educational...

Turkey: 30 dead and 126 injured in attack in Ankara

Thirty dead and 126 injured are the latest numbers from today's explosion in Ankara, announced the Turkish Ministry of Interior. According to investigators, the explosions were...

Zaev meets with the people of Prilep

Today the President of SDSM Zoran Zaev is visiting Prilep. He first met with businessmen from Prilep, which focused on economic facilities the city...

Will there finally be an agreement on electoral laws tomorrow?

Yesterday political parties still came no closer to agreeing on talks related to the election laws. After meeting with Belgian facilitator Peter Vanhoutte, leaders...

“Sahara Group” will be reconstructing the “Slavija” Hotel” in Ohrid

Ohrid will be getting a new luxury hotel after the group "Sahara" in a statement today said that initial preparations for the reconstruction of...

Peter Vanhoutte: I am an optimist

The Bilateral meeting with MP Artan Grubi from DUI, and Belgian facilitator, Peter Vanhoutte came to an end. They both declined to make a statement,...

Talat Xhaferi: It is the right of the Media if they eliminate wiretapped materials

“The law prohibiting the publication and distribution of the materials which were a result of unlawful wire-tapping of communications, I submitted it for parliamentary...

Peter Vanhoutte has bilateral meetings with all parties in Parliament

Belgian expert Peter Vanhoutte, who is one of the facilitators in the negotiations of the working groups to the parties to the Przhino Agreement, today...

Special prosecutor Janeva has submitted business, personal and financial plans

The Public Prosecution Office for offences related to the contents of the unauthorized interception of communications have submitted a general business, personal and financial...

European Commission implores parties to adopt the electoral law as soon as possible

The European Commission does not want to comment on whether they will become more actively involved in addressing the new stalemate in negotiations which...

Only bilateral meetings today, an uncertain re-stablishment of negotiations

“Meta” sources from within the working groups have said that the working group is scheduled to meet only if bilateral meetings with international representatives...

A new attempt today to coordinate the different positions of the electoral legislation

After a day off at the MP's Clubhouse, today talks are expected to continue on the electoral legislation and electoral register. As announced yesterday by...

EU and US urge parties to agree on the electoral law today

The EU mission in Macedonia and the US Embassy issued a joint statement in response to the missing of the deadline for agreeing on...